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  1. L

    GOA alert re Colorado "gun show loophole"

    No doubt about it. This is an unabashed request for funds, from Larry Pratt/GOA, to assist RMGO in much-needed funds. The call to help those in Oregon a few back resulted in many of us digging in our pockets - brought in a fair amount of change. Thanks to all who participated in that one. Be...
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    Rem Model 29 - or M10 ?

    Picked up an (obviously) used Rem model 29 (S/N = 23XXX = appears to have been around the block a few times) pump 12 ga shotgun recently (= cheap & won't dare tell the price ;) ) ... Dad was checking it out (on vaca & an ex National Armed Forces Skeet Champion - circa ? 1953 ?) ... Anyway, he...
  3. L

    Rem Model 29 - or maybe M10?

    Picked up an (obviously) used Rem model 29 (S/N = 23XXX = appears to have been around the block a few times) pump 12 ga shotgun recently (= cheap & won't dare tell the price ;) ) ... Dad was checking it out (on vaca & an ex National Armed Forces Skeet Champion - circa ? 1953 ?) ... Anyway, he...
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    Rem Model 10 - or may be 29

    Picked up an (obviously) used Rem model 29 (S/N = 23XXX = appears to have been around the block a few times) pump 12 ga shotgun recently (= cheap & won't dare tell the price ;) ) ... Dad was checking it out (on vaca & an ex National Armed Forces Skeet Champion - circa ? 1953 ?) ... Anyway, he...
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    (CO) TRT to do the Commy Mommy dance 9/15 & 9/16 @their national love-fest

    The TRT e-mail alert (9/6) re upcoming events re the MMM/Commy Mommies. Their national meeting to attempt to further their agenda = steal your rights, guns, freedoms. They'll put their heads together to see how they can best affect the elections, et al, go home & take this crap to your home...
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    (CO) MMM (finally) arrested for assault against TRT member

    Any typos, etc. are mine. Couldn't find a link on the Coloradoan website - typed it in. Some items abreviated 'cause I didn't feel like typing them over & over. Info from the police re why it took almost a month to charge Trine should be forthcoming but seems their public relations folk don't...
  7. L

    Winchester Model 670 - all pointers/advise please

    Seem to have one or two that I get to "play" with to keep 'em going, etc. - they're in pretty rough shape. The M670 seems by all accounts to be a scaled down version of the M70 (a bare-bones model by all appearances) - kinda like the Rem's ADL vs the BDL, but somewhat less so. These are pretty...
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    JPFO launches Concerned Citizens Opposed to a Police State

    Told ya: Haven't even had a chance to peruse the site but after talking w/AZ a coupla weeks back, they said it was coming by late August & it's up. Hey & just in time! Our own mini bull dog ACLU - for the good guys.
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    Winchester M-670/Ranger versus M70 stock query

    Playing with a 670 that's had its stock ruined & need a replacement. Talked to a 'smith yesterday who said that the only differene 'twixt the 670 & 70 is akin to the Rem's ADL vs BDL = the 70s got a hinged floorplate. Assuming same action length, are the stocks interchangeable?
  10. L

    HR 4205 could ruin your life

    Did a search & couldn't find any mention under the bill # .... Pull it off of: for a fairly convoluted string to run down or, goto: (which took almost forever to load) for a much better laying...
  11. L

    Oregon fights a ballot initiative - "gun show" sales

    FYI from an e-mail .... "Your Help Is Needed -- Oregon Anti-Gun Initiative Has Nationwide Impact ****** GOA-PVF SPECIAL ALERT ****** Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund E-Mail/Fax Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408...
  12. L

    Reply to ADL in ref to TRT wearing Star of David

    Here's the reply letter to the ADL in ref to their (the ADL) whining about a few of our TRT members wearing the yellow Star of David with the emblazoned GUN OWNER sported thereon. Too, from a link provided by our (TFL) own Oleg, we passed out pix of The First Million Moms March, which showed...
  13. L

    phone auto-dialers for activism use?

    Any leads to "telemarketing" devices? Looking for a device in which one can plug in several hundred phone #s, turn it on & walk away so it'll play a recorded message to rcepients. (Yes, yes, these are all phone #s that we have received voluntarily who wish to be called) After running through...
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    (CO) FYI per CSSA/NRA re Denver's confiscatory ordinance

    Some CSSA (CO NRA state affiliate) clarification on recently passed SB154 - the law which restricted Denver's confiscatory ordinances ... without comment - for now. AA/labgrade "-----Original Message----- From: DEKE44 I'm going to include you out-of-state guys in this as well as the Colorado...
  15. L

    (CO) Constitution Monday/Denver 10/2

    Here's one we can all get into regardless of any differences in the hows & whys of best dealing with our Colorado political climate. If we can't stand together for the Bill of Rights, we're sunk already. See you there! & NRA caps are certainly welcome, as are all freedom-loving peoples of all...
  16. L

    couple ? re BHP parts/where to get

    Called Browning yesterday & ordered another trigger lever for my BHP. ~$41+S&H = yikes! for (what appears to be) a sintered hunk o' metal. Sticker shock! Seems was steep! Is there another source for quality parts for HiPowers that y'all'd recommend? While one the subject .... This trigger...
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    Neal Knox stirring the pot - NRA petition for local representation

    Surprised this hasn't raised its head here already .... seems worthwhile, but petitions must be received by 8/25 to ensure all are got to who needs to see 'em by 9/1. & goto "Board of Directors Reform petition" "Petition of NRA Members Proposing...
  18. L

    locater chip in Chi-Com SKS/AK47 stocks?

    OK, so shoot me ;) & stick me in the tin-foil hat/black helicopter pot ... heard this through a usually reliable source recently that there's a strong possibility that there may be some Chi-Com (that's old-speak for the liberated people's republic of China) SKS/AK47s that have locater chips...
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    That critical 3%+1 - political action - what works

    Went to an invite-only political wranglings class put on by our state affiliate w/GOA a couple weeks back. I've had some pretty good dealings with activism & personal meetings with politicians, etc. & thought I was pretty savy to a point. I was & I wasn't - moreso not. Won't go into the whole...
  20. L

    ideas for anti "close the gunshow background check loophole"

    Please put on those thinking caps, boys & girls. Colorado will have on the November ballot, a voters' initiative that would require background checks for private sales at gunshows (which has some fairly broad language). I'm agin it. JPFO has matching funds for billboards. They cannot be...