Search results

  1. L

    What's up with .ram files ?

    I can't open 'em. Get some error = "unsupported format" or sumpin or nuther. Running MediaPlayer 7 ... what's up? & thanks
  2. L

    Man Barricades Himself In His Own Home - another stand-off

    Late-breaking ... film at 11 "July 31, 2001 Lovingston, Colorado What started out as one man’s desire to be left alone has escalated into a police SWAT standoff at a local residence and national protest. Benjamin J. Adams finally had enough of the way the country was heading and decided not...
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    Why a grip safety on 1911 ?

    Posted here for the diversity. I've only shot 1991 style pistols perhaps 1/2 dozen times so don't have much familiarity with 'em. I do ccw a BHP daily. For a military pistol, I'd guess the grip safety makes some sense in that quite a few who aren't very familiar would be using/carrying it...
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    back to the high road

    Seems like every few months we here at TFL go through a bit of a morphing. I've noticed lately that posts contain more invective, more personal attacks - profanity creeps in a bit more. Conversations regarding LEO tactics get a bit more heated. A bit more chest-thumping re who is the most...
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    One more Dillon 550 question

    Got it, set it up (directions could have been a bit better - but no biggies) & loaded some 9MM. Very pleased. Question is any easy(ier) way to empty the powder hopper? Only thing I could see was to unscrew the 2X collet screws (at the top of the powder die) & pull the whole top off. Am I...
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    Squeeze, Baby, Squeeze

    In demise of the "CAGE thread," here ya go ... Squeeze, Baby, Squeeze by Patricia Neill "I don’t care what you call yourselves, communists or fascists, Democrats or Republicans, Congressmen or Presidents, judges or lawyers, feudal Lords or Monarchs, Multinational Corporations, Friends of the...
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    .45 Colt & Contender 45/.410 bbl - longer 45 brass ?

    Been diggin' a bit into this & seems that people get less than acceptable accuracy using 45 Colts in a TC 45/.410 barrel. The chambers are extremely long to allow for the .410 shotshell round & the bullet jump from brass to rifling seems to be the main culprit. Seems that using longer brass...
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    Neighbor's rifle - what's he got?

    Neighbor just brought a rifle over .... "Mauser Modelo Argentino 1891 Deutsche Waffen - Und Munitionsfabriken Berlin" ... on the left side of receiver. No caliber designation anywhere that I can see. S/N = U9XXX What's he got? Any idea when it was made...
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    ? re signature line ....

    Can't seem to turn mine off except by manually each time I post. Just as soon stick it in only when I feel like it & not invoke the "don't use it" option every time. Methinks I'm doing something not quite right - any pointers? thanks,
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    (CO) 2X as likey to be turned down re Brady checks

    From an e-mail FYI from CO-RKBA ... CO apparently brags about how they've got "more information" (through CBI & "deny on arrest" rather than conviction) on it's citizens than does FBI. Problem is ~41,880 applied for purchase. Out of the 2095 (5%) refused, 1785 appealed & received "permission"...
  11. L

    TFL just take a nosedive?

    Wot just happened? Started gettin'' these "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /forums/forumdisplay.php on this server. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache/1.3.19 Server at Port 80" errors. I'll be good...
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    yet another question re Dillon 550 - (I did do a search - honest)

    I swear I did & even read all 8 pages of posts that came up on a "dillon 550" search. I did do my homework .... honest. Was showing The Wife all the nifty </sarcasm off> steps of doing her .38/.357 reloads on a Rockchucker. After close to 38 years of reloading solely with a single-staged...
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    "Good Intentions Gone Awry" - Oregon Legislature goes bonkos

    Just absolutely too funny! Heard some rumblings about this yesterday, but just received an e-mail, ran it down some & laughed till I cried. To start this off, you really ought to read Tom's original spoof article here which is rather quite well done. It will set the stage ... (Tom's a very...
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    (CO) firearms related statutes compiled & on-line

    CO's GOA affiliate, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners home page has just uploaded a compilation of Colorado firearms-related statutes. If you can't leverage off of the main page's June 25 announcement, click here to go straight on ... An extensive compilation, loading takes just a few. Well worth it...
  15. L

    another using html coding tags ....

    Why is it that I don't get italisized words when I do the <i>italicized</i> coding in my posts .... ? What am I doing wrong? Thought I had all the cool html-type stuff turned on in my personal pref-thing ....
  16. L

    Lee "pound 'em through" shotgun dies in .410?

    Having taken up a bit of recent interest in a Contender .410/.45 (long) Colt) 14" Contender barrel, I do not want to go through the expense of buying factory .410 shotgun shells, but would like to have a few on hand to play around with at times. I'd rather not go through any expense of buying a...
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    .45 (long) colt for contenders

    Did a good search & (finally) came up with some very good information regarding this cartridge. But & still, not all my questions are answered & you are the guys/gals .... Nothing specifically dealt with using single shot pistols such as the Contender. So, coupla questions .... Looks to be a...
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    "interesting" fine points of using the new & improved search feature

    Just an FWI-type of comment on the newer search technology .... Was looking for some information regarding the .45 long colt handgun cartridge in the Reloading forum just lately. Typed in "45 long colt" (do notice lack of the "dot" = "decimal point") & received "45 isn't long enough' - ***!? &...
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    Just an odd thing

    When pulling up the Forum Jump box, I notice that Handloading & Reloading and Harley's Research are sometimes switched in sequence. Never noticed that with any other forums. Just me?
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    Colorado's posting draw results Hyped! I am. The Wife & I both drew our preference for elk & deer. Just have to settle down till I can call my bud re his luck AND wait for antelope results. Elks for cows (they eat real nice) & in a beautiful area which will have only had...