Top Shot

woody wood

New member
my wife and i were watching and i thought also i may have done better shooting the 44 mag.they probably never shoot that type of gun much and did notice single action use.thats the first thing i told my wife-must be novice?
she pointed out before i did -is that not a 6 shot revolver,i dont see them reloading? i did see the speed loaders onn the bench!
i stated that if they had been shooting some h110 hot loads,like i do every week,i dont think they would have hit not saying im anything great.
im not sure,but the people like pro shooters and police practice with probably only one hand gun and one or two factory loads.some of us here are lucky to have quite a few different guns to try and master-which would help in this show.
Agree... my weakest platform would be the 45 auto... but I regularly shoot long range single shot rifles, CCW length revolvers, & magnum hunting revolvers, as well as scoped bolt action & semi auto rifles, even scoped single shot handguns quite a bit... however ( not sure if it's ever happened ) I might find myself missing the voting targets with the 45... ooops :eek: :D


New member
I'm waiting to watch the first episode on DVR after work (I go in really early- early to bed).

I enjoy the challenges, and I enjoyed the first season. The Blue team season 1 had a very honorable approach to the whole thing. "I didn't do well for the team, so I'll volunteer to go to the elimination and redeem myself." Whereas there was a little bit of "The Popularity Game" going on on the other side.

I was sad to see Tara leave in Season 1. Female shooters rule. I'm glad to see them tearing up the field and being represented more this season.



New member
Neither shooter had to reload for the elimination challenge because enough targets "fell off" before they could fire at them.

I too was surprised at the quality of shooting with the Sharps. Didn't see anyone use the set trigger and only a few used the range adjustment on the sight. But, hey not knowing anything about how the rifle shot, how the sights were it was a difficult task.

I just hope they stick much more to shooting this year and leave off the axe throwing, knife throwing, etc.

I'm sure I couldn't get past the first try out, but it is fun to watch shooting challenges and "dream about being that good":D

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I thought it was really interesting. Esp. the first, unknown rifle challenge. Of course, there is some soap opera aspects. One point is that if you have a pile of greasy hair piled on your head - you don't shoot as well as you talk that you shoot. :D

A techy point was that the losing guy was using a tea cup style grip - did I see that correctly. That isn't the most stable.

Of course, I am a big expert and would have run like a gazelle and hit every target. :D


New member
Whos the guy who said hes the greatest shooter in the world and then missed horribly? I laughed. I like how the two closest shots were a hunter and a golf instructor and everybody else were pro competitors.


New member
The gentlemen that got eliminated from the competition started to get a little teary eyed at the end. Unfortunately, I was raised that you only cry at funerals and the birth of your children. Not at a shooting competition:D That is my opinion, yours may vary.:D:p
wasn't that guy the junior champion... then said he partied too much in college ??? sounds like a typical child star ( reads actor ) who loses touch with reality... he didn't shoot the rifle well, didn't shoot the auto well, or the magnum revolver... at that point... "junior champion"... 25- 30 years goes by & alot can be forgotten...


New member
I think he said that he thought he was the best shooter in the world! I could be wrong. But I think he said that before he took his turn with the Sharps.


New member
Fell asleep on the couch waiting for it to start. My wife said she tried to wake me up........I'm not buying it. :eek: :D

Glad I had the DVR set.

Mal H

SPUSCG said:
I like how the two closest shots were a hunter and a golf instructor and everybody else were pro competitors.

I thought the first show was quite good. This season should be better than last season. Since the "best shooter in the world" was eliminated first, we'll see if anyone else makes a boast like that.

Let's hope they are more forthcoming when mistakes are made. I'm still miffed that "Jim" was eliminated by the impossible pendulum shot last season. The producers never acknowledged it or corrected it. It would have been fair to bring him back this season, even though he would have been eliminated early since he wasn't the best shot. But to be eliminated due to a production error is wrong.


New member
Does anyone wonder why the female world champion pistol shooter who didn't hit anything with the 1911 didn't get nominated for elimination?

To me it either smelled of political correctness on the part of the team members, or the producers warned the team not to nominate her so a woman wouldn't be eliminated on the first show.

Am I a male chauvinist pig for thinking this?


New member
To follow up on my last post - I think the golf instructor is overcoaching and overthinking his team.

Rather than put the competition pistol shooters first, he should've put them last for the harder shots.

Of the 4 who didn't hit anything on his team, 2 were competition/champion pistol shooters: 1 man (Chris T) and 1 woman (Maggie).

I think it would've been a no-brainer to nominate the 2 of them and keep the pistol shooter who survived.


New member
I don't see how you can say politics keep the top shooter from winning. If you win every match and every elimination round, you will win. You don't get voted off, if you get voted, you have a chance to perform, if you win, you stay. How does that involve pollitics???
Thank about what you are saying, before you say it.

The politics I speak of involves the person to person bickering between teammates. Crap man, ever have a bad day? See how much more griping will go on as somebody begins to think that another teammate is 'dragging us down' and the others focus in on them to eliminate them.
Did you get to watch last season? When a few get eliminated, some on the teams have to 'sit out' the matches to even out the team players who are shooting. If a person sits out because the opposing team named them, just how exactly can that person, in your own quote, "win every match" to become a winner? Anyone sitting out cannot shoot every match in order to win the final. If a shooter has sat out even one match, they cannot have beaten everyone, now can they? The only true winner is one who has fired each challenge, and not been sidelined due to the opposing team not wanting to fire against them. To me, that also is politics.
Only the first challenge with all shooters, is a fair challenge. After that, it's just TV, but with some neat guns.
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New member
Spammy H, may I respectfully disagree on the strategy?

It seems to me that the guy followed classic baseball strategy. In other words, put your best (in their opinion obviously) shooters at the top of the lineup, to get them more "at-bats". That's the strategy I'd have taken, and I suspect the team agreed and followed that strategy. JUS' SAYIN'...


New member
Bomb - you make a good point. I think that's a valid strategy, however, I was thinking that the better pistol shooters would be more helpful for the longer distances with harder shots.

Either way, they sucked, big time. They doubled the time of the other team.


New member
I do agree the golf instructor is over thinking/over coaching.

However, it does warm my heart that the two "ametures" are the team captains. Not saying I have a problem with competition shooting, I was quite the air rifle star back in high school,:D, but I really dislike some of the "champion" attitudes on the show.