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  1. L

    FreeRepublic to host TRT for live on-line chat

    One of our most astute TRT members will be hosted by FreeRepublic next week for an on-line live chat. Scheduled to go for 60-90 minutes. Not too shabby.
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    Colorado's TRT goes national

    The Tyranny Response Team is front page news at Too, it'll be airing on the Johnny Roland's Shooting Show (satelite only & sorry, have no idea as to transponder stuff). Webpage for TRT is...
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    Looking for source info re 97th Congress report on RKBA

    "The Right to Keep & bear Arms - Report of the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 97th Congress, second session, February 1982" No luck so far in TFL to find any links, etc. Any pointers?
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    Let Freedom Ring! 2000 - any validity?

    OK, comments welcome on this one. Back in the olden days (April 19, 1989 - had to check my T-shirt for the date), some "crazy" :) had an idea to see if we could all phone ALL our electeds on the same day. Attempt to shut down the guvmint's phone system through a mass-spamming (for the times)...
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    Colorado MMM conversations - you gotta hear this stuff

    Make no mistake. Colorado's MMM has been ifiltrated to beat the band. We are "ground zero" & all bets are off = no quarter, etc. I'll start to post some stuff (& yes, only those that are inflamitory (so much is just drivel) [but NEVER edited] so you can see what these folks are up to & their...
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    I was just polled - make of it what you will

    Shocked into (almost) untypableness (a new word! ;)) An actual account of what just really happned - can hardly believe it myself ..... I've absolutely no clue as to what these people were trying to find out ..... baffled, I am. -------------------------------- I’ve just been polled just now &...
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    Colorado/SAFE's Winter 2000 newsletter

    Hell, why not? Here's SAFE's puff-piece. This is the kind of stuff we get to deal with here in God's Country. Notice the slant? Hint - it's below. "SAFE News Newsletter of Sane Alternatives to the Firearms Epidemic -- Winter 2000 (formerly known as the Colorado Coalition Against Gun...
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    CO Demo against Bradys/SAFE, March 6 - 1000+ to be there

    Sarah & Jim Brady in Denver to meet with SAFE & to kick off their Colorado fundraiser for the November ballot initiative. The CO legislature has not implemented the gun laws that the anti-gunners wanted (so far). The antis have vowed to place the gun-control issue on the November ballot...
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    Different people off the same e-mail?

    The Wife wants to get in on the fun. Her e-mail/separate PC's not yet up & running. She tried to log in as a separate entity today is was denied due to my e-mail had already been entered, etc. Any way around this?
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    CO Guv Owens to be in Wash DC/GOA alert

    Hot off the wire from GOA. Here's an excellent chance for those in the DC area to jump on the Colorado band-wagon. Get up & out, make your voices heard. Cross post & let's stir the nest. If it happens here in CO = coming to a state near you! AA/labgrade ---------------------------------...
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    It becomes more personal by the day

    Allow me to paint a bit. Last week …. The Guv has an event. The Lady, with baby in backpack, approaches The Guv in front of reporters and says she wants to talk to him about gun control. The Guv, senses a political moment. Reporters all around, who could set it up better? The Lady talks of...
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    Colorado Governor, Sarah & Jim Brady & guess who?

    March 6, 2000 (no time as yet) ... Colorado Governor Bill Owens meets with Sarah & James Brady! Now, who else would you suspect would fill in the gaps at this most distinguished gathering? Tired of waiting? NO peeking now. ..... Wayne LaPierre/NRA! Yay! What do you suppose the topic'll...
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    Ft Collins CO paper publishes CCW holder names

    E-mail to me this AM ... "Today's Fort Collins Coloradoan newspaper published the names of the 607 Larimer County concealed permit holders. Including, my 21 year old son. They report the "need to know" of the public, as the compelling purpose for the names being published. Well folks, then we...
  14. L

    Upcoming Colorado demos - pssst, pass it on

    "Tell your friends! Come one, come all! Come to one and come to ‘em all! (cross-post to whatever forums you can/care) Tyranny Response Team report Upcoming pro-gun/pro-freedom events 1. Jesse Ventura meets with Bill Owens This Friday (2/18) 10AM at the Brown Palace, Denver (321 17th ) …...
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    Speaker Hastert Wants Anti-gun Crime Bill Before Easter

    Speaker Hastert Wants Anti-gun Crime Bill Before Easter! -- Send the letter below to your Congressmen in opposition Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 (Tuesday, February...
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    Colorado CCW help (if YOU need one)

    Mods/Admin - wasn't sure where to put this. Stick where required ... seemed like the best place for viewing. Recently ran across a guy who does out-of-state (Utah mostly)CCW help, defensive training, etc. He doesn't have e-mail or internet access (old dinosaur! ;)) He does appear to have a...
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    Colorado is main national focus for Gun Control 2000

    The Antis have jumped on the Columbine Massacre with a vengeance. There has been at least one reference to it in the papers every day - some 9 months ago. They will not let it go. Colorado has always been known as a (somewhat) live & let live state, mostly conservative & pro-gun. CO has been...
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    Why do you carry?

    Tangent/off-topic from "arsenal-type" thread in handguns. Probably been covered in TFL (to death!) already but I missed it. Point me to the thread if so. If, not - why is it do y'all feel the need or just want to carry (CCW or exposed)?
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    "Arms race? Make mine a musket" - editorial "Arms race? Make mine a musket Simplicity. Here we are again, all caught up in our recurring gun-control nightmare. The controversy won't go away. You have to wonder if the authors of our Constitution had any idea of the mischief they...
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    Letters to Editor copy/paste bank

    Here we go. Break out the keyboard & give us some juicy stuff to use for our own letters to the editor or polititians. **************************** Added by DC: Here is the development thread for this "bank": [This...