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  1. L

    CO SAS Family Day at the Range 6/15/02

    Here's an upcoming event for new shooters or those who'd like to get together for some basic range/shooting instruction & fun. Should be a good time all 'round. Further info at the contact #s below, the website or ask here .... Northern Colorado SAS Family Day & Fun Shoot "Hosted By: WCFW...
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    "New" security alert level at YELLOW!

    <message start: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC/NOPUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv=Content-Type> <OPSEC/RATE=TSEC/GITSOME-%=BS> <META content="MSHTML 5.00.2614.3500" name=GENERATOR> <STYLE></STYLE> </HEAD> <ABSSEC= <BODY...
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    Colorado .50 cal shoot - May 3-5

    This event has been going on for the past few years & I must say, is a hoot! I'd bet an easy $250,000 ammo goes downrange - - many varieties of .50 caliber rifles (coupla M2s thru the bolt-guns), full-auto, a 37mm Bufor (sp?), bowling ball mortars. The night shoots are simply amazing. Think...
  4. L

    sign of the times - homeland "security?"

    These just went up around all the dams in the Carter Lake, Loveland, CO area. Anybody else seeing this type thing? They should cut down on all the terrorist activity we've seen springing up lately - as if. :rolleyes: BTW, no boat access within that 100' "buffer zone" neither .... {edited...
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    Group blasts ACLU's "selective outrage"

    The Article's link & about 1/2 way down for: "Group blasts ACLU's "selective outrage" Second Amendment activists have been cop targets for years by Wayne Laugesen Activists, newspapers and civil libertarians are outraged at recent revelations that the Denver Police Department keeps files on...
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    "phantoms of lost liberty" - Ascroft quote

    Heard this AM on a radio rebroadcast about an Ascroft quote, "To those who pit Americans against immigrants and citizens against non- citizens, to those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: your tactics only aid terrorists, for they erode our...
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    Colorado's newest & "improved" CCW bill

    Go here & then pick the sequentials for HB 1410 (sorry, but a direct link doesn't seem to work). HB1410 is the "new & improved" version of SB60 which was shot down in an earlier Senate committee ('cause it sucked). HB 1410 is essentially the same thing. Both the Repubs & Demo(n)crats are...
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    words, used in context ....

    Heard on a Paul Harvey show a few back. A sign, prominently displayed in the front window of a local business: "We would rather do business with 1,000 Arab terrorists than one Jew," had apparently raised some ire amongst some who have heard of it. The business? Goldberg's Funeral Home. ;)
  9. L

    private shipping of ammunition?

    Spaced leaving some 12ga ammo on my trip to FL. I'd like to ship it where it was supposed to stay. Can I just pack it up, give the $$s to Fed-Ex (or?) & send it off? Any restrictions on me doing this other than (possibly) telling the carrier what's in "the bag?" BTW, nice to have TFL back...
  10. L

    need AK operator manual on-line ASAP

    On "vaca," not at my PC & need an AK on-line operator's manual ASAP (or I don't get to play with it!) Did the google search & came up pretty empty ... lend a quick hand to a good download/.pdp, etc. file/link? ... TIA, as always, folks .....
  11. L

    end all primer for reloading (add as you see fit)

    Reloading primer. (& I am outa here for "a while," so can't respond either way for "some time," + very much open to any other opinions regards what would be The Best Top 10 headers for a Reloading Primer.) Please do add to this as it's just a quick "initiation." Maybe we can even "key it in"...
  12. L

    .460 Roland - pros, cons, discussions

    I had the opportunity to shoot one once - for a bit of a "session." I'm an absolute newby to the 1911 platform so couldn't really say anything relative to that, but having shot many a .44 mags out of revolvers, I'd say that for the same power level (& a tad bit "better" initial bullet diameter...
  13. L

    1911 clones - need some advice

    Took a look at a Colt, Kimber & SA today - all entry level .45s I really do know next to nothing about the 1911 platform, or the pluses/minuses of any of the flavors out there. I do CCW a BHP 9mm - FWIW. I've shot a 1911 .45 maybe three times. If things go as planned ( :rolleyes: ;) ) I'll...
  14. L

    dummy .50 cal loading components - where to get?

    Looking to throw together several (100s maybe) dummy .50 cal shells. Won't be knocking out primers, don't need the cases to withstand any pressures (theres'll forever be dummy rounds), don't need AP bullets, etc. Bullet tips will be drilled through the nose & through base, so the bullet need...
  15. L

    need some advise on a COLT HBAR sale

    I've got the following package of Colt HBAR + stuff. Need some cash. Not dying. Don't want to get taken, do want to offer a decent enough deal. Figure all told, may have about $2,000 wrapped up. Don't expect that. What should I be asking? In Colorado (private sale if we don't go to a...
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    (MA) Coeds want to pack heat

    Coeds want to pack heat & FreeRepublic "Coeds Want to Pack Heat By Michael L. Betsch Editorial Assistant January 31, 2002 ( - At a women's liberal arts college in the liberal, anti-gun state of Massachusetts, something appears to be out of sync. A campus group called...
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    Perhaps interesting - care to state your gender?

    Just another one of those "gee whiz! & ?"-type threads to get to know one another a bit better, & one I've yet to see. Many a time I've been totally blown away by an inference that a poster was a gender other than I suspected ..... duh! & a "my bad" .... My own inherent bias, I guess. A...
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    CO - stand by for another CCW bill

    I've mentioned that I was none too fuzzy with Choulber's SB60 - this session's only CCW offer to date. Stand by for one to be offered by Dave Schultheis in the next couple weeks. No bill number as yet. This one will set the stage for a goodly battle in the CO legislature & pit those who would...
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    How to make a home-made Snap-Cap?

    I don't want to drop any $, let alone a bunch, on a Snap-Cap. I dry fire quite a bit, at times, & have broken a firing pin on an 870. Sick of that too. ;) So. How to make a Snap-Cap at home? The "no live primer" & "no powder" is fairly obvious as is the rest - except for what would you use...
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    'nother school shooting - MLK in NYC

    Per Fox News - 2 shot, no details, "on/off campus?" film at 11