Ruger #1


New member
He didn't admit to making a mix up, all he said was "pick another piece". I'm pretty sure it was a mix up. I couldn't find one with enough length for a mannlicher forend, the longest I could find was 19" from their turning stock. I think I may end up with a #1B or #1S in lieu of the RSI or resell the new blank and start searching again. I guess I will stop looking in turning stock and go right to the rifle blanks. I usually learn these lessons the hard way.


New member
I can do 11.50 plus S/H

but I doubt it will stay there.

I'm playing with the idea of having the 20" barrel cut back to 18". I don't think that would hurt a 7x57 too much. If I can get the front site and barrel band to fit it might be a nice touch. As it is (full size RSI with a metal butt plate) the OAL will be shorter than a 10/22. Talk about handy when cut back another 2".


New member
Mr Newton is giving me the new piece and letting me keep the mix-up blank. Maybe I can send the mix-up in to a stock maker and have some forearms made to sell and defer the cost of my custom project. The burl is very nice, but not near long enough for anything else.

Anybody need a shotgun,lever or #1 forearm? I'll need to sand it and take some pictures.

I thought this would be a PITA to deal with, but so far Newton Woods has been very easy to deal with despite the mix-up.


New member
Well, got out my cartridges of the world book and went over it with a fine tooth comb and have narrowed down what i want by 2 cartridges.
257 Roberts
The 6.5x55 will more than likly be the one, I like the ballistics on it, and i have an inventory of bullets in this cal., that need to be shot up! You have a 6.5x55 let me know how you like it?


New member
if you go with 6.5x55 you can label the barrel 256 Rigby in the old English manner.

Are you keeping the standard shoulder angle? or AI?


New member
256 Rigby

The Rigby stamping would be a nice touch, hadnt thought of it, Thanks,
Will stay with the Standard round, mostly because i have a std. 6.5x55 reamer already. Hope, the wood works out for you this time, and looks as if they'll work with you if there letting you keep what you already have.( must have been a mistake on their end)


New member
I just got an update e-mail. He said the wood I chose for the replacement piece did not have the stated dimensions so he is sending me an unlisted piece. A mystery.... I think the inventory numbers are off. Some really nice pieces are very inexpensive and some of the plainer wood is very costly. A mis-numbering would explain that phenomenon. Mr. Newton is erring on the side of the customer. That goes a long way in my book. I'll see what the UPS guy brings...

Back in holding pattern...


New member

That is good news, and if anyone else out there is reading any of this you'll have to put their web page here. Sounds like a real gun person, willing to make it right. I've noticed that most people in the firearm business will do what it takes to make a customers happy.


New member

That small, shrunken blank would make me some absolutely gorgeous 1911 grip panels, plus a few knife scales... :D


New member
The wood is actually darker than it appears. The wood is dry for this picture. No water, thinner, or coating. 60 grit.

Hayden 257.jpg

Hayden 258.jpg

The surface had a very thick drying haze over it. It is not what was pictured when I purchased it (I doubt a picture was ever taken). It has turned into a fairly nice billet. Maybe I can find someone who would be willing to swap for a full length stock blank.


New member
That turned out to be some very nice wood. What did you say the measurements are? Sounds like Gewehr98 would be interested in taking it off your hands, if that is your intent! Sounds like he may have the tooling?


New member
It's 8" by 12". I ordered a claro, but I'm guessing this one is black. It is very hard, so I'm guessing its been air drying for quite some time. The 60 grit hardly cuts the surface and I've gone through a whole sheet using a 1/4 power sander.

G98 had a great idea. If I can't find a deal with him I might find a shop to cut 1/8" sheets and make some book matched pieces to sell.

The other piece should be here by Fri or Mon.


New member
I have a small bandsaw, and a jigsaw with a tall depth of cut, hence my idea.

I don't know how much you're into that blank, but the grain just pops out, and I'm bored with the grips on my carry 1911. (As well as the grips on my S&W Model 52, Czech CZ-52, PPC revolver, a few damascus knife projects, etc)

For an idea how highly-figured wood looks on a handgun, check out Esmaralda's site, here:


New member
Esmeralda makes some pretty grips. The walnut is much more subtle. I'll take another picture tomorrow with something on top to give perspective and a coat of thinner on top. It is very dark wood and the grain gets somewhat hidden when wet unless you move and the light catches it. If you are still interesting I'm sure we can work something out. You wouldn't happen to have a figured gun stock blank laying around (with 21" on the forearm)?


Hey Gew, I've got some beautiful Hogue kingwood (aka ironwood) grips on my CZ52. Pricey but nice. Only problem is, I don't see how I'd ever be able to get that band & the grips off without scratching/marring these grips.


New member
I've got Hogue wooden grips on my CZ-52 already.

They're just really *blah* compared to that blank Fisherman66 displayed.


I don't have any full-length blanks, so far. I do have some gorgeous smaller pieces, including Osage Orange, and a to-die-for chunk of birdseye maple. A friend was making wooden presentation pens and sold off his stock. Again, the idea was to make pistol grips and knife scales. I'll have to clean them up and take pics.