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  1. D

    The Terrorists have won.

    I think they have. From : Main Entry: ter·ror Pronunciation: 'ter-&r Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French terreur, from Latin terror, from terrEre to frighten; akin to Greek trein to be afraid, flee, tremein to tremble -- more at TREMBLE Date: 14th...
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    Guns in courtrooms, airplanes, and the like...

    Clearly there is absolutely no reason whatsoever why people shouldn't be allowed to carry guns in courtrooms, airplanes, schools, etc. (well, except for some members of could severely exceed the max. weight limit of the plane with some of the collections you guys have!!! :p )...
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    So who's behind the disarmament conspiracy?

    We all know the potential consequences of disarmament. We all know that those who wish to take away your guns are NOT doing it for your own good. My question is, who is behind this disarmament push in the US? What group, individual? What is their ultimate goal? There must be something in...
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    Shooting an "unarmed" BG?

    I put "unarmed" in quotes because you never really know if someone is truly unarmed. The best you can say is there is no weapon visible. Anyhow, I have a serious question, and two scenarios. 1) This was prompted by an actual event I just heard on the news. A girl was on campus at a local...
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    My Letter to the Ed. Re: Ballistic Fingerprinting

    Hi. My local paper ran a front-page story today about ballistic fingerprinting. Neither good nor bad, just a story. Here's my letter to the editor: This is regarding your front-page story on Ballistic Fingerprinting that ran...
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    Wow. I just get more and more amazed every day with the amount of stupidity, immaturity, rudeness and blatant meanness on GT. I honestly think that about 95% of the people who post there are abused kindegarteners who are taking out their aggressions and frustrations on the few sane people who...
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    Are all your guns always loaded?

    NO, I'm not referring to the safety rules. Do you keep all your guns loaded, whether in the safe or not? I'm uncomfortable having unloaded guns around the house. Perhaps I've been reading about and thinking about too many SHTF type scenarios, but I just don't like the idea of unloaded guns...
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    Hostage Situation...

    You're in a bank/restaurant/whatever. One or two terrorists/joe blows/whoever storm in and take the place hostage, barricading themselves inside. They are NOT heavily armed; they only have a pistol or two between them, maybe a long gun. (Clearly they're not very smart being so lightly armed...
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    Sacramento Meet and Shoot!

    OK. So I'm FINALLY getting my G27 this saturday, Nov. 16, and I'm going to be at the Cordova Shooting Center. Probably 12-1-ish. I'll post a more specific time later... Anyone wanna join me??? has directions, etc... ( this the correct forum for this...
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    Hearing protection and SD at home...

    What do you think of wearing hearing protection while in a SD situation at home? ***Specifically, I'm thinking of those electronic muffs that still allow you to hear regularly, NOT standard ear protection that kills your hearing*** I think its safe to say that a few rounds from a handgun...
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    I just CAN'T do it! I just can't...

    HOW do you wear your gun strong side IWB about 4 o'clock??? That's where it is today, as it conceals a bit better with khakis and a tucked-in dress shirt, but DAMN, I cannot sit in chairs!!! I was sorta comfortable on the drive to work, but i'm sitting in my office chair all funky. Gonna go...
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    How much training do cops ACTUALLY get?

    We often hear the argument: "well, only police and military should have guns because they are SO well-trained to use them!" I beg to differ. Based on what I've read here, news stories, and the like, its my understanding that a lot of cops aren't really that adept with firearms at all. I know...
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    More Americans becoming socialists?

    I just have to vent. I'm in an American Govt. class this semester, and currently we're covering money and politics; the influence that large corporations have in govt. I'm typing up responses to questions in a study guide, and thought you all might be interested in some of this. I also have...
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    Effectiveness of .50 AE?

    Just curious as to the effectiveness of this caliber used by the famed Desert Eagle. Any other gun use this cartridge? Someday I'll have one.... :D
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    What to do with set-back bullets?

    Hi. I was reading THIS thread and it featured a pic of .40 bullets in which the bullet had been shoved back into the case a bit. Well, I inspected the Speer Gold Dots in my carry gun, and lo and behold, a couple of them were set back. Specifically, the one at the top of the mag was set back...
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    WOW am I glad we split from England...

    Just finished reading this article, and I'm speechless: Actually, I couldn't even finish it. I wanted to keep my lunch IN my stomach, you know... Poor b@st@rds... I really can't even fathom such stupidity...
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    10mm...What's the big deal?

    I've been seeing more threads lately about 10mm guns. Why all the hubub? I like BIG guns, BIG bullets, etc. so I think I might like the 10mm. How does it perform ballistically? I'm getting the impression its better than the .45, and close to a 12ga with the way some people are painting it...
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    Do you move your hand to reach mag release?

    On a semi, do you have to, or are you supposed to change your grip or move your hand much at all to operate the mag release and slide catch? (Other than your fingers, you would-be smart-alecks! :p ) Are you supposed to operate all such controls while still maintaining a firing grip?
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    Ahhh...the Viper troubles just never end...

    Well, anyone who's been here a while should remember my Viper incident. For those who don't, bring yourself up to speed: HERE I REALLY need some help with what's happening now. First off, I ask for all snide remarks to be left out. This includes "Don't borrow it if you can't replace it" and...
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    Do some people REALLY need killin' or NOT?

    Just some observations; *these are submitted so humbly and honestly* Most of us here would agree that "some people just need killin'." Case in point THESE scum: BUT, then, an individual goes and asks "have you ever pulled...