Top Shot


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As kids we use to shot roman candles at each other. I would just lead a running target 5 or 6 feet and hit em all night long. Don't understand why they didn't figure that one out.


New member
Athena Lee said:
......"Who doesn't want to see a short, Asian chick kick butt?"

Afraid Athena was full of herself.....fortunately we won't have to endure it anymore. Flaunting her race, size, and that she's got "Championship Titles" said more about her than I cared for. (There's more than a few guys on the show that exhibit similar behavior)

Nothing against accomplished women shooters, but when all your titles are earned against only women....that experience is pretty limited to a small number of shooters.

I've conducted shooting events for years and we kept the women and men classes separate for one basic entice the gals to "shoot competitively" knowing many would get discouraged and quit if they had to compete against the men. The mens classes are larger and more competitive....hence the competition to make it to the top is much more difficult. Before someone jumps all over me for being against women shooters, I'm not....have had the privilege to know many that have put a few men in their place. My point being that she had a slim chance in this arena because her titles were not earned against the best the men had to offer.

The show gave the arm chair gun owners what they dream of....full auto shootout! That part alone brings out the "Walter Mitty" in shooters. Hopefully we'll see more of this in the future and less sling shots.

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A friend of mine noted today, when I mentioned she was a 3 time IPSC champion, that "perhaps she wasn't used to shooting iron sights".

I did have to wonder why, after making the firing position, and with no time pressure (apparently) so many "expert" shooters rushed, and fired DA, when there was no need. DA is a fine skill to have, when speed is important. This challenge was about accuracy, and shooting a gun only practiced with once before? DA would not have been my choice.

It looked deceptively easy, and perhaps the stress accounts for the difficulty, note that the misses were just barely misses.

This is perhaps another factor, with those game shooters, such as IPSC, where pin point accuracy is not the critical factor. If it is out of the A zone, it still counts something. Not like reactive targets where being off by just a little is a complete miss.

I generally ignore all the comments about how good they are, even if true, shooting unknown guns, with unknown ammo, with very little or no practice, I think kind of evens things out.

I did enjoy seeing her struggle with the Tommygun. She gave it a good try, but clearly, she was at a physical disadvantage.

Its called Top Shot, but the challenges are more than just shooting ability.

mr kablammo

New member
I too was puzzled that she was using DA rather than SA. Myself and some other friends that shoot USPA have hypothesized that USPSA Open class shooters become 'over~specialized' by specializing to the race~gun equip. Several times I have finished ahead of 'A' Open shooters that slummed it to my Limited/Production division. I am C in both. Because of over~specialization I expect Kyle to be off 3rd or 4th. Zinns is a pistolero fantastico but seems to have enough breadth to go far.


New member
I watched the first episode this early morning. I was dumbfounded at the poor shooting, especially after all of the bragging.

Maybe I had to high of expetations because I'd just watched " Between The Crosshairs " which was extremely impressive.

Hope that the shooting improves. Could care less about the dramma.


New member
I'm glad to see Athena go. Surely she had time to practice with a variety of guns, especially the ones outside the realm of her apparently very limited experience. I wonder if she had ever even heard of the six o'clock hold or had even shot a revolver before, but then again she didn't do any better with the 1911. Did she think they were going to change the rules/philosophy of the show just to keep her on?

I have no regrets about learning to shoot over iron sights with wheelguns - and still don't have any lasers, red dots, scopes or other optical aids for my handguns.

Did anyone notice that they didn't refer to the Colt Official Police by its full name? I wonder if Colt failed to pay them enough marketing graft.

Zins seems to be playing it just right so far - maintain a low profile and make your shots so you don't get picked for elimination. Still my strong favorite.

Check this out as well -

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New member
They did refer to the Browning 1911 as a "Colt .45" in the first episode, so there must not be any anti-Colt bias. They're using a Gold Cup in every episode, though they have not referred to it by name.


New member
Zins seems to be playing it just right so far - maintain a low profile and make your shots so you don't get picked for elimination

I don't know about that, If I was Brian I'd try to get picked for the elimination every time. The way he shoots he's win, and end out with a whole Poop pot full of those Bass Pro Gift Cards.

But I agree, I think he's gonna be the overall winner. Anyone else get the ideal he's setting back laughing at the rest of the shooters.


New member
so there must not be any anti-Colt bias

It occurred to me that (gasp) Colt may not want to be associated with such an "antiquated" weapon, fine as it may be, given their current focus (not that they are the same Colt they were back in the 30s). Just musing...

The way he shoots he's win, and end out with a whole Poop pot full of those Bass Pro Gift Cards.

You're probably right, but that's a risky proposition too. What if the elimination challenge was "Run 1/2 mile up a 12% incline and throw rocks at low altitude balloons" or some nonsense like that? They might trip him up on something like that.

I don't think it's about maximizing the $$$ for any of these contestants, especially Zins. I'm sure the $100K would come in handy, but I think there's a lot of pride involved too, plus, it's probably psychologically impossible for Zins to intentionally blow a shot not given a great reason to do so.

44 AMP

What we really need to see...

Is what they do for American Idol, show us the "auditions". I, for one, would like to see what they have to do to get in the contest.

The performance of many of the shooters so far, makes me wonder. True, they aren't missing by much, but they are missing. Notice how all the challenges are hit/miss targets? Only the first one, so far, has been for a "score" (closest to the bullseye).

OF course, hit/miss targets that break, shatter, & explode are much more entertaining, and it is TV, after all. But think about it, a shot, with an unfamiliar gun, or one you have only practiced with a little bit, that would score an "8" instead of a "10" is a clean miss with some of these targets!

So far, except for the first challenge, ranges have been short, speed has been vital, and being off "just a little" is a clean miss on a bottle or a pool ball.

The wonder is how poorly some of the "expert pistol shooters" have done. Makes you wonder what they did to get chosen for the show.


New member
But think about it, a shot, with an unfamiliar gun, or one you have only practiced with a little bit, that would score an "8" instead of a "10" is a clean miss with some of these targets!

Zins is accustomed to hitting a 3.4" 10-ring (about a bottle's width) 25 to 30 times out of 30 one handed at 50 yards when shooting bullseye (and the rest in a 5.5" 9-ring). I would bet he can do this with a .22 target pistol, a centerfire revolver and a 1911. The targets they used in the paintball challenge were 30, 40 and 50 feet away. This would be child's play for Zins shooting single action and two-handed. They shouldn't even be that tough for a weekend shooter who knows and follows the principles. Assuming the reason they are missing is nerves and not lack of skill or knowledge of how to shoot, there is nobody prepared for the pressure like Zins.
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New member
I think a lot of shooters are over specialized with one weapon, and dont have a range of talents. Its the diverse shooters thatll probably win.

Shootin Chef

New member
"Run 1/2 mile up a 12% incline and throw rocks at low altitude balloons" or some nonsense like that?

I lol'd

Jermaine is my current pick for winner. He seems level headed, observant, quiet but willing to speak up, and he shoots well. Watching him exhale and push out from the ready position is so textbook.


New member
Jermaine is my current pick for winner. He seems level headed, observant, quiet but willing to speak up, and he shoots well. Watching him exhale and push out from the ready position is so textbook.

I agree, he is the poster child for text book shooting.


New member
Jermaine is my current pick for winner. He seems level headed, observant, quiet but willing to speak up, and he shoots well. Watching him exhale and push out from the ready position is so textbook.

Make a new pick. I thought Jermaine would take the elimination challenge but nope, let a bad shot slow him down.