New forum closer to reality


New member
Wait'll you see this one, guys! It won't be TFL, which has an environment all of its own: but the new forum will grow into something just as good, and maybe even better in its own way. It's such fun being part of the setup crew, navigating wonky software, discovering problems and debugging them, etc. C.R.Sam is actually using more than ten words per post! Mirabile dictu! :D


New member
C.R.Sam is actually using more than ten words per post

That's because he took a public speaking course to become more loquacious. :) Another 10-20 years and he'll be up to full sentences.


New member
Mike Irwin wrote:

Need sweet, blessed beer...

(Psst, Mike...the FFF bartender is putting a bug in your ear. I cut a deal with the Spoetzl Brewery; Shiner Bock is being piped in directly to the taps at FFF!)


New member
Trying to squash dissent Roger?

Just the traveling roadshow billboards.

I think I'll just stay out of political posts. Turn over a new leaf or something ;) Sort of a New Years resolution.....


New member
I am WAY psyched for this to happen. :D

My 2 cents:

- integrate full-auto
- mellow color scheme (TFL is juuuust riiiight)
- keep TFL's default font or I'll break out into hives
- less is more

I am completely comfortable with you two (O&R) designing this thing. Looking forward to more good times!

- Gabe

Guy B. Meredith

New member
TFL is outstanding in its lack if kitch and cutsie crap. This is the element I miss in every forum except (RIP) and firearmsforum.


New member
Oleg and everyone else involved in this,

Thanks so much for carrying the torch. Anything we can help do to defray the cost?


New member
I was thinking the same thing. Except when I looked at Preachermans post...

It's such fun being part of the setup crew, navigating wonky software, discovering problems and debugging them, etc. C.R.Sam is actually using more than ten words per post!

I'm thinking they are just testing it out for right now.

Good SHooting