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  1. D

    Please explain barrel twist ratios to me.

    What is barrel twist? How does it affect accuraccy/ballistics? What does 1:7, 1:12, 1:14 mean? Any info is appreciated. Thanks! :)
  2. D

    Price check: Remington 700P

    Is $659 a good price for this rifle NIB? Any better prices out there? Thanks.
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    Remington 700 Police? P? PSS? LTR?

    Hi all. I've found the bolt rifle I want: The Remington 700 Police. Or, the PSS. Or wait....the P. No is the LTR. Or.....the..... There are so many different letters and models used to refer to what I think is the same rifle. The rifle I want is a Remington 700 in .308 with a...
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    Rifle weight and recoil...

    Hi. I'm gathering data on bolt action rifles. I'm very interested in the Remington offerings; the 700 Police and similar rifles. The 700 Police has a very heavy H&S Precision stock on it. The rifle probably weighs close to 12 pounds or so with a scope and bipod. Question: Assuming that this...
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    Supreme court ruling re: Police protection?

    Hi all. I had a wonderful discussion about gun control with a friend last night. (Whom I now love even more that I found out her views on it!!!) Anyway, she's a student at Georgetown Law, and was VERY much interested in the Supreme Court and Congress rulings that Police are not obligated to...
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    So my friend encountered an intruder last night...

    Fortunately, he didn't get in. My buddy lives in Santa Cruz, and last night he heard some noises outside, got up to investigate, then heard some footsteps in front of the house. (They have a wooden deck in front, so steps are know) Here's where his foolishness comes in: He opened...
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    Best bullet grain for .45?

    What is the best bullet weight for defense and why? My bullets of choice are Speer Gold Dots, and I got 230gr. Would lighter be better? What are the advantages/disadvantages of light vs. heavy? Thank you Drjones
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    Need help cleaning my shotgun...

    Hi all. I started cleaning my Mossberg 88 tonight, when I realized; I don't really know how to clean a shotgun! The insides, I mean. I know how to take off the barrel and clean that, but how 'bout the inside; around the bolt and all that??? Lubricating, all that... Thanks... Drjones
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    I'm scared. I just lost my home.

    I do apologise for adding to the "TFL Closing" threads, but I wanted to say my peace. I am very scared and saddened. I love this place so much. Everyone here is kind, polite, tolerant, intelligent, and insightful beyond words. I have taken so much comfort here especially lately, as I have been...
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    What gun laws would you agree to?

    What, if any, gun laws are reasonable? Now, before you jump all over me, I hope you all know I'm utterly, wholly, totally against any and all gun control and anti-gun laws. However, I think perhaps the background instacheck is about the only thing that really makes sense. Perhaps so an...
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    When the weather outside is frightful...

    Do you beef up your carry equipment? I'm not talking just guns... Example: Here in nor. cal, we've had howling wind and pouring rain the last few days. This morning, I was awoken by a family member to be informed our power was out. It was dark as hell, windy as all get-out. I strapped on my...
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    Would you mind if I invite some MM's to discuss?

    Hey all. I've got a dirty secret to confess: I've been spending 'most all my time the last few days at that michael moore forum. :eek: Trying desperately to educate people and combat the stupidity, but it is too tough. Would anyone mind if I invited them to check us out? I will make sure...
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    Recoil difference w/diff bullet grains?

    Hi all. The last time I was at the range, I could've SWORN that the 165 gr. Gold Dots I put through my G27 kicked like hell, esp. compared to the 180 gr. FMJ practice ammo. Is there much of a recoil difference between rounds of different weight? I would think perhaps, since a lighter bullet...
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    End Of Days...

    Saw this flick last night. Not too bad...had a lot of great action scenes. One quote I like the best from Ahnold: "Between your faith and my Glock 9mm, I'll take my Glock." :D He used Glocks and his buddy used a P7! Couple questions: 1) Arnold had two wrist holsters of sorts for a pair of...
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    Can a Felon have a drivers license?

    Can he? If so, there is a big problem. You mean to tell me that a felon is allowed to drive a car but cannot own a little stinking GUN??? :rolleyes:
  16. D

    Who said this???

    Someone here said something along the lines of; A person watches someone stab someone else and says he should be punished. Same person watches someone kill someone in a car accident and says person should be punished. Same person watches someone shoot another person and says guns should be...
  17. D

    Leaving antis speechless...

    I find I do this a lot. Truthfully. Last night, a buddy was over, and I was oiling up my Beretta in the kitchen in plain view of everyone while he was talking with my family and looking at some pics. He looked at my dad and said "This guy's got problems." Up in my room a bit later, he told...
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    What exactly IS "vigilantism"?

    SD isn't vigilantism. At least I don't think so. A third party shooting a perp currently in commission of a crime isn't vigilantism. Roving gangs of people rooting out evil, exterminating BG's currently in commission of crimes doesn't fit my definition of vigilantism either. From...
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    I am a victim.

    I just realized something, as I was reading through lendringser's site: I am part of a minority. I know what it feels like to be a victim. I know what it feels like to be discriminated against. I am getting so fed up with all the liberal BS in my Ethic America class, and I think I might try...
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    How much oil for a stored gun??

    How much do you oil a gun that you will not be shooting for a while? I'm not talking years, just several months. Do you liberally oil inside and out?