Ruger SR9 Owners

Uncle Malice

New member
I've been eye-balling the SR9 lately too. The thing I find myself a bit confused with... is they are all listed in the high $400's (most around $450) on gunbroker.

Jax Shooter's in FL(where I got my M&P 9c from) has them listed for $400 even. Just seems a little odd to me....

I'll check with my local shop today perhaps and maybe start a layaway plan. They are usually a big higher than I can get it for online but I would rather give my business to a local shop if it's within reason.

I can't afford to just up and buy one outright. In the past 3 weeks I've bought my XD(M)-9, XD-9SC and M&P9c....

Something tells me I should leave SOME money to buy things like food and gas. :p


New member
i am fairly impressed with it... decided i will get one

i was looking at some and i felt one that was broken in...
the trigger does improve and i think i will be getting one when i have the funds...

its a fairly impressive gun.

at first i couldn't manipulate the slide release, but this was with an empty mag.
i put some dummy rounds into the magazine and the slide release was much easier.

it fits my hand great and i am liking just about all of it.

my only complaint right now is how difficult it is to load, its not like loading a 1911....

anyone try one of those UnLula magazine loaders??? its a universal mag loader

thanks fellas for your advice.


New member
I just put some money down on one at my local shop. I got the SS for $399. I never really paid much attention to the SR9, but once I finally held one, I realized that it fit my hand really well. I like smaller, slimmer pistols, and the SR9 is definitely slim. I can't believe that a pistol with that slim of a grip can hold 17 rounds.


New member
I've had mine for quite a while now, it is a favorite of mine. It's either it or my H&K P2000 with me. I like the Comp-Tac paddle, myself. My SR9 is the flattest carrying pistol I've ever owned. No problem with concealment. The accuracy is awesome, and 0 feed/extraction problems.


New member
Gunsby, the SR9 comes with a mag loader thingy... However, the spring does lighten up and most people can the load the mags by hand after a bit. I think I was loading mine by hand on my 2nd range trip.


New member
The spring gets lighter because your thumb actually gets used to the force. It's most likely psychological thing. Your muscles know after a few load what to expect and things get easier. Same for the trigger and the aiming and all that. More you practice, things work much better for you. Two things though... If the sight dots would be bit larger, and the trigger would be smoother... this gun can easily match up with 1911s. I am very happy with it so far.



New member
got an SR9 last week

I finally bought one (brushed stainless)... my first .9mm

Well I picked it up from my gunshop and cleaned it at my buddy’s house (brought a cleaning kit with me for this purpose). I then went and then shot it... one mag... It’s all I had time for last Saturday.
I just wanted to test her out. I had 2 failure to ejects, stovepipes, and once it did not return to battery. I didn't think I had a good enough grip onto it. The trigger was really gritty and heavy too… it shot about an inch and a half low at 12 or so yards too. I made a quick adjustment of that, the horizontal was perfect on it. I am used to my 1911 and MKIII Ruger, with the lighter gun (sr9), I think I was limpwristing it. The heavier 1911 I expect the recoil and with the .22 I don’t have any problem either. I think perhaps psychologically I was not expecting it to have recoil (.45 mind)

so a couple days later after cleaning it better, oiling it up (I like the Lucas red gun oil), and working the trigger dry firing (with dummy rounds); the trigger improved more than three fold.. The slide is pretty darn slick now and I can’t wait to shoot it again.

It strips down so easy; I am very impressed with that. The grip fits my hand extremely well. And, the sight picture is good too

I don't think I cleaned it well enough on my first test run.

So, I will probably do another rite up later this week or the next. It will be more professional and written better than this. Hopefully I won’t experience anything negative.

So far, I am pleased with my purchase, I just hope those failures to eject were just a one time thing... all the symptoms indicate limpwristing. I will get a better hold on the gun next time, fire a couple hundred rounds through it and report back my findings. I think I will really like this gun,

added on...
the dang thing bites my hand something fears... has some sharp edges
got bit a few times taking it down and putting it back together.
Racking the slide is brutal!!! I better toughen up!........................ or at least wise up.....


New member
I am having wear on my barrel…

I am having wear on my barrel…

I have only had about 60 or so rounds through my SR9 right now and I am seeing a wearing spot on the area where the (oh I don’t know the property term for what its called) top part of the barrel and bottom of the slide. When he gun is fired it cycles out of battery and rubs up against the slide. I am not sure if this is normal…..
I am going to attach a couple pictures to let you guys know what I am talking about.
I just want to know if I should be concerned at all…..
It is slight wear but I would like to prevent it from getting worse if it is an issue.
If it is normal wear, I would like to know this as well
Hope my pictures are clear enough….

sorry for the image size....


  • hl Bar SR9.jpg
    hl Bar SR9.jpg
    252.4 KB · Views: 726
  • Slide and barrel hl.jpg
    Slide and barrel hl.jpg
    251.2 KB · Views: 672
  • highlighted slide sr9.jpg
    highlighted slide sr9.jpg
    219 KB · Views: 646


New member
That's normal... I think it's called peening. Some people even polish that area just skip that whole break-in process.


New member
it is my understanding that peening is not normal
the finish rubbing off there is normal but not deforming of the metal....from what i am told.....

i have called ruger and they said they would call me back, which they haven't...

i am confused over this, some folks say its normal break in and other say its a problem and not to fire the gun until its reworked by ruger....


New member
Sold my SR9 today :(

Lost my job month ago (5 days after I purchased the gun) and I need money badly now. Maybe I buy another one when I get a job or start my business someday.

It's a sad day :(


New member
Sold my SR9 today

Lost my job month ago (5 days after I purchased the gun) and I need money badly now. Maybe I buy another one when I get a job or start my business someday.

It's a sad day

Bummer man, it sucks to have to sell your toys. I hope you get back on your feet soon.



New member
Here's what mine looks like... It got this point and stopped early on. I have a little over 1000 rounds through it.




New member
hey, nice keyboard!

yours appears to be more of a polishing

the metal on mine is being pushed up. i called up Ruger and they told me that it isn't supposed to be doing that...
sorry if my picture wasn't showing what was going on clearly enough

make sure yours is just polishing and getting shiny, not metal deforming...
i wouldn't want you to tear your handgun up and then think "awe shucks" later

i dont think you have peening...

the fellers over at the ruger forum are all in a hissy fit over this, you might want to take a look over there and see what they are saying. but, to me, yours looks ok.... from what i can tell with a picture....

i have only had about 40 bullets through mine....


New member
No, it peened for sure. It just got to a certain point and stopped. I didn't think anything of it. It looks polished because I polished it. :p But yea, I've been reading the thread over there also... Sounds like yours might be a little more extreme than normal.


New member
Repaired Peened sr9 returned and viridian laser arrived on the same day

well i sent mine in to Ruger and they sent it back with a new barrel that has been polished some....
they told me they shot about 20 rounds through it to check it out and it worked fine for them with no problems....

mine started peening after one mag through it.
it came back to me on the same day as i got my Viridian Laser that i got at that promo price.

i havent shot the gun yet so i plan to test it out with the laser this weekend before the 4th. i hope all the problems are gone....

i did look at that laser though and it is as bright as looking at the sun (no i didnt look into the light) your not supposed to look into the trap :D (ghostbusters)

anyway, you can see it bright as noon at night, and pretty darn good during the day too.
i know its not actually brighter than the red ones but i tell you it sure appears brighter.
its so bright, i dont want to have it on in a dark room because it messes with my eyes.....

i am very impressed.

if it works well and hold zero after my tests, this may be the only laser company for me...
maybe get a laser/light combo for my rifle....


New member
I have had my SR9 for about 3 months and have fired about 1,200 rounds through it.The trigger has lightened up to about 5 1\2 lbs, but I would like a 4 lb like my P89. I do reloading and am going to try several different grain loads tomorrow that I made with my replacement press. This gun is pretty accurate, but when I shoot my P89 at 30 feet, I can hit the bullseye quite frequently. With the SR9 I get a slight pull up to the right at 30 ft, and I know it is the pull cause at 15 feet, I knock the entire center out of the target with the SR9. I adjust my wobble to compensate and it helps, but a lighter trigger will make the difference.

I will post my results with this ammo made on my new Dillon press.