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  1. D

    Loads of newbies?

    Is it just me, or has there been a huge influx of new members in the last few weeks? I'm seeing all these new names with low posts. YAY!!!! WELCOME!!!! :D :D :D
  2. D

    VH1 Supports and celebrates criminals!

    I was watching TV this morning and saw this story: :mad: :mad: :mad: :barf: IMNSHO, when you are in prison, you lose a vast majority of your rights. You clearly lose your 2A rights, and I DEFINITELY think that 1A should be on...
  3. D

    Am I the only Anti around here?

    Anti-mousegun that is... :p Seriously, there is just no way in heck I would EVER carry anything smaller than .40. I just wouldn't do it. I am NOT trying to bash anyone who does, nor would I want to get shot with a mousie, but I just look at it this way: no one will question the stopping power...
  4. D

    Nazis DIDN'T use gun control???

    Read this: Runs counter to everything else I've read and heard, save for the quotes from Hitler at the bottom. I STILL think the Jews would have been better off had they been armed... And this from a pro-gun(?) site... What do you think?
  5. D

    READ THIS, CA Voters!!! Voting guide...

    Here is a link to the Gun Owners of CA website: Has a great voting guide. Go Vote!!!
  6. D

    How about a REAL "general discussion" forum?

    I humbly submit my request to the moderators on Mount TFL for a non-firearms related general forum. Of course topics such as religion, abortion, etc. will not be allowed. However, I think it would be nice for us to have a place to discuss movies, cars, other hobbies, without fear of being "OT."...
  7. D

    Does crime increase in the winter?

    I think I recall seeing a statistic that most crimes occur at night, or most SD shootings occur at night, something like about 80%. SO, since the days get so much shorter in the winter, does crime increase as well? If so, let's ban winter!!!! :p
  8. D

    Dating and Packing...

    How do you manage when you are going on a date, specifically the first few, and don't want the girl to know? Dates are a little different from other interactions with people, as things can get, uh, a little more "personal" than just a little hug from your mom or whatever, if ya know what I...
  9. D

    Traveling and guns...

    How do you manage when you are staying away from home, and don't want anyone to know you are packing? SPECIFICALLY, what I mean is, as an example; this last weekend I went to Santa Cruz with a bunch of buddies. Didn't want them to know I've got "ol' faithful" with me. I managed well by keeping...
  10. D

    Oh no, honey! He'll just take it away from you...H

    This was the reaction I recieved when I learned of the gang-rape in Santa Barbara and told my parents we should get my sis a gun. "Absolutely not." "What??? Why???" "They'll just take it away from her...use it against her..." Could someone PLEASE explain to me how this is done??? I'd...
  11. D

    WE are right, THEY are WRONG.

    As ignorant as one can sound by loudly proclaiming such, I have come to the conclusion that it is true. Pro-2A types are RIGHT, anti-2A types are WRONG. Period. I challenge ANYONE out there to try and prove me wrong. I have sought opposing viewpoints, and have recieved none that hold up to...
  12. D

    To All those who lurk and do not post...

    WHY do you lurk and not post??? As my good friend Leon Phelps once said: "Come on in baby, da water's fine!" :D
  13. D

    OMG! I did it! Barely came out alive!!!

    I went to the brady website! I've been wanting to visit some anti sites to see what "arguments" they have. Well...a few seconds on the brady site, and I was ready to throw my poor laptop out my second-story window!!! Oh, the HUMANITY! Oh, the sheer volume of tinfoil!!! :barf: :barf: :barf:
  14. D

    Defending against carjacking?

    How does one do this? I don't have much experience with carjackings (never been the giver nor the reciever) so I'm not clear on how they occur. Don't the guys usually have guns? I thought they did. How do you outdraw a drawn gun? I thought you didn't... Do a lot of carjackers use knives or...
  15. D

    Why did you start carrying?

    Not when, but WHY did you start? Was it a single, cataclysmic event that scared you into carrying regularly, this forum, what?
  16. D

    Two belly bands at once?

    I like my Defender belly-band. Has anyone ever tried wearing two at once, so you could carry two guns? Good idea? Bad?
  17. D

    So you get a letter in the mail...

    ...saying "please dear sir, turn in your guns effective immediately." (Although probably not as politely stated.) What do you do? Seriously. I would probably frame it and hang it where I would see it everyday, as a reminder what I am going to have to fight for, and as a reminder to work...
  18. D

    Movies/TV not possible without gun control...

    I've been thinking; (uh-oh! :p ) how many movies and/or TV shows would not exist if most people actually took responsibility for their own safety? For example, the movie "Panic Room." Had one of US designed that room, it would've been so chock full of guns, you'da been hard pressed to find an...
  19. D

    It really NEVER fails...

    Whenever you don't have it, you WILL need it. I bought a MT UT D/E D/A OTF for EDC. (GOD, someone has to come up with a shorter way to say that!!!) Cool toy. I love it. Carry it often, but NOT often enough. Today again, I thought "nah...I won't bother..." and left it at home before leaving...
  20. D

    What makes a gun the most concealable?

    Obviously there are a lot of factors that play into concealment; size, shape, (of the gun and the carrier!) carry position/method, etc. For me personally, I would find my Beretta 96 easier to deal with if it had a shorter barrel. (I'm talking like an inch or so, not 1/4" like the C models...)...