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  1. D

    YES! Let's repeal the Second Amendment!!! Why didn't I think of that sooner??? :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:
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    An apology...

    Hello all. I feel that I owe everyone a public apology and explanation. I have been posting some comments here that were...less than savory. First off, I have clearly NOT been "Thinking twice before posting once." I will commence doing that now. I'm actually going to take a break from...
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    Rape in Santa Barbara...

    So I'm in Santa Barbara for the weekend. Today, someone stuck flyers on all car windshields around Isla Vista telling of a rape that occured Sat. Oct. 5. Apparently a group of between SIX and EIGHT black college-age males forced a girl into a bathroom and assaulted her, with some of the group...
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    OT: Getting stains out of ties?

    I was at In n Out for lunch today and got some grease on my brand-new tie. How do I get it out? Can you dry-clean ties? Will it mess them up? Thanks and sorry for the OT post... Drjones
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    How often do you clean your carry gun?

    Range trips aside...say you haven't shot your carry gun for a month or so. How often do you clean? Weekly? Daily? What?
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    CA Gun shops going out of business and such...

    I definitely forsee a noticeable drop in handgun sales after Jan. 2003. There are several questions/issues I have. First off, I think that the antis will feel quite vindicated when they see the drop in sales. (And the corresponding increase in crime!Well, not really...) Wouldn't that just...
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    Attn Ca Gunners!

    I've been on a handgun buying spree before the new laws take effect Jan. 2003. Am I suffering from "the sky is falling" -itis? Are you going to stop buying guns come 2003? Are you all stockpiling now? What are you doing? Please vote!!!
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    Attn Ca Gunners!

    What are you doing about the new laws come 2003? I've been going on a buying spree lately, and am wondering if I'm just victim of "the sky is falling" syndrome. Are you seriously going to stop buying after 2003? Are you going to just suck it up? What?
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    Having unregistered guns in CA?

    What are the consequences and implications of owning/getting caught with an unregistered handgun in CA?
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    I wish we had more antis around here...

    SERIOUSLY. This would serve several purposes: 1) Through debating, it would force us to constantly re-examine our beliefs, ideas and opinions, making sure that we are correct. (Of course we are! :p ) 2) You learn best by teaching another. 3) We would end up converting 'em to our side!!! :D...
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    It's simply amazing what people don't see...

    ...even when they ARE looking! I usually carry my Beretta 96 IWB in front at about 12 o'clock. My closest friends know this. A while ago they were making bets as to whether or not I was armed, and one of them finally called me on it, and told me to lift up my shirt. I was laying on the couch...
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    How will terrorists strike again?

    Seems like every single day there are articles in the paper and stories on the news about new videotapes being discovered from afghanistan, and new speculations on how/where terrorists will strike again. What do you think? What is most likely? A chemical/bio attack? Home invasions? Suicide...
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    Desantis "Nemesis" Pocket holster?

    Anyone have any experience with this holster: The nemesis is at the bottom. Looks cool to me! Looking to use w/Glock 27
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    Where do you go for unbiased news?

    We all talk of the bias in the media. Is there anyplace to go for unbiased news? Where do you get your news from?
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    Help me pick a rifle...

    Ok. So with the new gun laws coming into effect Jan. 2003 in CA, I think I want a rifle before the end of the year. I do not hunt, and I will not start hunting. I want this rifle just because I can have it, and for a SHTF-type scenario. I already have several handguns and a shotgun, but...
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    What do you think of this...

    Check out this website: Its a long read, but worth it. Do you think this is extremist propaganda? It seems to me to be fairly well-documented, and makes sense to me. I know it is very long, but at least skim over it... Between various forums and...
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    Please help...I'm so mad....

    I'm so mad that I cannot even argue with my friend. I cannot even begin to argue against his complete lack of intelligence, and lack of any mental capacity whatsoever. So last night I'm talking with a friend...(maybe I should put "friend" in quotes?) and the topic turns to guns. He actually...
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    How much time do you spend here?

    I really think I spend too much time here... easily HOURS each day. My eyes and back tire from being on the computer for so long... But these forums are SO great!!! And now I've begun frequenting Glocktalk, which actually has a LOT of great general discussion forums. I honestly know that I...
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    I broke a Glock!!!

    Well, I didn't actually CAUSE the damage...just happened to be shooting it when it went out! I rented a Glock 23 today, because I've never shot a Glock and want a 27. The 23 is the smallest the range rents. So I start shooting, and after 3 rounds, I pull the trigger and...nothing! ***? I...
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    Glock 27 vs. 30 thickness?

    Ok. Have it narrowed down to a 27 vs. 30. I like the capacity of both guns. The 7 round cap. of the 36 is just too little for me. However, I'm concerned because a lot of people say how thick the 30 is. Is it really that much thicker/bigger than the 27?