Search results

  1. L

    card gun?

    Picked up a (mumble) gun rag several years bak - looking for some infomation regarding turkey hunting & ran across an article about "card guns." Seemingly, there's a sport that's main ideal is to get a shotgun to pattern extremely tight & take out the center of a lpaying card at (mumbel)...
  2. L

    CO's first CCW bill of the year

    Senator Chlouber has introduced a concealed carry bill (SB02-060) Text of the bill may be found at PPFC under Legislation -> Colorado 2002 Firearms Legislation. From a quick read, I'm not fuzzy with this one .... you? Why, or why not?
  3. L

    sincere apologies to 12-34hom & the rest of you

    I had no business making comments such as I did to 12-34hom in the "hip-capo mag" thread over this past weekend. Very much uncalled for on my part. My sincere apologies to you, 12-34hom & to all else who read my crap. Hasn't been "suggested" that I make this note - it is the right thing to do...
  4. L

    tuning an 870's trigger?

    I'd like to do some trigger work on the 870s stable. What's to do? We got any tips here at TFL or a pointer to another (is there another? ;) ) on-line source? Don't need a "breaks like a glass rod - 2 lb trigger." I would like one with a bit less creep & pull though. & don't care to really...
  5. L

    PMC's Brenneke slug

    Went to the range today to try these babies out. Used two 870 12 ga - #1 with an 18" bbl, fixed imp cyl choke & iron sights. The other, #2 w/ a 21" bbl, vent rib, double bead, screw-in modified. 25 yards & a couple from #1 just clipped each other, #2's threw 'em about an inch apart. 50...
  6. L

    PMC's Brenneke 12 ga 1 oz slugs - anything definitive (yet) ?

    Did The Search - here, at TFL, PMC's sites, Brenneke's sites, et :barf: ;) ... have yet to see anything (really) that places Brenneke's & PMC's together except that a PMC ref which states that "the original Brenneke nose cone design" affords (yada) penetration, etc. & unmatched accuracy ...
  7. L

    Are rights "absolute?"

    Coupla discussions recently that touched upon the subject. I will say that they are. Reasoning/s later, because I'm sleepy right now. ;)
  8. L

    Jan 19 = protests at state capitols?

    Been digging through my e-mail alerts, etc. & can only find "mention of," not anything very definitive .... Anyone else heard of mass demonstration/s protest ("they're" looking for 100 each) at the various state capitols to challenge open carry laws? This is a spin off of Rick S' (L, CO)...
  9. L

    Screw on (to a rib) rifle sights?

    I've more than a couple 870s, only one which has a dedicated iron sighted barrel (improved/fixed choke). All the others have vent rib/screw in chokes. I've bought a rifled choke tube & would like to try out some of the whiz-bang sabot slugs (that hi-vel Winchester @1900fps looks appealing)...
  10. L

    legalities of a Pengun flare launcher?

    Saw one of these recently & am curious if these are a any other weapon these days. For those who haven't seen one, they are a (fairly thick) pen-sized apparatus (~ 1/4" diameter X 5" long) which has a threaded front end which accepts a small(ish) primed/self-contained projectile launcher. The...
  11. L

    age requirements re states' CCW issuance?

    I'm doing some research regards the various states' age policy for CCW issuance. For some, the minimum is 21, others 25. I'd like to find out which are which, etc. & so on. I've done the google search & haven't come up with anything very substantial. Any pointers?
  12. L

    Shoot Cheap - article & data

    Thought this might of interest to some. Mr. Dunlap mentioned in his article that he wanted to duplicate loadings that might be used by those not "reloading sophisticates." No weighing, trimming of brass, powders were not oriented in the case (by tipping the rifle upwards), etc. By careful...
  13. L

    oddity when posting - wuz up?

    When posting to most any forum, I usually get to just walk right on in - no log-ins w/username/passwords, etc. Seems normal except when I manually delete cookies & that resets itself after first time. Lately, I've had to log in, & that immediately after posting in another forum. Any ideas...
  14. L

    So, you want the "gun laws" enforced

    From US Code, Title 18, Chapter 44 - Firearms (view it here) ... You'll have to do a fairly quick download ... not so bad, it's only 103 pages in MS Word format. Do forgive for not posting it. TFL only allows 10,000 characters per post & this runs 235,603. Take a smell & enjoy. After a...
  15. L

    Unbelievable thing from Geraldo just now on Fox

    Kinda watching Fox News while surfing TFL Lorie Drew (sp?) is interviewing Geraldo right now & he's talking about how journalists are being specifically targeted, etc. & no "sanctity of the press." ... normal Geraldo stuff. Camera pans to show his local security & Lorie asks if he (Geraldo) is...
  16. L

    Ashcroft - calling all "snitches"

    Just catching part of Ashcroft's latest "snitch & get a fast-tracked us citizenship perk" press-flab. :confused:
  17. L

    Can you polish the feed ramp of an AR for feeding reliability?

    Curious. I've a Colt Match Target Competition HBAR that seems very prone to feeding difficulties & that probably due to cleaning - maybe. Glitch comes into play only when I've fired sometimes as few as 50+ rounds & let the rifle sit for a bit - not cleaned. Extraction's (& every thing else)...
  18. L

    Civil Defense - such a thing any more?

    Used to be we actually had CD shelters (still do I guess for tornados & such), but I have heard not one thing about any "here's what to do in the event of ..."-type "public service announcement." I did actually tune into a local (Denver) TV station last night & they gave out tips on not ironing...
  19. L

    Russian "state dept" issues US travel warning?

    Heard a blurb on the radio this AM about the Soviet State Department equivalent has issued a travel warning for its folks in the US - pulling them out, etc. "Supposed" to be another incident in the next three weeks. Anybody else heard anything of this?
  20. L

    Is something funky happening currently at TFL?

    "Logged in" hitting a subscribed thread & there's no smilies, nada re what I've viewed - nada graphics of any sort. Left & came back in, tried the same thing after deleting all cookies, etc. & still all graphics are out of order. Everything else seems in working order .... vBulletin having a...