Most "overated" handguns

Who makes the most overrated handguns?

  • Glock

    Votes: 209 39.7%
  • HK

    Votes: 62 11.8%
  • Sig

    Votes: 39 7.4%
  • Stock 1911

    Votes: 23 4.4%
  • Custom 1911

    Votes: 77 14.6%
  • Smith and Wesson

    Votes: 25 4.7%
  • CZ

    Votes: 12 2.3%
  • Ruger

    Votes: 9 1.7%
  • Beretta

    Votes: 43 8.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 5.3%

  • Total voters
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Brad Johnson

New member
The most overrated gun is...

The most overrated gun is the one that an uninformed new shooter purchases as the result of hype or hearsay.

I've lost count of how many times people have come to my dealer and asked for a Glock or Beretta just because they saw it in a movie or heard that "it was the best gun available, period". Luckily, one of the counter staff at the store has the sales skills to talk these newbies into at least handling a few different makes and sizes of guns to see which one seems to fit them the best. It seems to take most of the novelty out of the equation when a new shooter finds that Glocks, Berettas, Sigs, and HK's are nothing more than just another fine handgun. Most can then make a more objective decision on which gun will be best for their situation, lifestyle, finances, etc.



New member
Custom 1911 is the hands down winner in my book!! Any gun that has to go into the shop just to be fitted with all the bells, whistles, and blinkin lights just to work right is over rated in my book!! I'll just take my stock Browning High Power, thank you very much!!! :p


New member
In general, I think most people become a "fan" of a particular handgun because they become personally attached to it, i.e. the gun shoots great for them, they have it for a long time, it's an heirloom, they really like the way it looks, etc. Some form of emotional attachment and satisfaction is established. This is generally where the idea of the "Uber Handgun" is born. I also think that magazines and the manufactures themselves are also to blame in helping promote a specific handguns "image." When you add these things together along w/ consumer excitement about a product, WHAM! A mythos is created.
Look at the Glock Annuals for instance. They create an image for their guns as reliable, accurate, and able to be run over by an SUV after it is dropped out of a helicopter and still fire a magazine full of ammo. Does this mean it is superior to other designs? Probably not, but maybe instead it should say made by Timex on the slide, "It takes a licking and keeps on ticking!" HK promotes their guns as those exclusively used by special forces and law enforcement and able to function after shooting a lodged bullet out of the bore, "The gun that can give itself an enima and still work flawlessly!" Some custom 1911 manufacturer claim that they are guranteed to group on a fly's behind at 50 yards. My point is, that we as consumers are sold a bill of goods. Do most of these manufactures products meet their claims? Probably. But there is no such thing as the perfect handgun. If there was one made it would have to be the most durable, accurate, relaiable, concealable, self-cleaning, shoots any caliber, magical handgun ever made. If there was such a thing, all the others would be obsolete instantly. Personally, I like the fact that all of these guns choices are available. It allows us to look for and choose what is best for us, allows for legends to be born or broken, and provides for a community of shooters to get together and compare their individual passion and distaste, or successess and failures w/ a particular design. In a certain light, handguns are art. Damn, I must sound like a friggin liberal. Anyway, just a few thoughts I had........
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New member

the worst I ever shot was I believe a Kahr in 40 SW IIRC. The trigger pull was way past awful and the recoil was painful, far worse than my Glock 20. The poor guy that bought it couldn't keep on a standard silhouette target at 7 yards.

I let him shoot my very slightly reworked Springfield 1911 and he was shooting 8's and better.

I suppose the "over-rated" thing depends on your expectations

The above mentioned Springfield is exceptionally accurate for just about anyone that shoots it, as is most every good 1911.

I like the fact that the Glock eats about anything I feed it and it doesn't have to be babied. I can handle it and not have to worry about wiping it down every time. I wish the grip wasn't the size of a brick. Someone should tell Glock that max capacity is now 10 and they could skinny up the grip size.


New member
The HK USP just went up in price from around $530 last year when I bought one, to $990 :eek: at today's gun show!

Last year, it was underrated, but now... :mad:

Makes me love my HK even more!!!:D :D


New member
I voted for Beretta, but specifically am referring to the full size 9mm ones. I guess I don't understand the appeal of a gun that big and heavy that shoots a 9mm, and costs more than the CZ-75. I have never understood the appeal of full sized Berettas.

I almost voted for Glock, because they are so damn ugly :D , but they make reliable and reasonably priced weapons, in just about any caliber and size you would want. That's not too shabby, even if one doesn't care for Teutonic Combat Tupperware .

the blind lefty

New member
ruger simply makes a good gun,and the pole shows it.
i voted for stock 1911's,because i've seen more bobbles from these than any other class,and most 45' all fairness though my sole auto is a para-ordnance p-10,which is very reliable with lighter bullets .


New member

Good pistols. Not the pistols the HK marketing team would have you believe them to be, though. I like to think of it as an "upgraded Glock complex."


New member
Bertta 92 is the most overrated. The thing is horrible. I have 50 handguns in my safe I would grab before my M9 Beretta. Glocks are NOT overrated. They are rated correctly.

juliet charley

New member
Maybe the poll should have ask which "true believers" overrate their handguns the most.

Undoubtedly, Glocks "true believers" would have a lock first place by an overwhelming majority. I would put Sig somewhere near the top as well as the Colt GM somewhere near the top as well.


I'm with Ewokguy on this one. The .454's. (No exp. with .475's and .500's) but I can think of no situation that a .454 could handle that a hot .44 could not, at least in North America.

Come to think of it, maybe Its the .454 cartridge thats overrated and not the actual guns. I got to shoot a FA .454 and it was a rolls royce.

So in that light I guess I'd have to go with the Walther pistols. The advertising says they're the cats meow, but I dont hear much praise of them from actual owners. New owners pride of ownership responses but not "I've owned a Walther for years, and its great"...


New member
I voted for Glock. I own two and like them, but just say you had a failure with it and watch what happens. Glocks don't jam even if they do. Glocks don't have failure to feeds even if they do. Glocks are perfect. It is always the operator, the ammo, or something else, but it is never the Glock that causes a problem. Glocks are good nothing wrong with them that I can say, but they aren't the perfect pistol for every person out there that some would have you believe they are.

Over rated I guess so. Good weapon, yep. The best of anyever made, I don't think so.


New member
For the most part these are all good guns. I voted for the custom 1911. A custom gun may not help a person who doesn't have good basic shooting skills.


New member
GLOCK-So hated,not overated!

When 75% of the Police agencies in the USA prefer it,that says something.
Good product,good price,who else offers such reliabilty at this price.With limited annual budgets,it fits the bill well.


New member
I love Glocks, and wish they were less popular because I don't like agreeing with too many people.

The police get Glocks for $400 or less. That is one reason why they are so popular with police. Combined with the fact that they are actually good.


New member
Majority rule?

75% of police agencies also think they should be able to search your car just because they feel like it, that the Bill of Rights is a nuisance that keeps them from 'protecting' you better, and that Joe Citizen really has no business with a handgun anyway. Oh, and I almost forgot- defending yourself is probably dangerous and might violate local laws, so just bleed and dial 911.

I been a cop waaaay too long to put much stock in what 75% of the IACP lackeys think about anything.


New member
As an owner of a "crew served" Desert Eagle...

I'm really quite tickled with the performance of the big magnum autoloader, I'm only 6'0'' and I have no problem handling the gun. Mine's used, I couldn't afford a brand new one, but it has no problem knocking over the 200 meter steel rams in IHMSA. (Which, lest we forget, was the original intent of the design way back when).

I've seen, and owned, quite a few out-of-the-box 1911 variants that shot just fine without needing a gunsmith's attention, too.

My vote went to recent-generation S&W autoloaders. Who else would sell a brand new gun to a customer that failed to fire after just the first magazine-full? Not one, but two brand-new Sigma .40's came to my range, and experienced the same failure within days of each other. S&W, if you're gonna copy the highly over-rated Glock, at least copy the reliability aspect, too!:(
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