New forum closer to reality


I've always thought that meant the fact that it's a pistol caliber weapon, not that it's inherently related to a hand gun. I just figure a buttstock (either fixed or collapsible) takes you out of the realm of hangun. :)

Again, don't really care one way or 'tuther.


Just to clarify, the new forum is not in any way maintained, operated, or supported by Rich. A few people may have been redirected there due to a configuration boondoggle. There will be an annoucement by Oleg, I'm sure, when it's ready.

Jim March

New member
For the record: I consider Oleg and Betty to be the *perfect* "head honchos" for the new site, and will support it to the hilt.

They've never squabbled with anybody, Oleg is a highly effective activist via his art, neither have ever fallen into the trap of "organization bashing" over differing opinions. And Oleg has a lot of contacts with the various orgs (again, via his highly effective art).

There's no finer choices, and damned few their equals.

Either way on the Class3 stuff is fine by me, but that's not my interest anyways :).

Can I make one suggestion? Lump reloading/ballistics into gunsmithing, one forum for both. The reason is, a lot of the "serious guntechies" do both, and when wildcatting BOTH elements are important. Separated, these forums don't really get enough traffic; lumped, I think they will plus it'll encourage "cross-pollenation of ideas".

"Guntechies" would be a good forum name for such a combination, come to think...

Tim Currie

New member
I'll second (or 3rd or 4th? didnt read all) the idea of making the general discussion and political/legal forums at the top. Would be nicer/easier.

Deadeye Fife

New member
Do you have a paypal account or snailmail address for those of us who would like to help pay for our own fun?

I'm sure that I speak for many when I say thank you for taking this job on.


New member
I just figure a buttstock (either fixed or collapsible) takes you out of the realm of hangun.

What is your opinion on pistols such as certain Lugers, Mausers, and Brownings, that can have a stock mounted?

AC's & 45's

New member
Thanks Oleg for taking this on..
I may not be a full time contributing member but, I will miss TFL>
Really a great bunch of folks!:)


New member
I'm for putting the full auto stuff into the rifle/pistol/shotgun/etc. forums, respectively. Not only does this help for normalization, but frankly, at TFL very few people ever read the Full Auto forum, if the post count there is any indication.

Besides, there were plenty of discussions about the G36, M16, FAL, AK-47, and other select fire rifles in the TFL rifle forum anyway.

As for short barreled shotguns, why not integrate them into the regular shotgun forum? What's the difference between an NFA shotgun and a regular one? Usually, it's 4-6" of barrel length. The misguided laws in this country make a big deal of that, but in reality, it's just 4-6" of steel tube.

Definately seprate legal and political from General Discussion. People usually get along in GD. People usually argue in L&P. Better to seperate the two for civility sake. ;)

I like the idea of keeping my user name. Though I had a different user name for the first two weeks of my TFL membership, I've grown accustomed to being the Nightcrawler and have even changed my hotmail address to such.

As for my post, hell, I didn't manage to crack 3K anyway. If we have to start from scratch, that's no biggie.

I certainly wouldn't mind a few advertisements, as long as they're not annoying, don't have sound (like some ad banners do nowadays) and don't have any popups (Lord knows I get enough of them, thanks to NMU's special operating package on this laptop).

Also, a comprehensive links page would be nice, to all the firearms manufacturers you can find websites for. Members could submit websites as they run across them and the link could be added. If the link turns up dead, the moderators could take it down at the next update. It wouldn't have to update often (once a month or so, maybe?).

I'd suggest avoiding becoming too graphics intensive. Vbulliten allows things like avatars, etc, but for members on dialup those things are just really annoying.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Graphics will be MINIMAL. No avatars.

Will roll several forums into one, branch them as needed (if traffic gets too high).

Will have specifics shortly.


New member
Oleg: Are you going to have a "trading post" on the new site?

If so, how about a small commision on all sales to help pay for the expenses of the site?

I don't know, maybe the administration costs would be too high, and maybe there are liability issues ...?

You could make the commissions on an honor system - hey, it works for the "voluntary" income tax, doesn't it? :rolleyes:


New member
As long as you are limiting graphics, how about a reasonable limit on sig's too, like maybe 3 to 5 lines? Seems kinda silly to have a one line post then a full page sig.


New member
I can't wait! I was one of the ones "misdirected" there last night and am therefore already signed in! (You will let that stand, won't you? I got to TFL only a couple of years ago and, though I only posted a few times, I lurked almost every day. I want to make sure that I'm one of the first folks signed in to this "reincarnation" of the TFL spirit.)

Thanks for the initiative and all the work. Let me know if I can do anything to help.


New member
It sounds like the world won't end after all. For a while there Y2.03K looked way worse than Y2K!

However it works out, I'm just tickled pink we'll have somewhere to go next year.

Way to go Oleg! You Da Man!


New member
Thanks you Oleg Volk!

This is a good Christmas Present. It takes a lot to step forward and take on this kind of task.

Thanks at least from me. I'm sure I'm not alone.

:cool: :cool: :cool:

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Not sure I can limit long tag-lines, but we can request self-control in that area.

Trading post will exist, no commissions.

Expenses are covered at this time. We may ask for assistance someday but we won't be putting dollar signs next to supporting members.

I expect to have the site ready for you by Christmas. Hey, it beats that lump of coal for which some were bracing themselves.


New member
Yes, Thanks Oleg.
This will be a great Christmas present for all of us!! If we need to chip in a bit, so be it. Just say the word. And finally, I would vote to keep forum as much as possible to TFL...

Larry C.
"What is your opinion on pistols such as certain Lugers, Mausers, and Brownings, that can have a stock mounted?"

They're handguns that can have shoulder stocks mounted. Sort of like a shotgun with a pistol grip. It's still a shotgun, but with attributes of a handgun.

To the best of my knowledge, none of the pistols that could be so converted (C-96, High Power, Radom, Lahti, Luger, Webley auto, VPZ-70, Steichen, etc.) had the stock permanently or semi-permanently attached as do most submachine guns.

Ya know, call me crazy, but I LOVE discussing stuff like this, where a good case can be made for any of several positions!

Sort of like "How many Mac 10s can dance on the head of a gangbanger?" :)