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  1. F

    Ruger #1 Trigger

    Looks like the after market only has two choices, Moyers and Kepplinger. Am I not finding a choice? Has anyone stoned the non-adjustable trigger?
  2. F

    steel in white (rust prevention through treatment)

    I'm exploring the options for rust preventative treatment for a grip cap and butt plate that will come in the white. please let me know what I am missing hot blueing browning case coloring nitre blueing I'm outright omitting coatings like plating and enamels. I'm leaning toward nitre blueing...
  3. F

    hunting accuracy

    Am I the only one confused by the quest for a sub MOA hunting rig? It's not that if find a super accurate rifle objectionable. I just don't think that should be the first criteria for a medium to large game hunter. Ease of handling seems much more important to me. I feel similarly about...
  4. F


    How can one accelerate the process of turning Ruger blue to Ruger plum (browning?)?
  5. F

    Ruger #1

    It's hard to get an even coat of thinner on. The wood is like a sponge.
  6. F

    Ruger #1

    The wood is actually darker than it appears. The wood is dry for this picture. No water, thinner, or coating. 60 grit. The surface had a very thick drying haze over it. It is not what was pictured when I purchased it (I doubt a picture was ever taken). It has turned into a fairly nice...
  7. F

    Tom Knapp vs. a Sleuth of Bear

    Who would win?
  8. F

    Ruger #1

    here's the new pick 19" by 16" by 3"
  9. F

    removing metal from hammer for performance

    Does it make sense to remove metal from the "shaft" part of the hammer in order to reduce light primer strikes when using reduced power springs and/or increase lock time? The removal of the metal would need to be below the center of mass and since the hammer head is quite large that would mean...
  10. F

    Hurricane aid extended to March 2009

    By CAIN BURDEAU Associated Press Writer © 2007 The Associated Press NEW ORLEANS — In an acknowledgment that the hurricane-shattered Gulf Coast is in a housing crisis and strained by a slow recovery, the Bush administration said Thursday that it intends to house storm survivors into 2009...
  11. F

    Stock market

    In order to avoid treading on another topic I thought it might be best to open a new topic. Bloomberg did a documentary on naked short selling. When you buy stock you might not be actually getting what you pay for. You might be getting an IOU instead.
  12. F

    Ruger #1

    purdy stuff I can handle a little bit higher resolution in the future. I think the max is around 256K.
  13. F

    FirstFreedom, don't even bother opening this post

    My son is almost 10 months and his first word was dada, and he has had moma down for almost a month. Well, today he said his 3rd word. Wooger. He is having difficulty with the "R". I told ya FF. You shouldn't have opened this post.
  14. F

    drying walnut for stock

    I have purchased a stock blank that was cut into logs in 03 and shaped into block form in 05. It's covered in a light coat of spray wax for prevent splitting. How long do I need to wait for a complete dry before final machining and finishing? What kind of environment would be best?
  15. F

    Ruger #1

    Srtrax sent me the pictures in an e-mail. I am posting one on his behalf.
  16. F


    Let's see if this works. I had to crop a lot off to make it fit. I'm not too photo savy.
  17. F

    Should non-citizens have equal access to firearms?

    I'm not sure I would expect (not to speak of my desire to have that opportunity if I saw it to be fit) that if I were visiting another part of the world. I guess I'm disturbed by our country's latest mass murderer. Should individuals on a work visa or school visa, who are entitled to certain...
  18. F

    Virgina Tech shooting 20+ dead

    I'd post the story, but this is at the bottom of the page "Copyright 2007 CNN. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Associated Press contributed to this report." I guess gun control doesn't work. Wish there was a CCW on campus.
  19. F


    The letter "H" followed by another "H" invokes thoughts of a bespoke rifle, an African plain or painful recoil. Sorry to disappoint ya fellas but H&H has gone metrasexual. Move over Eddie Bauer and LL Bean because you have a "branding" foe. Ain't marketing grand...