Ruger SR9 Owners


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I love the feel of my SR9 like others have noted. The mag capacity is great. Made the mistake of using Blazer ammo the first time and had some problems. Next time out I used better ammo and not a hick up. It is not as nice as my XDM but still a very nice semi. I believe it is very underrated.


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well, everything seems to be working dandy, no failures and the laser stayed zeroed....
i dont have any puctures from the range with it, but i do have a few i took at the desk just now

the smoke from the powder and dust in the air gets caught up in the laser and has a pretty cool effect....

i like the gun!
i am just keeping my fingers crossed that i wont have any more mishaps or bad luck...

the laser does add some heft to the muzzle end....but i am used to heavier guns...


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Bought my SR9 about a month ago and have had it to the range twice so far with 75 rounds through the barrel (usually shoot 4 different handguns so not a lot of ammo through any one at a time). It is very comfortable and enjoyable to shoot and puts the shots where I aim them. Hoping to get out again tomorrow and put some more ammo through it. I also looked at a P95 and a Stoeger Cougar and the SR9 just felt best in my hand so went with the SR9 even though it was a bit more $$ than the other two. I do find the trigger to be a bit on the heavy side but am not going to worry too much about that until I fire it a bit more, from what I've read the trigger often improves over time.

Only other issue is the stiff mags, hard to load by hand. I forgot the mag loader at home the first trip to the range and had to push the rounds in with the thumb, very hard to do and one of the reasons I didn't fire a lot of rounds that first time. I've heard that the springs loosen up over time but I've since bought an UpLULA mag loader and it's now effortless to fill the magazines.

Overall I'm very happy with this gun so far and hope to get much more use out of it.


New member
I wanted to like this pistol. The grip, balance and handling are fantastic. The good ends with those traits. The trigger is horrendous. The sights are pistiful. And finally, the thumb safety is ridiculously small and the gun would have been better if it was just left off. There appears to be a solution in the works for the trigger from Ghost. No one has after market sights and there is no answer for the safety other than just filing it off.


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I got mine back for the peening issue---2 weeks--they paid shipping both ways---replaced the barrel and slide.

The trigger on mine is actually pretty good. Dry firing and range time improved it---the trip to the factory didn't change it.

Probably go shoot it today.


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I came within an ace of buying one and then, at the last moment, went in a totally different direction and bought a 1911. I have no second thoughts about the 1911 but I still want an SR9. Maybe, later this year.


New member
i think the sights are just fine...
would like some night sights but that isn't going to help me in the day time when i will be using this gun at the range...

the trigger has been improving but i am very interested in that Ghost drop-in....

the only problem i had was peening... and Ruger seemed to fix that...

i know they didnt do anything to the trigger at the factory, but it feels smoother now.... that might just be in my head though...

and that laser from Viridian sure is bright....
the Blackhawk holster that came with it is not too impressive though...


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I love my SR9. I plan on getting Viridian Green Dot Laser before September. For those of you who don't know, if you bought an SR9 between certain time frame you can get the laser for $150 instead of $299.


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I purchased my SR9 in march and havent had much time to shoot it other than 100 rounds on two occasions and I was quite happy with it other than the safety and slide lever being to small. Finally on Sat went out to shoot trap and handguns at my uncles. I am very happy with mine its more accurate than the shooter comes back on target great for follow up and is just natural in my hands, between several relatives and myself we put 500 rounds through it shooting cheap winchester, federal, blazer and brown bear ammo...not one issue. Happy I made the purchase


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i posted a picture of my laser a few posts up...

its amazingly bright.....
the holster was kind of a letdown though... its ehh ok... but not great


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I just bought one yesterday. 10 more days and I'll be able to shoot that puppy. Looking forward to it.

I happen to be a lucky resident of California so I get to look forward to those 10 round magazines. Damn California polititions make it so the bad guys will have the 17 round magazines and the legal owners get the 10 round ones. God damn liberals!

I also watch NutNFancy's reviews. I like the dude.

Here is a funny vid of him making fun of himself.


New member
Bought mine about two months ago. First time out at the range I had a minor problem, multiple times. Second time out same thing. I got about 400 rounds through it. The trigger pull is not good. I am not impressed with this gun. I on the other hand love the Viridian green laser i picked up.
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New member
Have shot well over 2000 rounds with mine now so far and just love this gun. Dunno why some don't like the trigger pull, mine is just fine. This gun just has a really good feel to it (for me) and shoots nice. I made a good choice getting this gun and am very glad I bought it.


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Some models have a mag disconnect, some don't. Removing the disconnect from the ones that have it improves the trigger a lot.


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MIKE089 did you trigger lighten up after shooting it more.

Before I got the gun, I had read a few comments on the so called trigger issue. When I got the gun and shot it, I went, "dunno what this trigger deal is all about" cause it felt fine to me from the start and fine now. It's a fine smooth pull. I guess comments on personal preference can always be made on any gun's distance of trigger pull and how much force it takes to pull, all that in this gun is ok with me. I know everyone has their own feel about guns. Even the almighty Glock has it's own share of "feel" comments, some love the feel, some hate it. I just don't have any issues with this gun. It just 'feels' right to me all around.
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Mine has always been fine

The trigger on mine was fine before the recall and is fine now ! I have never had a problem with it ! :D


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I'm a huge ruger fan and really like the looks of the SR9 but don't like the thumb safety. Not needed and just looks out of place.