Top Shot


New member
I think he's a good host. Doesn't get long winded, short, to the point, doesn't talk about the guns trying to sound like an expert like some would.


New member
I can not help but think that in the shootoff with the sharps that perhaps some of the people did not want to be the team picker (maybe captain) and aimed off target on purpose.


New member
Tombstonejim said:
I can not help but think that in the shootoff with the sharps that perhaps some of the people did not want to be the team picker (maybe captain) and aimed off target on purpose.
I would think that they have more pride to try and hit the target than anything else. I think they would do their best to hit it.

I was expecting that challenge to be carried out, where the sniper expert said that the shooter that hit the target couldn't do it twice.


New member
I'd rather watch it on demand where I can FF through the boring bits and just watch the challenges. And even those are often drawn out.


New member
I can not help but think that in the shootoff with the sharps that perhaps some of the people did not want to be the team picker (maybe captain) and aimed off target on purpose.

That's funny! I told my wife I'd be shooting in the dirt. I wouldn't have any interest in picking a team. Hell, I was surprised they could remember each others names.
I'm horrible with names......:eek:


New member
After reading the thread, there are a couple of things I want to share.

According to the commentary on the show, when the second team shot, the fog was thicker, and it had started to rain. That group may have had a much harder task than the first team up.

I had no problem with the two guys sent to elimination. One of them said he really had not taken the challenge seriously. Based on how he shot the .44, I think he understood his wake up call. The other proclaimed himself to be the greatest shooter in the world. He was mistaken.

There were two others who shot goose egg in the challenge, but they did not make themselves conspicuous through stupidity. If the issue was bad shooting conditions, then their skills will show eventually. If they are truly poor marksmen, they will have their chances to go home.

Regarding the first season, I really admired Kelly. He was diligent in studying the challenges and the weapons. I don't recall him ever being the worst on his team at any challenge. He definitely proved his competitive fire and ability by sending so many others home in elimination challenges.

I also thought Blake's reaction was very interesting. As I recall, after the show, he went back and started shooting more with stock pistols. He felt that he had gotten spoiled, and his skills might have suffered, as a result of shooting tuned race guns. That sounded like he was trying to make himself a better shooter, not just find a better gun to make his life easier.



New member
Another thing to note regarding the pool ball challenge is that the top pistol shooters on the blue team are champions at the speed games, not bullseye. I'm not trying to disparage USPSA, etc. at all, but a single aimed shot at a small, partially obstructed target is quite a bit different than shooting a plate rack at 50 yards in an astonishingly short time...

I was disappointed that the women were picked last; I thought that was poor form on both teams' parts. I'm also glad Maggie wasn't chosen for elimination based on her pistol performance, as her 3-gun skills might come in pretty handy. Maybe not, but I have a gut feeling that the guy that won the elimination doesn't have the attitude or versatility for the long haul.


New member
Did anyone notice the poor safety precautions during the 1911 challenge? Its, raining, foggy, and they are running with a loaded single action that some clearly didn't have familiarity with. I noticed a couple fumbled with the safety getting it off and I couldn't tell if anyone put it back on. Only the homeland security guy kept the muzzle down range. Some of the edits really clipped out what was clearly sweeping the group. :eek:


New member
I liked the season opener, but like everyone else here I seem to be left with questions like:
Why didn't anyone use the set trigger on the Sharps?
Were the sights dialled in for 200yd?

The good:
Firearm diversity
Little pop-ups of info "Sight radius refers to the distance between rear and front sights ..."
Awesome camera work capturing bullets in flight

The Bad:
Lots of house-hold drama
Would like to know more about their challenges (like the cartridge load on that Sharps, bullet weight and muzzle velocities)

The Ugly:
Lots of ego and attitude. Hopefully this doesn't devolve into a gorilla cage match.


New member
next week seems cool with the paintballs but that has some serious safety concerns

I'm not sure if I like the idea of the upcoming paintball challenge or not. At least as of several years ago when I was mildly interested in paintball it seemed that at least 90%-95% of the paintball guns out there had very bad consistency when it came to accuracy. Meaning that the only way to do well unless you had the very very top of the line super expensive gun was to trick it out for speed and fire as fast as you possibly could in the other team's direction. I'm not entirely sure if I like the show doing a challenge that seems to support the idea of spray and pray.

However, the idea of the contestants actually being able to shoot at opponents is pretty cool so maybe it will be o.k. They said that the Thompson sub-machine gun was gonna be in the episode too, which again is cool, but can lead to a lot of spray and pray situations depending on how they set up the challenge.

I guess I'll just have to watch and see what happens:D


New member
I was disappointed that the women were picked last; I thought that was poor form on both teams' parts

Why do you say that?

I was disappointed that the ladies couldn't have made the guys second-guess choosing them last, by hitting a couple of pool balls. The one gal can't seem to complete a sentence without saying "national champion", and maybe both gals are a bit rattled by having to beat everyone, rather than just other women, to win the competition?


New member
The Ugly:
Lots of ego and attitude. Hopefully this doesn't devolve into a gorilla cage match.

That was another thing that bothered me. The editing done to intentionally "enhance" the drama.

For example, I can't claim to know Brian Zins personally, but we've chatted a couple of times about bullseye pistol stuff via NRA events and he was very friendly and outgoing to a stranger and rank-amateur such as myself.

In person does he have confidence...yup, and I'd say it's well earned. But ego/attitude....not in my personal experience.


New member
I was disappointed that the ladies couldn't have made the guys second-guess choosing them last

I think the guys were making what they believed to be the best choices for their teams regardless of gender, and that's the way it should be. I don't agree with their choices (Zins would have been my first choice by a mile) but an observation that picking the females last was "poor form" sounds like they should have picked them because they are female, not because they were the best available shooters.

The paintball thing sounds gimmicky to me.


New member
For example, I can't claim to know Brian Zins personally, but we've chatted a couple of times about bullseye pistol stuff via NRA events and he was very friendly and outgoing to a stranger and rank-amateur such as myself.


Brian Zins seems like a genuinely nice guy.

I haven't seen this season of Top Shot, but I've attended a couple of his BE clinics. If anything, he was a little bashful about his accomplishments. So if he's acting boastfully on the show, it probably an act.

Shootin Chef

New member
So I watched the second run tonight with a sick sleeping girlfriend beside me snoring away.. I swear when I turned it up she just snored louder... so I may have missed a few things. :D

I was under the impression that civil war era guns used paper cartridges? Why were they loading brass? Also, with the hammer off to the side, how did it strike the primer? Obviously I'm not familiar with this gun at all lol.
The bullets seemed to be curving heavily to, did anyone else notice that or was it just the camera angle, because they sure seemed to be moving like baseballs.

I feel the shooting of targets to vote for people is really silly, I thought the same of last season too. I understand it goes with the shooting theme of the show, but it just seems kinda... stupid? I guess? Sorta like going to McDonalds and shooting the menu to order instead of just telling them what you want you know? Although thinking about it, that might be kinda fun.

I really think the proclamation of being the best shooter in the world was meant to be tongue-in-cheek humor. I would hope no one would really be so vain as to seriously proclaim that on national television.

I'm not very excited about the paintball challenge, but safety concerns? It's just paintball... they leave welts if they hit exposed skin but I don't really think they could kill someone. Well, maybe if you choked on it? :D

All in all, it's gonna be pretty much like last season, not that I expected much difference. Colby did cut his teeth on Survivor after-all.
At least he's a better host than Probst.
