New forum closer to reality

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Got domain name. Will get software registered shortly. Almost all moderators contacted. Forum list in development. On that last point, want your advice:

Which forum structure would you prefer?

Keep full-auto separate


Keep machine guns with rifles, submachine guns and PDWs with sidearms


New member
I prefer cloning what TFL uses (including vBulletin software) 'cause that's what we're used to, it's fast, and it works!


New member
Why not have the best of both worlds? Have a "Full-Auto Only" or "Machine-gun" forum, and also allow full-auto rifles to post with rifles, sub-machine guns, etc. to post with... I dunno - shotguns? :D This might work.


New member
I prefer cloning what TFL uses (including vBulletin software) 'cause that's what we're used to, it's fast, and it works!

I second that.

Too many sections make me nutty trying to filter through the forums.

Good SHooting


New member
Definitely separate. It's perfect the way it is.

To wit: we don't even need the vomiting pumpkin smiley thing that they have at 1911forum.


New member
For what it's worth, the logic to integrating the Full Auto folks into rifles and handguns respectively is to "normalize" FA somewhat. There's a lot of folks (including yours truly) that never even considered going the FA path, and I think the intent to give it a little higher exposure, especially to the new entrants to the hobby, is a good one.

From a political point of view, FA DOES need to be integrated more tightly into the shooting community, I think. You don't win a battle by staying on the defensive, and so I think the cultural normalization of FA folks is a good goal. The antis and fence sitters already can't tell the dif between semi and full auto rifles, so there's not like we have a lot to lose.

Further, the post traffic on Auto seems to be kinda low relatively speaking compared to Rifles and handguns, so it's not likely to be very disruptive to the existing environs, I don't think.

Thats all on the PRO side.

On the CON side...

The point that the legalities are a lot more involved is a good one -- I'm not certain that it needs much more than a (possibly floating) FAQ thread though.

I'll admit my major objection on first hearing the proposal was that the mindset, intent, and technology was so very different between rifle and machine gun. I could very much see the logic between combing Evil Sniper Gun conversation with Happy Benchrest Gun and Cro-Magnon Bambi Killing Hunting Gun conversation, because of the technical similarities. I didn't feel that was the case with the FA stuff.... Oleg assuaged my fears there a bit by reemphasizing that the subgun stuff would be classed with pistols, the assault rifle/battle rifle stuff with rifles.

My considered position so far --
Political Goals -- Good.
Practicality of Solution -- Undecided.



Moderator Emeritus
I'd suggest putting all NFA stuff into the "full-auto" forum (SBRs, SBSs, AOWs, suppressors, etc.).

It'd increase traffic in that forum. :)

Stand by for flash traffic, Oleg...


New member
Those are some really good points Kaylee. I think that it would be good to keep it separate, but the idea about the FAQ float is a good one.


New member
I second Tamara's idea. Make it a little more inclusive - "Full Auto and NFA Weaponry" or something along those lines.


New member
Oleg, my first impulse was to say I had no preference, but Kaylee's remarks make a lot of sense. FYI, FWIW.


New member
My opinion...

1. Put all NFA weapons in a single catagory. Shotguns, short rifles, Machincannons etc.

2. ...Trading Post disclaimer. "All FFL regulations apply"
Too limited in scope.

Suggest something like..."It is the responsibility of both parties of any transaction to comply with all applicable laws and regulations."

Legal input re disclaimer would be nice.



New member
Yeah, except my remarks don't actually offer a final opinion on the matter, 'cause I'm temporrily flummoxed :p

The way I see it is this -- which is the most likely Unintended Consequence?

1 -- No designated FA board, so FA inclined people don't show up, going instead to or som'n?

-- OR --

2 -- The "Everything NFA" forum becomes a place where we put all the Less Than Socially Acceptable stuff.

When you think about it, as far as application goes, the "semi/full-auto" vs. "manual recharging" division makes more sense than the "hunting rifles and gelded semi-autos" vs. "Everything The Man Said Might Be Okay If You Get Special Permission" division.

Again though... in the division, are we just making it easier to talk to folks likely to be facing similar concerns, or are we making a "seperate but equal" situation, where new hunting-inclined members, for example, don't get to deal with EBRs enough to realize we're all in the same boat?

Personally, I'm getting more and more inclined to just take Oleg's path, and fold ALL the NFA stuff into the most fitting (long arm/short arm) category, and by doing so normalize it.



New member
Now, let's see... if I convert a Barrett .50 semi-auto rifle to a belt-fed full-auto sniper machinegun, which forum would I use? "The art of the Ninja Mutant Turtle Tactical Assault Camelback (which I'd need to carry it on!) Evil Black Fully Automatic Sniper Rifle"??? :D


New member
Put the discussion of the actual firearm in the specific topic (ie rifle, semi-pistol, etc.). Since Assault Weapon laws are also very complex, have a forum for "NFA and Assault Weapon Legal Issues" to cover Forms, pre/post ban and other specific legal topics.