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  1. L

    so what's not to like about a pump rifle?

    Just curious. Many think the pump shotgun is the cat's a$$ but when suggesting a pump rifle = eeewww! What's up with that? I think maybe mostly is that not many have even shot one. I know I'm that way with a lever as I've shot a .30-30 once - just didn't care for it, but many do. A pump's...
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    Larry Pratt/GOA to speak in CO Labor Day

    ... at Parish Park in Johnstown, CO AFN picnic starts around 11AM ... Larry's a featured speaker. Johnny Roland/The Shooting Show'll be there as well. Fun enough time ....
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    What Fed-groups get to carry on airlines?

    Besides the obvious: FBI, DEA, BATF, CIA, what other fed-level groups get to carry on commercial airlines?
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    problem sizing .270 Win brass

    Well, sizing it goes OK enough, but some don't chamber nearly as easily as most others. Feels almost like I've the bullet seated out a tad too far & am hard engarving into the rifling. Problem is - I haven't seated the bullets yet. All brass is w/in +/-.002" OAL (at 2.535"), primers all...
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    LPCO Board Set to Vote on Stanley's Removal

    Go here for story - too lengthy to post. Interesting happenings in the CO LP ....
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    subscribing to a no-poster thread?

    Is there a way to subscribe to a thread that you haven't replied to? Don't want to do the "dot"-bit ..... Slap me if it's easy & I haven't played enough to do so on my own ....
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    Colorado leftover tags - 8/13

    Colorado leftover tags on sale 8/13 - 8AM ... get some. Looks to be a banner year. & after that, go vote in the CO primary.
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    Australian firearms destruction pictures?

    Had a request from a bud about Austrailian firearms destruction pictures - you know, those ones we've all seen on the NRA-sponsored Saturday AM pieces. Anybody got a lead towards something on the 'net? I've already tried several searches through google's pix search - nada I could use ...
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    SWAT door blast - owner riddled?

    Heard on radio yesterday that (somewhere) a "SWAT team" blew the door & riddled the home-owner - drug bust gone bad. Anyone have anything further?
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    States' forum?

    I really don't see how anything extra-TFL could be much better than what we've aready got, but how could we better tie into our various states' issues & make a bigger impact at that & national level by incorporating all the energy here? We've a huge amount of great ideas & comitment .... it's...
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    maybe just a quick barb .... are we as effective as we could be?

    We've an incredible network of political activist types within the TFL ranks. Are we connected within our states to make the best of our efforts, or are we all sorta floundering around making what hay we might & with just our own efforts? Maybe unite a tad within state boundaries & use that...
  12. L

    is your western big game area still there? - forest fires

    Colorado currently has nine forest fires. The Hayman fire (SW of Denver) & has "eaten" 87,000+ acres (136 square miles!) & is only 5% contained. (largest CO fire previously was 17K acres ... ) Our fave elk area (eastside Flattops Wilderness in the White River Nat'l Forest) is threatened by...
  13. L

    1911-style grip "safety" - why, oh why!?

    Recent "newby/I need a 9mm" thread brings this up again. Why does the 1911-style still have that antiquated grip "safety"-thing? Yeah, yeah, I know "in case you fall off yer horse"-thing. But other than that ....? In all seriousness, what could be more functional/elegant, than the BHP-style...
  14. L

    .45 ACP headspaces off of brass face, so ... (wildcat question)

    .... how is it the .460 Roland cartridge (~.1" longer) can effectively shoot the .45 ACP interchangably - in the same barrel? I've also heard that the .45 ACP-class "headspaces" off of the extractor ... Which is it? No matter either way, I'm just curious as I've heard both "reasonings."
  15. L

    a way to get "news" reporters on our side?

    From a CO SAS e-mail .... I've mention too many times to count that we should attempt to cultivate the newsie-folk to at the least understand our way of thinking - take 'em shooting, & if nothing else, buy 'em lunch & discuss the issues at a very personal level & (if nothing else - cheap...
  16. L

    (CO) court goes off the deep end? (re open carry in Denver)

    Regardless of my own take on Stanley's (uhm) motives (&/or) reasonings, appears that at least one CO judge has gone over the top (again). I'll wait 'n see (again) as to what antics are provided by each side. From a ColoradoRKBA e-mail: "Denver County Court Judge Patterson is right out of...
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    Gun Rights Policy Conference 2002 - Phoenix, AZ

    From ColoradoRKBA e-mail/FYI: click here for info (just says the same as below) The seventeenth annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) will take place this year on September 27-29th at the Sheraton Crescent Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona. This year's GRPC should be the biggest and best yet...
  18. L

    can school district ban firearms on their property?

    Noticed that several schools in our area have aigns saying: NO firearms, knives, or other weapons permitted anytime on thisproperty or in this building" Curious about this as CO law specifically allows for same if you hold a vaild CCW. Anyone got the skinny on this?
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    interesting - I "fight" more with our own "pro-freedom"-folk than w/antis

    I've been involved with the political apparatus/process for the last 3 years or so – did get quite a bit serious then – dabbled only beforehand. My most vociferous debates have been with those on "our side," attempting them to regain the reasoning behind the Bill of Rights & that of free will...
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    (CO) EMERGENCY ALERT - revived CCW bill

    Still trying to make full sense of this (other than the political coverage/manuverings). Apparently, HB1410 has been tacked onto SB229 .... nasty backroom dealings on this one, folks. I strongly urge y'all (CO folk) to get on the horn & CALL the below Senators. KILL THIS BILL! From RMGO...