New 1911 Just Got The Hiccups

Alright all, here with crazy88fingers. We ran a mag so far and it functioned. Grip and form is perfect and fingers are where they should be. And 0 limp wristing. So far so good.


New member
7 yards. Freedom Munitions 230 FMJ.

We tried different mags, different ammo, and even a different recoil spring. None of it seems to have helped. The running theory now is that one of the machinists sneezed and something is out of spec. As the gun broke in, the problem surfaced. I'm not playing home gunsmith with a brand new (and expensive) gun. So I'm calling Colt tomorrow and discussing A replacement.
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Handsome group.Could you indicate target distance and ammunition used?

7 yards and I don't recall the first box we tried but the second was WWB.

Down to it now.. It still has the same problem. Here's what we tried new:

• My magazine from my Colt Gold Cup.
• My recoil spring from my Colt Gold Cup.
• Different ammo.
• Different shooter.



The extractor would be behind the casing or next to the casing, right on the rim. One of the times, on the last round where it could be a double feed. The gun failed to go into battery because it pushed the round in almost all the way with the extractor fast behind it.

So something has to be off with some crazy measurement that's off by .001 or something. I'll let 88 mention what he plans to do with it since it is his gun.

The gun I brought with me for him to try (and quite frankly encouraging him to purchase one for himself.) is the SIG P220. Which ran flawlessly. Also, 88 preferred the DA pull to the SA. So a DAO or DAK P220 might be in the near future.

Today was a good range day aside from the 1911. We were shooting tight groups. Cleaned the guns and he went off.


New member
Thank you,I take it 230grn FMJRN for that test.
Something is definitely out of whack and now the victim will not be blamed for
it.Colt's got some explaining to do, I'd bet they know what it is too and they're
bobbing and weaving instead of doing the right thing and replacing it.


New member
I'd bet they know what it is too and they're
bobbing and weaving instead of doing the right thing and replacing it.

That makes absolutely no sense. There's no money in not fixing a gun that you've paid to have shipped to and from. Send the pics to Colt, along with the list of mags, ammo, etc.
There's a Colt rep at 1911forum, Brent, who's facilitated repairs, locating guns for people who can't find one in stock, etc., and you might find it worthwhile to join the forum to contact Brent. A lot of manufacturers have reps on that forum, and it really helps for both parties, since customers are happy, and the manufacturers show that they do care.


New member
Between the shipping costs and paying their techs to look at it (twice), I wouldn't be too surprised if they've already lost money on this pistol.


Sounds like too much tension on the extractor, or the bottom of the extractor needs to be rounded slightly.

Seems that the only other thing that could cause that is the chamber being too tight, but most ammo would fail to chamber completely if it was, so I'm going with the extractor as the culprit.

I would have a new extractor fitted to the gun, if tweaking the old one doesn't bring results.
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New member
But if the rounds are in front of the extractor, how can it be blamed? Also it consistently malfunctions on the last one or two rounds of the mag. It seems like an extractor problem would be more frequent.

It may be a combination of defects at play.


The extractor won't cam into the cartridge, that's why it's behind it. If it was the recoil spring you'd be getting stove pipes. If it was the feed ramp it most likely wouldn't chamber at all.


New member
We tried different mags, different ammo, and even a different recoil spring. None of it seems to have helped.

Is it correct to say that every one of the malfuntions have happened with the last round in the mag.


New member
Originally it was always the last round. Since its second return from the factory it has started double feeding too, with the last and second-to-last round.


New member
non battery

Are you using shock buffs? If so, make certain there are no small pieces lodged near the extractor.
What happens using the factory mag?
Any marks on the feeding ramp?
Clean the weapon diligently...all of it!


New member
No shock buffs and Constantine gave it a pretty detailed cleaning before I sent it back the second time. Both of my factory mags, a Chip McCormick, and a third factory Colt mag that has worked flawlessly in another 1911 have all had the same problems. Pretty sure it ain't the mags.


The extractor won't cam into the cartridge, that's why it's(the extractor) behind it(the cartridge). The upper round is being kicked into the chamber ahead of the extractor, which allows enough room for the top round in the mag to be stripped off, resulting in a double feed and failure to return to battery.

So maybe it's the extractor.

Depress the firing pin, remove the firing pin stop and firing pin, take the extractor out and examine it under a magnifying lens, there might be a bur on the hook, or the bottom needs a slight radios on it, or it's over tensioned, or a combo of all. The hook might even be broken. Maybe not, but the sure way to tell is to take it out and examine it up close. It might just be carbon built up on the extractor.
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New member
The pics still don't really explain why the gun grinds to a halt at the point it does. If the round were merely ahead of the extractor, the hook could still snap over the chambered round; why is the gun stopping half-way into battery?
The top round in the mag is getting loose before the slide comes forward to strip it.
I'd send it back, but I'm still curious; if you hand-cycle the gun, does it seem to run alright? That is, you can put a full mag in the gun and rack all the rounds through it?
How could the gun have run properly out of the box, then somehow developed a dimensional problem?


New member
Colt's Manufacturing Company

#1 This is a new pistol.
#2 It has been twice returned to its place of manufacture.
Consequently there are two logical scenarios:
a)The manufacturer does not know what the problem is.
b)The manufacturer does know what the problem is.
If "a" is true then what we have here is massive incompetence.
If "b" is true then what we have here is massive disrespect.


New member
#1 This is a new pistol.
#2 It has been twice returned to its place of manufacture.
Consequently there are two logical scenarios:
a)The manufacturer does not know what the problem is.
b)The manufacturer does know what the problem is.
If "a" is true then what we have here is massive incompetence.
If "b" is true then what we have here is massive disrespect.
Just like the poster who sent his Ruger SR1911 back twice now for the front sight breaking off.



New member
I could have cut Ruger a little slack, they're still new at this. But Colt has been making 1911s for the past 102 years! :rolleyes:

As I've said before the gun functions fine more often than not. It's possible that they've test fired it at the factory and not run into this problem.