Search results

  1. D

    .40 Lovers?

    Everyone seems to love either the 9mm or .45. Any lovers of the .40??? I only chose the .40 because my Beretta came in 9mm and .40, and I just like bigger bullets. If the 9x series came in .45, I would have bought that. At any rate, are there any true .40 LOVERS out there???
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    Glock + Belly Band = ?

    Is there anything wrong with carrying a Glock in a Belly band? Obviously the trigger is completely covered, but is a sturdier holster a better idea? Experiences?
  3. D

    Please help with tiny Glocks...

    Ok. So I'm trying to decide which tiny Glock I want. Just fondled a 36 and 27 at the shop. Unfortunately they didn't have a 30/33 (not sure which number...whichever is the subGlock .45 with the larger capacity; either 30 or 33) I'm looking at them for a gun that will likely be able to go more...
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    CA 2003: Is it really going to be that bad?

    I've been thinking about the new laws coming into effect jan. 2003. Is it really going to be that bad? I'm not at all saying that they are in any way, shape or form, JUSTIFED or ok; I'm just curious if I really need to buy all handguns I want now. What are you fellow CA gunners doing? Maxing...
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    Pro-gun movie...

    Saw "Panic Room" tonight. I have been curious about it, sorta like those who slow down to look at accidents... Anyway, so a buddy brought it over. If that's not a pro-gun flick, then I don't know what is!!! I was just drooling thinking of all the guns I'd stick in my own panic room!!! :D...
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    Let's SUE the govt...

    It is a crime to aid and abet a criminal, right? Guess what? (As if this is going to be news! :rolleyes: ) The US Govt is GUILTY. Obviously restrictions on carrying, purchasing, owning, guns disarms ONLY the law-abiding. "Perversely, by ensuring that those who abide by the law will not...
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    Handguns are sub-lethal?

    Please elaborate on what is meant by this.
  8. D

    Holsters built into pants?

    Not sure if this is an original idea or not... Are there pants that already exist, or if not, would it make sense to build a holster into pants? Couldn't you just sew a strip of cloth inside the waistband of your pants to keep the gun held there, then tighten your belt over it to secure...
  9. D

    LEO's...please help w/ a ticket...

    Ok. So I got another speeding ticket. Does the officer's attitude and what he says during my encounter with him factor into a judge's decision at all, or does it make me look like an a$$ for trying to discredit an officer? In my situation, the officer was quite snide. For example, when I told...
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    Wanna Help fight Cancer???

    Go to Download a small program that runs unobtrusively in the background. Read about it on the site. I've had it for over a year, and it does NOT interfere with your normal activities at ALL. Regards Drjones
  11. D

    Another "Which gun?" thread...

    Ok. So I just read THIS thread in General, and it seems that I may want ANOTHER gun. I have a Beretta 96 blued, 96 Stainless, and am going to soon purchase a Colt Govt. 1991 A1 Full-size. What else should I get? Here's the criteria: Full-size, NO mouse-guns. Though compact/Sub-compact...
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    Defensive Pistol classes in CA?

    Hi. Looking for a serious defensive handgun class in or near CA. I'm strongly considering FrontSight because of their reputation. Any other courses IN CA worth a look? Opinions on Frontsight? Any other advice? Thanks! Drjones
  13. D

    The consequences of NOT carrying...

    ...are what frighten me the most. This weekend I was in Monterey and Carmel with some family and family friends, staying at a house we rent. (RIGHT on the ocean!!!) Not exactly a "rough" area, but there were definitely a lot of times that I was glad I had a certain friend with me. My mom...
  14. D

    Talking about guns?

    What advice/experiences can you relate regarding talking about your guns, or guns in general? I'm a very open person, and I have no problem talking about anything at all, anywhere. However, I have realized that this is not the case with most people. This policy of mine is especially unwise...
  15. D

    Viper Part 2...

    Ok. Talked some more with my dad.... It seems that my Uncles insurance on the car is primary, and mine is secondary, which means that the costs will be covered by HIS insurance. However, apparently all claims go to some master reporting agency, so my insurance will hear of this incident, and...
  16. D

    Emptying your mag in SD?

    Ok. So we all know you are supposed to shoot until the threat is neutralized. You are caught in a clear-cut case of self-defense. You are perfectly justified in having used your weapon. You emptied your entire magazine into the BG. Does this affect the judge/juries' view of you legally...
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    How much ammo do you take with you...

    ...for a weekend trip? How many mags? Any boxes of rounds?
  18. D

    More gun-control issues...

    I was having a discussion with my dad about gun control. He admits to being "on the fence" about the issue, being uninformed on it. He was simply playing devil's advocate with me, and trying to learn from me. A good point which he brought up, and that I felt I could not very well refute was...
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    OT, but interesting...

    Yes, its OT, but I wanted to share anyway. Here's a new one for you all: Last night I had the distinct honor of getting into an accident. With a 1996 Dodge Viper GTS. Blue with white racing stripes, 8 Liter V-10, 550 HP. (YES, 550. No, its not stock.) My incredibly generous uncle let me...
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    Has 9/11 made you carry more?

    Have you started carrying even more often than you did before 9/11? Are there places you wouldn't usually carry before, that you do now? (Church, school, work...etc...) I was watching the national news tonight, and all the talk of the Florida incident, and other terrorist news in general made...