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    From an e-mail ... GUN-SHOW BILL IS NOT WHAT THEY SAY Re: S. 890, The McCain-Lieberman Bill: "Gun Show Loophole Closing and Gun Law Enforcement Act of 2001." by Alan Korwin, Author Gun Laws of America Mass media publicity on the newly proposed gun-show bill is grossly inaccurate. The bill has...
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    anyone ever used "pre-paid legal" service

    Just curious. Touted as a $26/month service for "any & all lawyer-stuff." Curious as to any feedback whether it's worth it, results or not ,etc. & can it be used to sue others, rather than just as a defense? Seems a "bit of a block of us" could employ something along these lines to file our...
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    A gun-rights civic lesson A gun-rights civic lesson Jon E. Dougherty © 2001 "Twenty years after James Brady was shot in the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan, the modern gun control movement spearheaded by him and his...
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    The heart of the matter - do we stand fast on the premise, or ?

    A bit of an interesting (to me anyway) discussion at: re CCW licensing/training requirements, etc. Here's a poll for a forum that doesn't support polls any longer - just as well. So. Where's your "line in the sand" as far...
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    Dumb question about Rem 700s

    On the ADLs anyway, there's what appears to be a brass rod, about 1/8" diameter through the stock about 1/3 up from the trigger guard, & just forward. What is it & what's it do/for? Not taking the action out to make sure but looks to go all the way through. & folks say there's no such thing...
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    bullets hanging up in mold (casting)

    Casting with the standard Lyman #2 alloy, Lyman molds (#357421 & 311041), double cavities each. Both of these are having bullets hang up on the right side cavity, far side. Opening the molds, the nearside bullet drops right out but the farside keeps hanging to frustration. End up having to...
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    "Guns & Business Don't Mix" - read it & weep

    A nifty 90-page trestise by The Center to Prevent Handgun Violence. .pdf format & takes a while to load. More tripe, but worth a bit of a read - for nothing else, if you're in a good mood, this will fix that right up. The parent/root...
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    "Guns & Business Don't Mix" - read it & weep

    A nifty 90-page trestise by The Center to Prevent Handgun Violence. .pdf format & takes a while to load. More tripe, but worth a bit of a read - for nothing else, if you're in a good mood, this will fix that right up. The parent/root...
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    do emoticons slow down resources?

    Curious. Wondering what drain on the resources there might be using some of those from "off-site" & I don't want to be stupid w/'em. Any dos or don'ts?
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    W 760 in .30-06 w/165s ... need some input

    Looking to load 165s in .30-06 using Win 760 but running into some "funny" data in the powder weight spreads. Win themselves (in the their free-be book) shows a velocity of only around 2650+ at max - seems low. Sierra shows 52.9 max at only 2700 fps (w/Win cases which is what I'll be using) &...
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    Link to research on Winchester M70 serial numbers?

    Recently inherited :( an older M70 Looking to see if it's pre-64, etc. Thanks for any links/info for finding out.
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    A very odd thing reloading for .309 JDJ Contender

    For some reason or 'nother, I picked out one loaded round (of 100 boxed/stashed away) & noticed a slight case bulge just before the shoulder (one the body of the case). Never noticed anything like this before so dropped the catridge into the chamber & (of course) it wouldn't chamber. Went...
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    Winchester M70/M670 trigger job?

    I do know how to do the triggers on the Rem 700 series rifles. How does one do the same for a Win M70/670 triggers? Appears to be way different ... Is is a pretty much "dial it in-type" job (for a do it yourself deal) or ... ? Any pointers, etc. most welcome .....
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    Rem 700 feeding problems

    .30-06, ADL. The follower won't stay in proper position (can't a bit towards the back) so the bolt crosses over the top round/not feeding. I've taken the thing apart about 50 times, reseated spring & follower (yup, it's pointed in the right direction - can't do it otherwise 'casue it's...
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    Put Barts ideas into motion - St Louis, MO

    From an e-mail requesting some personal attention. We ought to be able to field at least 3-4 in such an enlightened city. From my experience with infiltrating the CO MMMs, a quick e-mail (provided) to the coordinator asking to join, more info, etc. (be sympathetic, but don't overdo it) will...
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    would you ever register/turn in anything?

    Sub MOA posted a "paranoia vs reality" thread regarding buying paperless firearms. I'd postulated quite a while back about "would you turn in" an obvious traceable firearm? and still "hide" those that weren't .... The climate's changed a bit since then. Back to it. If you've obviously...
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    rebarrel or rechamber? OK, where to get a new bbl put on?

    I've an old .22-250 that's had (quite likely) 10-20 thousand rounds through it. From all I've heard/read, the lead can start to go with as few as 1K. Pretty amazing the thing still shoots as well as it does. This rifle will frustrate me to death, as with the same load, I've put 3 into .150" &...
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    Woody Paige/Denver Post slams USA for 1st gold medal

    Didn't hear about this "article/opinion" till just recently, so, pulled it out of the archives. Article discusses Woody's view on America's first gold medal - that won by one of our Ladies in 10-meter air rifle. It'll turn your stomach ....
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    How many billions of ammo shot a year?

    Working on a speech for Constituion Monday (gala event - Denver, Capitol west steps, 10/2, 4:30PM -> ) & would actually like to use some facts. A novel concept our opposition could attempt at times. Billions of rounds of ammunition are shot every year & that very safely. How many & of what...
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    elk load in 7-08?

    OK. I'll bite on the "X big enough for the critter?" bandwagon. The Wife'll be using a M7, 18.5" bbl in 7-08 for elk. No access to chrono but 120s have been clocked at 2600fps - certainly not blazing by any standards. I've a preliminary load using Barnes XBTs @140 grs & it's pushing max...