Ruger SR9 Owners


New member
Also EDC the SR9c, love it. Had to go back to Ruger after 500 rounds or so, since coming back I've put about 700 through it without issue. Got Meprolights on mine, should have gone with Trijicon. Very happy with the gun with the exception of the mag disconnect which interferes with IDPA.


New member
Just got a SR9 about 400 rounds through it and really like it. Very smooth shooting with wally world Federal specials. Getting ready to load my first round with Rainier loads and hopefully they are consistent enough for good accuracy. My wife and daughter seem to have more accuracy with it than me. I will have to work some more rounds through it. Great gun fun to shoot would recommend it to anyone. I have kind of large hands and it is ok for me.


New member
I am thinking hard about getting one myself. I originally wanted a sig 226 but cannot afford that right now, then I was set on a Beretta 92fs and actually went to the gunshop today to handle one while I grabbed some bricks of .22 and man did I forget how big and chunky that thing is. I checked out the ruger SR9 and it holds more rounds and is a hell of alot smaller all around. Have shot the Beretta but not the SR9 yet so well see, but right now the SR9 at only $400 with a stainless slide is looking real good.


New member
Yea, I'm actually down to deciding on the SR9 or the Beretta 92A1 or FS. This will be my only 9mm pistol and will be my last purchase for the forseeable future. I'm really leaning towards the SR9.


New member
Yea, I'm actually down to deciding on the SR9 or the Beretta 92A1 or FS. This will be my only 9mm pistol and will be my last purchase for the forseeable future. I'm really leaning towards the SR9.

I really like Ruger, and the SR series has a good reputation. However, between those two it would definitely be the 92. A highly proven pistol design.


New member
When I bought it new almost 3 years ago it had a light strike problem with WWB the first time at the range. But a more thorough cleaning took care of that. Still have less than 500 rounds through it, but it has been running flawless:



New member
My SR9c had to go back to the factory for light strike after several hundred rounds. They paid shipping both ways, had it for 10 days, replacing the striker and the magazine disconnect safety. After another five hundred rounds I again got a few light strikes so I removed the magazine disconnect safety and have had no problems since then. I really like the gun, I can shoot better with this than my 4006 or my MK IV series 80

Walt Sherrill

New member
The Beretta M92 is a fine gun, but BIG. I much prefer the SR9 (or SR9c), particularly if you have plans to carry, either openly or concealed.

I've had both, and a bunch of other guns. I no longer have a Beretta, but do have an SR9 -- which I consider maybe the best Ruger-made centerfire semi-auto.

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New member
I still love my SR9c. I replaced the striker indicator with a polished aluminum one from Galloway precision; its mostly a cosmetic upgrade but eliminates plastic on plastic at one part of the trigger pull so it may have gotten a tiny bit smoother.

Removing the mag disconnect is a given. After that its a great gun. Like I and others have said, it had to go back to the factory after a few hundred rounds. On mine, they replaced the firing assembly with stronger parts, and it works great now. Break it in like any gun, if it needs to go back it goes back, and it will be very reliable and a great gun.

My friend has an SR40 full size, his has had no issues, well into the thousands count at this point.

I'd take the Ruger over the Beretta. Nothing wrong with the Beretta, just personal choice.


New member
They don't make it in .45ACP yet. There have been several reports of people emailing to ask and getting the same canned reply that an SR45 and SR45c are in the works. I will probably get an SR45c if the dimensions are similar to the SR9c.


New member
I'll buy an SR45, but don't need an SR45c - already have a Kahr CW45.

When I get an SR45, my SR9 will go to my Son who got my Kahr PM9 for Christmas.


New member
Still love mine, still considering other SR's as they come out but no desire for a .40. I shoot the SR9 in a way I never could shoot my dad's Beretta 92SB when he was a cop.


New member
Just found this thread, I love my SR9 and have about 5000 rounds downrange. The SR9C is my CCW but I carry the SR9 as well. Love both and can't find any that I like better for anywhere near the price.


New member

you guys should check out armedcivilian556 on you tube if your looking for a conceal sr9 holster, best you will find. tell him tideman66 sent you.