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  1. L

    VPC's Vote From the Rooftops

    Picture at VPC homepage looks familiar. ;) Bogus net connect (or VPC's site is hosed) & couldn't get the Vote From Rooftop page to come up .... did get the following from ColoradoRKBA e-mail: "VPC: U.S. Gun Industry Armed Osama bin Laden's Terror Network: Al Qaeda Bought 25 Barrett 50 Caliber...
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    disable smilies in this post ???

    OK, so I'm bored. Never played with this "feature," but *** :confused: ... would somebody actually go through the "trouble" of placing smilies in their post & then disable them? or, maybe it's more like lockin' the liquor cabinet so you don't get tempted ... Should it really be " ... in...
  3. L

    A Retired Marines' View Of Things

    From a ColoradoRKBA e-mail .... "Written by a retired Marine fighter pilot. Cowards?... nope. 'Jacking a jet and driving it into a high-rise at 300 knots.... No, not cowards. I wouldn't do it. They don't have an air force so they used our training and our planes, and with great execution...
  4. L

    OT - sorta ... how do you download video files?

    Not through some ghoulist nature - more so for prosperity - I'm trying to download pix & .mpegs of the WTC attack. Anything I can, I'll "open in new window," which usually gives a larger pix (rather than thummbnail) & off we go. However, many .mpegs/.rams, etc. just open up in a pop up box & I...
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    on the lighter side

    Stupid, I know, but #3 cracked me up (& it's gun-related) .... from an e-mail ... "3rd RUNNER-UP (Subject: Probability Theory): If an infinite number of rednecks riding in an infinite number of pickup trucks fire an infinite number of shotgun rounds at an in- finite number of highway signs...
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    Ebola-style killer virus sweeps Afghan border

    "Interesting" timing. First thing I thought of was somebody goofed with a Level 4 bio-experiment. From the News Telegraph "Ebola-style killer virus sweeps Afghan border By Tim Butcher in Quetta (Filed: 04/10/2001) THE largest outbreak in history of a highly contagious disease that causes...
  7. L

    Sarah Brady decries ...

    From a 9/23/01 CO MMM dispatch .... all in quotes is original Brady propaganda - my own comments in blue. ----------- "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Nancy Hwa September 18, 2001 (202) 898-0792 In the Wake of Terrorist Attacks, Sarah Brady Warns about Risks of Guns in the Home Decries Gun...
  8. L

    MMM 2nd Annual Meeting November 16-17, 2001

    OK boys & girls. Here's your chance to play with the big kids. dz, you out there? Looks to be somewhere in your neighborhood. :cool: CO TRT had some good fun with their National here last year. Don't miss out on the fun. Be the last on your block to watch the ever self-demolating anti...
  9. L

    Condit named to House subcommittee - terrorism & security

    I'm feeling much better about our internal security now ... :rolleyes: -------------- link here "Condit Named to Subcommittee on Homeland Security Rep. Gary Condit has been named to a House subcommittee on terrorism and security. His first move was to send a letter to law enforcement...
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    Tularemia found in Wild Rabbits (CO)

    Press release here "DATE: September 20, 2001 The Larimer County (CO) Department of Health and Environment reports that a number of wild rabbits have been found to be infected with tularemia. Reports of dead wild rabbits found in the Owl Canyon area (north of Owl Canyon Road - north of Ft...
  11. L

    OK, splain something about this last down time

    Didn't catch wind that TFL was going down & was in withdrawals till I tried the main page (have various forums bookmarked & walk in through those + e-mail notification for a few threads). Did, about Fri sometime, get the server note at the main page. Couldn't get in till AM of 9/22 & no e-mail...
  12. L

    question on Varget powder for .308 Win

    'Bout to do a substantial loading for some 150 Horn SPBT in .308 Win/military brass. Picked up some H380 - looked to be a good velocity powder & meters like a dream. Loading data is a bit sketchy re my manuals - only one I have even lists it. Checked Hodgdon's site & H380 not even listed for...
  13. L

    hot off the presses - CO Larimer county to waive $100 CCW app fee

    Some better news .... Colorado Larimer County Sheriff Alderden will now waive the previous $100 CCW application fee. Fingerprint checks will be "expedited." (apparently, there's some thought that the FBI will be taking even longer than usual .... I can imagine) The $38 BCI background check...
  14. L

    CO .50 cal shoot report - past weekend

    Just a hoot! Last year's 50 cal shoot had 17 firing positions (many more shooters though) - this year's = 38 & perhaps again double the firearms and attendees. Amazing what a little extra publicity can do. About 7 varieties of 50s (perhaps 20 or so all told - twins, M2s, bolts & semis), at...
  15. L

    nations dams & powerplants under protection

    We live next to an ~2 sq mile reservoir in NE Colorado. Thursday, the below was posted: "In light of Tuesday's tragic events, the nation's dams and powerplants are under protection. Carter Lake Closed to boating & surface use until further notice land use is allowed only away from dam...
  16. L

    Difference between various Lake City brass dates?

    Picked up some bulk .308 Win brass recently. Mainly LC NATO headstamps - various years. Plan to develop a bulk loading in the 150-165 gr bullet weight range & just stuff an ammo box with fodder. Obviously looking for decent accuracy, but I'll not sweat the small stuff. I haven't trimmed...
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    "quick" fix for shotgun fit?

    Took a 20 ga Rem Express Youth model dove hunting Saturday. Mounting the shotgun shows that I really (I mean really) had to concentrate getting my cheek pressed into the stock to properly sight down the rib. A natural mount sets the shotgun to shoot high = the rib appears about 1/8" thick...
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    question re on/off-line feature

    Just noticed at bottom lefthand section of a poster's post box (hugely descriptive, I know ;) ), the on or off-line status. Accidently left my cursor on the thing (avatar?) for long enough ... hmmm. Neat feature. Some are bullet holes & some are red crosshairs. Doesn't seem to have any...
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    Open Letter to Liberals Favoring Gun Confiscation

    Interesting read .... "I know a lot of liberals. Hell, some of my best friends are liberals. And to those liberals, who so often favor gun control and gun confiscation, I have just one simple question.... Have you lost your bloody minds? Let me tell 'ya a little story 'bout a man named Adolf...
  20. L

    Is this a new bench rest cartridge?

    Ran across one piece of brass today at the range. Headstamp is Lapua .308 WIN ... I'm OK so far. That's where it is parts company with .308 Win. OAL = 1.850" (SAAMI specs for .308 Win = 2.015") shoulder angle looks to be right at 60 degrees ("measured" with a 7X hand loupe w/angluar marks) =...