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  1. L

    back to the "why would an LEO disarm a CCWer when doing a rountine traffic stop?"

    Still (& still) mulling over why any LEO would think that it's "necessary" to disarm a citizen that has a CCW - say, during the citizens' changing of a flat tire or some other innocuous event in which the LEO made contact. Whether or not said citizen didn't take offence - still doesn't make any...
  2. L

    The Enemy is on the March

    Cut/pasted from an e-mail forwarded to me recently. labgrade ----------------------- "The New York Times WASHINGTON, July 21 -- After many years of being outspent and outmuscled by the National Rifle Association, the...
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    Happy 2-month MMM Anniversary = MMM newletter

    Yeah, I know, it's pretty long but still outa turn a few stomachs. :( Nonetheless, some pretty good resources by the looks of it (nope, haven't checked out that stolen gun site yet) & they've done some homework for us. Too, event schedule for all you who'd care enough to send the very best &...
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    (CA) As the noose tightens - further additions to AW registration = ban

    For all those in Kali looking for that PC assault or offensive/defensive rifle ... read on. Might want to get a sling-shot (oops!) those are already regulated .... We have already had the Fed Guvmint show the list of "never to be banned" (allowable always for sporting purposes) rifles, et al -...
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    How to run a state pro-gunner campaign

    Another e-mail forwarded to me today ..... This is absolutely the best letter I've seen from one of "the converted." Anybody think that full-blown, no-compromise activism can't do the trick? Call Colorado's Governor & ask him what it feels like to buck the pro-freedom folks in Colorado. We...
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    drawing a corollary between dogs & guns

    Just read this e-mail .... "This letter to the editor ran in The Boulder (Colo.) Daily Camera on Saturday, June 10, 2000. I thought at first it was one of the many pro or con dogs on trails letters our local rag publishes. When I finished it, I was laughing so hard I nearly spilled my coffee on...
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    Just more nonsense - honeymooners nabbed in Atlanta

    Just more nonsense .... figured I'd pass it along. We ARE the good guys & act as such. What the hell does any of these stupid laws have to do with "us!?" Even when acting in good faith, we still get banged. Time to start turning all this crap around, folks. BTW, sorry if no links works -...
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    A new twist on an old quote

    Heard of a TRT lady in FL who had an abreviated version of this on her T-shirt. Only passed on by word of mouth to me & I "livened it up" a bit. A couple minutes worth is what you see. Any wordsmiths out there care to tackle this & make it ship-shape? It's a start & I believe could be very...
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    Another MMM hoop-la coming to Indiana

    Received via e-mail & passing it on to the fold ... "I know this is last minute, but I only found out about TRT at the Chicago MMM rally, and it's only now occuring to me to ask for help here. Plus, we only found out about this a short while ago. South Bend, Indiana is having a MMM rally on...
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    The Latest Clinton Outrage: Army Marksmanship Programs Cancelled!

    Anything further on this? Clarifications, etc.? Break out another set of black armbands. labgrade "-----Original Message----- (originator removed for privacy) Subject: FW: The Latest Clinton Outrage: Army Marksmanship Programs Cancelled! ----- Original Message ----- (removed for privacy)...
  11. L

    Part Two - TFL 2010

    I like Speedy's best. Why would anyone think, or care to, that we'll lose? Just take it back, damnit! Think of a time, far past, where we, the law-abiding, could buy whatever we want - through mail order - no checks, no questions. You misused it = you got punished. You didn't = you weren't...
  12. L

    And where is NRA, et al in the SAS-AIMM hoop-la?

    Seemingly conspicuously absent in all this latest debate is all the state affiliates & the national-level NRA. I have yet to hear one single word regarding the NRA's support for what the SAS is attempting to do. Are not we all in this together? Is not SAS-AIMM's goal a worthy one? The...
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    .460 Rowland

    Had a chance to shoot one a couple weeks back. Very managable for the power level - much lighter than similar loadings in a .44 mag revolver. All in 5" bbl pistol: 185s at 1550fps 200 = 1450fps 230 = 1340fps uses a drop-in bbl kit & will still shoot reg ol' 45ACP & (what's that "other"...
  14. L

    earn this

    A post at TRT site ... thought it worthwhile to re-post here. As an aside from my own "experience" on seeing Saving Private Ryan, at the end, Ryan begs his wife to tell him that he has lead a good life .... There are a great many ways to do that. May that you choose such that in 20 years, you...
  15. L

    Onondaga County, NY Sheriffs looking for dead folks' guns "Where Are All The Guns? By John O'Brien The crinkly document, filled out in 1942, says a 64-year-old man got a license to carry a .38-caliber revolver to protect himself and his home on Fitch Street in...
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    "One man packs, another attacks" - account of assault on pro-rights/TRT member "One man packs, another attacks A leading anti-gunner attacks Shariar Ghalam - - - - - - - - - - - - by Wayne Laugesen ( Shariar Ghalam, a gun-toting activist, fought a war and smuggled his family from tyranny to...
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    "Dear Police Officer" an anon article - forwarded

    No, I didn't write it. I heard it on the radio this AM & it is posted for informational purposes only - and that for discussion. No implied intent by this post whatsoever & I will publically state my support for the good cops everywhere - everytime. There is, however, a theme, an underpinning...
  18. L

    Observation/questions re TFL political activism

    Not a rant, an observation and questions .... labgrade's "a crazy," one of those "fringe elements." I, and a couple others have done some posts regarding a somewhat more overt, strident type of activism. These type posts seem to get very scant attention in TFL. A post re a boycott, a poll...
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    Bell Campaign has different perspective on Australia facts For REAL firearms facts presented to you by the Bell Campaign. (tongue in cheek) Nope, didn't read a single one.... don't have to. These are the same guys who money launder for the MMM.
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    Let Freedom Ring! 2000 - it's a go

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Let Freedom Ring! 2000 Monday - April 10, 2000 The government, becoming more intrusive into our daily lives, needs a wake-up call. We will on Monday, April 10, 2000, by phone call, e-mail, fax and hard-copy letters, advise our elected officials, at every level, that we...