Has a movie ever made you want to buy a certain firearm?


New member
Once wanted a 45 calibuh longslide wit laza sighting after seeing The Terminator, but eventually settled for an AMT Govt. We won't go there. Always wanted a LAR Grizzly in .45 magnum. Then, after seeing Shakedown with Sam Elliott's Richie using it to great effect, I needed one. Never did get it, but maybe someday.


New member
A thompson machine gun with the drum mag in many movies. Also in I think it was Alien with Schwarzenegger using a portable gatling gun.


New member
Collateral made me want a USP45 (I now own two)

Book of Eli has me wanting an HK45

Man on fire made me want a Glock 17

Sin City made me want a SA 1911 TRP


New member
Also in I think it was Alien with Schwarzenegger using a portable gatling gun.

I mean I guess Sigourny Weaver looks like Arnold but I think you are referring to Terminator 2. In which case I want a Spas-12 just so I can rack it one handed like in the movie

Uncle Billy

New member
"Last of the Mohicans" with Daniel Day-Lewis got me to research the parts to build another Kentucky rifle. Whoever was responsible for the arms in that movie was pretty accurate - nobody aimed his gun at someone with the frizzen open. The one Hawkeye carried is waaaay longer than the usual Kentucky, which are pretty long to begin with. Looked at Jim Chambers' kits, Track of the Wolf, Pecatonica River and others but haven't decided yet which.


New member
I mean I guess Sigourny Weaver looks like Arnold but I think you are referring to Terminator 2. In which case I want a Spas-12 just so I can rack it one handed like in the movie

I think he meant the original Predator, where the black guy cuts the jungle down with his mini gun.

I understand the confusion after 20+ years of Alien V.S. Predator movies and story lines

Best video I could find. Not very good, but you should get the idea.

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New member
Magnum Force Colt Python 6 inch barrel
Die Hard Taurus PT99 (did not like the Beretta)
Wanted Dead or Alive, finally the Rossie Ranch Hand in .357Magnum


New member
It only took three posts to get the correct movie,,,

It only took three posts to get the correct movie,,, ;)

Ahnuld in Predator.

I think he meant the original Predator, where the black guy cuts the jungle down with his mini gun.

The "black guy" was either Carl Weathers or Bill Duke,,,
But it was Jesse Ventura who killed the jungle with the GE M134 Minigun.




New member
It only took three posts to get the correct movie,,, ;)

Ahnuld in Predator.

The "black guy" was either Carl Weathers or Bill Duke,,,
But it was Jesse Ventura who killed the jungle with the GE M134 Minigun.



Watch the clip I put up...Jesse had the mini gun, but...when the predator made a peek-a-boo hole in his chest, his black buddy emptied his M60, then went for the mini gun


New member
Watch the clip I put up...Jesse had the mini gun, but...when the predator made a peek-a-boo hole in his chest, his black buddy emptied his M60, then went for the mini gun
Yup, it was Bill Duke that emptied the GE to silent running, mowing down the jungle along with the rest of the squad emptying what they had to no effect. Long tall Sally, she's built sweet..........


New member
"Manhunter"- series from the '70's - made me crave a Colt M1911A1. I got the M1991A1.
"Starship Troopers" - made me crave a bullpup rifle - got my Bushmaster M17S Bullpup.
"Starsky & Hutch" had me craving the 6" Colt Python - but the price kept going out of my reach - maybe one day.


New member
For me, it is the exact other way around...

I have a LeMat (reproduction) for some time and I carry it as my regular carry piece.

I always loved Confederate handguns and the LeMat is my favorite one of them all. Nine powerful .44 rounds in the cylinder and a charge of grapeshot in the central barrel.

Even in this day and age, when electronic gizmos get built and become obsolete at a dizzying pace, I feel nice and secure that this LeMat revolver, designed on the battlefield 140 years ago, will still reliably do the job it is designed for if I ever need it to, no matter if this is the era of the Ford Model T or the era of the iPod.

Then I saw that the novel "Cold Mountain" featured the use of a LeMat and that got me into reading it in the first place. The movie? Neh, not so much my interest because of so many deviations from the novel, but the novel was excellent, ass-kicking excellent.


New member
The shadow made me want,,,

The Shadow made me want a dual shoulder holster,,,
With twin 1911's of some ilk hanging in it.

Click here please,,,

Instead I did purchase a pair of 5.5" Slab-side Ruger 22/45's in stainless steel,,,
My rationale was that I wanted a pair of modern dueling pistols,,,
So I could take friends shooting and use the same guns,,,
And have something to use in that shoulder holster. :cool:

That part worked wonderfully,,,
I have several friends who I take to the range,,,
The matching set of Rugers are the favorite pistols to shoot.

I have yet to build the dueling pistol case and Shadow shoulder holster. :eek:




New member
A classic win lever action in "Tom Horn" (who knows the model and caliber ???).

But, at first, a SW 29 (Dirty Harry)...:p


New member
classic win lever action in "Tom Horn" (who knows the model and caliber ???).

In the movie - he said it was a 45/60 and it was supposedley a Winchester 76.

My first gun EVERY purchased was because of this movie:


I still have it: My Thompson Center .50 Cal. Hawken. I will never sell it and still shoot it.

I still have my Model 29 also.