Most "overated" handguns

Who makes the most overrated handguns?

  • Glock

    Votes: 209 39.7%
  • HK

    Votes: 62 11.8%
  • Sig

    Votes: 39 7.4%
  • Stock 1911

    Votes: 23 4.4%
  • Custom 1911

    Votes: 77 14.6%
  • Smith and Wesson

    Votes: 25 4.7%
  • CZ

    Votes: 12 2.3%
  • Ruger

    Votes: 9 1.7%
  • Beretta

    Votes: 43 8.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 5.3%

  • Total voters
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juliet charley

New member
When 75% of the Police agencies in the USA prefer it,that says something.
Baloney--one at least three counts:

(1) 75% of the LE agencies in the US do not prefer Glocks. (Care to provide hard documentation for your wild claim?)

(2) Mostly Glocks use by LE agencies proves it the ultimate low-bid weapon.

(3) Most LE agencies/administrators are not "gun people" and do not know a whole lot about guns. (There are, of course, individual LEOs who are they expeption to the rule.)


New member
juliet charley,

I'm not going to debate whether Glocks are used by 75% or the "majority" of LEO's in this country. Nor am I going to debate the veracity of your claim that Glocks are simply a "low bid" weapon.

What I will tell you is this. There are a lot of people who can afford to buy and have bought more expensive autos (including me) but still choose Glock. There are also a lot of expert pistolero's who are more proficient and have experience than I (or you) who choose Glock as their defense arm.

Your argument that "most LE agencies/administrators" are not gun people is debatable and also an assumption on your part. They are also subject to rules, regulations, and politics in choosing a duty weapon. Frankly, I believe most of the weapons that LEO agencies are issued (various Glock, S&W, Beretta, Sig, and HK) have been good to excellent choices.


New member
You just HAD to know...

the Glockophiles would start screaming about how stupid you are if you don't like Glocks....

guess they don't get it....that's the very reason Glock is #1 on the list

and yes, I do own a Glock but I'm not anal about it


New member
No Glock bashing here, but saying that 75% of law Enforcement prefer, let alone use Glocks, is crap. I personally know 3 LE's that were issued Glocks, and then went out and got something different.


New member
I beg to differ.

I don't think anything I've said on this thread or any other thread can be construed as "screaming" :rolleyes: nor have I accused anyone that they're "stupid" if they don't like Glocks.:confused: On the contrary I've always accepted the fact people don't like Glocks and if they don't, I've ALWAYS said they should find something else that fits them. I have always believed there are plenty of excellent choices besides Glock to choose from. When someone posts that their Walther, HK, or whatever is the best choice for them I've always taken their word for it. Blatant overstatements like that prove there are just as many overheated comments against Glocks as there are for them.

juliet charley

New member
Ian -
I'm not going to debate whether Glocks are used by 75% or the "majority" of LEO's in this country.
I'm not interested in a debate. I just asked for some hard documentation. It was not an invitation to a debate. It was of a "put up or shut up" statement.
Nor am I going to debate the veracity of your claim that Glocks are simply a "low bid" weapon.
Glocks are a "low bid" weapon, period. It is an accurate statement, and its veracity is not subject to debate. In your zeal to "defend" Glock you evidently read something negative into the statement (a touch parnoia showing maybe). It was not a comment on the suitability or quality of Glocks.
Your argument that "most LE agencies/administrators" are not gun people is debatable and also an assumption on your part.
I don't really see it as all that debatable (boy, you are looking for a fight over anything, aren't you). "Most" is a probably pretty accurate (and BTW, it doesn't mean the same as all). Again, how do you contrive that statement to somehow be "Glock bashing"--it would hold true regardless of the weapon chosen, wouldn't it? I think (totally inadvertently) you probably nailed it though when you said "subject to rules, regulations, and politics," and of course, thoughtfully leaving out "budget."


New member
HK P7. I know this is supposedly one of the finest guns ever made, but I found it heavy and becomes unbearable hot after 50 rounds. OK, you might argue that outside of the range you wouldn't be shooting more than a couple of rounds, but then the gun makes this really loud clicking sound as you cock/uncock the grip. Just seems like the noise would give your position away.


New member

I voted for other which to me refers to the hand cannons such as Desert Eagles, .480 Rugers, .454, etc. These guns are just big toys IMO. Fun toys to be sure but ways too big and impractical for real defensive use.

Second on my list would have to be the $2,000+ Custom 1911's. I own a basic, out of the box, Kimber Custom that cost about $700 and it works perfectly, is accurate as hell and it's tons of fun to shoot. I see no reason for those "Custom" 1911's to cost soooooo much.

Third would have to be Glock just because they are the ugliest thing since Hillary Klinton!!! :eek: :cool: :D ;) :p

Sure, Glocks work but YUCK!!!!:barf: :barf: :barf:


New member
Umm, Yakko...

Just where is it written that handguns have to be defensive in nature, or they're automatically "overrated"? That's painting people with Desert Eagles, Cassulls, Contenders, Wichitas, MOA Maximums, SSK's, .480 Rugers, Dan Wessons, Lone Eagles, BFR's, and the like with an awfully broad brush, and doing a hell of a disservice to folks who do things like shoot silhouette, bullseye, and hunt with the above handguns.

I've used the below Wichita handcannon for silhouette matches, whitetail deer, and wild hogs. I plan on doing the same with my Desert Eagle. Neither of the two are my nightstand guns, certainly, but they'll do better on Bambi and Porky than a wondernine. And as such, they definitely serve a useful purpose over and above being a defensive gun or fun toy. :rolleyes:



New member
Glocks are number 1 on Viking18's poll too. I really think thats why people get so upset about Glocks. It also seems like at least half the comparisons to handguns people make on here are always made to Glocks. Why? Does the fact that they are that popular make people that angry because their's isn't? Why would anyone care? Most of the Glock supporters on this thread seem to have been a bit more civil.....this time. On to the next post! :p

BTW, juliet...Ruger was the low bidder for the local city PD and they usually are around here from what I was told. Most departments just didn't care for them I guess because they are the only ones using them around here.


New member
juliet charley,

My previous post addressed to you was fairly simple. Some people choose Glock even though they could have gotten anything else. Try not to read into this that I'm saying "Glocks are the best". Hardly.

If you read my sentence over again, "Nor am I going to debate the veracity of your claim that Glocks are SIMPLY a low bid weapon" I was saying there is more to Glocks than simply the low price. So actually I was agreeing with you but I was just adding there is more consider than just cost.

And no I did not "conveniently" omit budget or cost into the decision making process of LEO administrators. Again, I was adding that other factors go into their choice besides cost.

And finally, how did you read so much hostility in my post? I do like discussions where people are "passionate" about what they believe in (and I expect nothing less from you :D) but if we cannot at the end of the day agree to disagree and part friends then we're all wasting our time here.

*Sorry kpw. I'll stop....for now;) The others can have the last word in if they want.

juliet charley

New member
Ian -

I was reading your post in context with the post to which I originally relied. You sort of picked it up in the middle and evidently took off in a third direction. It happens around here sometimes. The more I use them the more I see forums as a very limited (and not very good) means of communication.

It is really hard to assume any credibility with these polls. They are about on par with S&M in terms of validity and reliability. About the only conclusion you can draw from this poll is a minority thinks the Glock is overrated (among the given choices). About the only conclusion you can draw from Viking18's poll is a minority would chose Glock from the given choices. (And in both cases, it is a relatively small minority with the majority--70%--choosing something other than Glock.)

David Scott

New member
Overrated, to me, means a bigger price tag and reputation than is justified by practical qualities. I had to vote for "custom 1911", because the extra $2,000 - $3,000 invested over the price of a stock service pistol does not get you proportionately more handgun. Of course, this is from teh perspective of a guy who wants a handgun for personal and home defense, and is satisfied with 2" - 3" groups at 7 yards. I have no need to shoot 1/4" groups.

To each is own, I guess.


New member
Again with the Desert Eagles...


I don't pay any attention to disparaging remarks like that regarding Desert Eagles anymore.

I happen to own a Mark VII in .44mag and I regularly end up with a one hole group at 7, 10 and 15 yards. Nor does mine jam or malfunction in any way. Did I mention that it took me a year to figure out how to shoot it and that the only reason I have it is because it's fun to shoot.

Here's great thread that talks at length regarding DE's. I think this quote from BobR pretty much sums it up.

"Wow, this thread looks to be evenly split, the ones who admit to owning the DE and who enjoy it, and the ones who don't own one who put it down."

Enough said.


New member
Tankist, I agree wholeheartedly.

There are those who talk bad about them, and those who actually own them. ;)

Then there are those who can't wait at the range to shoot one when I bring mine to the firing line...


New member
The HK USP just went up in price from around $530 last year when I bought one, to $990

If that's the real going rate for a standard USP, then the price has gone way beyond anything the pistol remotely justifies -- and this comes from someone who owns one and thinks it is a great pistol (never, ever had a malfunction, accurate, easy for me to shoot). But I sure as HECK wouldn't buy one for that price. No way.


New member
Re: Gewehr98

You made some good points Gewehr98. I never really considered the use of handguns for hunting. The arguements in this thread seemed to be leaning towards defensive type handguns. I have fired and GREATLY enjoyed the .480 Ruger and given the size and power of that round, with a steady hand aiming it, I'm sure it would knock a dear down quite easily. Still, just how many people hunt with a handgun? I always think rifle and archery when it comes to hunting. Having never hunted in my life, any education on the subject is always welcomed. Till next time...

BTW, that's a sharp looking piece of hand artillery you posted!!!
:cool: :D :)


New member
.......yes, much of it was won by SA revolvers (namely Colt SAA), Winchester lever action rifles, and most invariably double and single shot shotguns.


New member
My 2 cents!

I paid $650 for a Walther P99 OD/.40sw in which I could bought several versions of Sig's or HK's.
I too didn't prefer the feel and the thought of owning another HK or Sig just like my other shooting buddies.
The GLOCK grouped just as well as the HK/Sig and was $200 less.Thats a bargin,and thats me cheap!!I also have a CZ-75B in my small collection,but stayed away from Ruger and a few lower end pistols because of the dependabilty factor.
Ment for some not for all!
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