Most "overated" handguns

Who makes the most overrated handguns?

  • Glock

    Votes: 209 39.7%
  • HK

    Votes: 62 11.8%
  • Sig

    Votes: 39 7.4%
  • Stock 1911

    Votes: 23 4.4%
  • Custom 1911

    Votes: 77 14.6%
  • Smith and Wesson

    Votes: 25 4.7%
  • CZ

    Votes: 12 2.3%
  • Ruger

    Votes: 9 1.7%
  • Beretta

    Votes: 43 8.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 5.3%

  • Total voters
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juliet charley

New member
7th Fleet -

I don't really care that you voted for the Sig, or that you had bad things to say about it. While they are good weapons, they are not my favourites either (and the "finish" was really bad--paticularly if you failed to practice basic handgun maintenance).

I just get tired of all these wild accusations of "Glock bashing." You'd get the idea Glocks are some kind of sacred cow, and to say anything negative about them is some sort of cardinal sin. It would be nice to be able to have a discussion of Glocks strengths (it has some) and its weaknesses (it has some of those too) without several clowns jumping in yelping "Glock bashing" and drowning out all discussion--sort of reminds me of a Gay-Lesbian Rights March.
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New member
Rusted gun...

If I understood you correctly...

"one Thursday night I worked a terrible tripple fatalty wreck in a driving monsoon rain storm and my P-220 and everything on my gun belt got soaked. I had to work over the following morning and didn't get back from the hospital on the followup investigation on the DUI part of the wreck, until way after shift change. I was hungry, tired, cold and still wet. I hung my gun belt up in my locker and when I came back on duty the following Monday night at 1900, my beloved Sig's slide was a hunk or red rust. " hung the wet gun up in a wet holster, in a metal locker for about 4 days, and you're mad at the gun because it rusted? Anything with springs could rust under those conditions. I'm not bustin' your chops 7th, and I've been hot, cold, hungry, sick, dry, wet, tired, bloody and late getting home myself a time or two. There have also been times when I didn't take the best care of my iron. But if you get 'em wet, leave them buttoned up in a locker inside a wet holster, then don't get mad at the gun for rusting. I'll also be the first to admit that Sig could put a little more durable finish on their carbon steel parts. I've touched-up the blue on my 220 twice in two years. I drag mine home every night and if she needs drying out & wiping down, that's what she gets. No rust on mine, at least yet.

PS- hope you don't get any more sucky calls like that anytime soon, amigo.


New member
Desert Eagle

"Crew-served handgun," I like that.

Shot a couple in .44 Magnum and kept asking myself, "Why a .44 magnum auto? If you can't kill it with six rounds from a 629 . . . ."

By the way, one of the (young) guys who brought one to the range couldn't hit a thing with it at about ten feet.

That's my vote.


New member
The most overrated hand guns are the tiny little things guys carry to make themselves feel 'armed'. .32, .9x18, .22 and the like are just not up to defending MY life.

Of course, others can choose what they will, and for whatever reaason, but those are my thoughts.


New member
Heckler und Koch

H&Ks are very overrated in my opinion. I have shot one and I did not like the grip angle and the high bore axis. I am convinced that one of the reasons H&Ks are so popular is that weapons like the G3 and the MP5 are so great.

I really think that H&K used the interest in the MP5 in the US to bring the USPs pistols to the market. I am convinced that some people thought that if the same company that makes the MP5 is making a handgun, it must be great. I almost fell for that one myself but I am happy I did not get a USP.

We have several guys who carry H&Ks where I work and I see a lot of problems with them on the range. I also saw a guy shoot the slide off his H&K 9mm during a drill at Firearms Instructor school. To be fair, I don't know what happened exactly but when all the Glock guys were shooting nice holes in the targets, the H&K shooter had to watch while his slide went flying through the air and slammed into the cement.

I have also seen problems with Sigs; mainly related to ammo selection and cleaning. My partner at the FI school had to run to our car during breaks and clean as much crap out of his 229 .40 cal. to keep up with the drills. I cleaned my Glock 22 twice during the 9 days and over 1000 rounds of dirty Ultramax reloads.

Sorry this is getting a little long, but to end this; I am not saying that H&K and Sigs are not good guns. They are just not as good as Glocks based on my personal expierence.



New member
You asked an opinion
You get an answer from numerous members
and all that you can come up with is that it is Glock bashing.

I've owned a G19, put 1k rounds through it. Felt like a 2x4 in my hand, and never liked the trigger.

I'm no Glock basher, I'm just saying IMHO, it's the most over rated gun out there.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
With All Due Respect-

I voted for the Custom "Tricked Out" 1911!:(

Too damn expensive for a poor working man/woman to buy.

7th Fleet- Yes, Sig's will rust if left unattended; particulary
enclosed in WET leather duty rig's. I can understand you
being tired, sleepy, droggy, hungry and whatever else;
but my friend you should have removed that fine firearm
(any make or model) from that wet leather. And it would
not have hurt to spray it down with a little "Break Free
CLP". Believe it or not, those beloved GLOCK's will also
rust! Maybe not as fast as other's; but they will R-U-S-T.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
I'm sick to death how the Glock is the greatewst thing since sliced bread. The gun is good but it is not the greatest!


New member
I had to vote for SIG.

Besides the fact that my 229 2-tone had to go back to the factory within one day of ownership, and spent over 3 months has never been more than a Ho-Hum performer. Its pretty and the reliability is good, but the accuracy is not as good as I thought it would be. I was expecting a tack driver but I ended up with "combat accuracy". IMO the ergonomics are off and its WAY too bulky/heavy for a 13 shot 9mm.

On the other hand, my Glocks have out performed every expectation. I am not a 'koolaid drinker" and the only reason I bought my first one was because it was the only available 10mm auto that I could buy NIB. This was a case of my expectation being "aceptable combat accuracy" and I ended up with a tack driver. With the exception of a catywompus front sight (my fault) causing my POI to shift, all of my Glocks have performed well in excess of my expectations.


New member
I used to think Glock was highly overated too. Until I acquired a Glock 19. Im not saying this is the best of the best but it is a fine shooting weapon in MY hands. But then again so is my Taurus PT100.

Its more about owners pride. If you get a handgun you enjoy very much then sure your gonna praise it up and down. Thats why we here so much about the main handgun producers. So many people have them and enjoy them, praise them and so few dislike them and talk down on them. Either way, its not cheap to purchase quality weapons so Im gonna make darn shure its the weapon that I feel best accomidates me prior to spending the cash on it.


New member
I voted HK but not the USP. Everytime I shoot a P7, I'm wondering why they cost so much. I like them better than USPs and I think they are damn fine pistols but not for that kind of money but to each his own.
As far as being defensive about Glocks, I think most of us Glock fans get sick of hearing about Kbs, about how inaccurate they are or unreliable they are or that they are dangerous because of design flaws ect. ect. A Glock has a problem and it's treated like front page news, make it another brand and it hardly gets mentioned. They seem to be the one brand people love to hate. Tell us what you don't like about them and thats understandable. I never met a Sig or a USP or a Beretta that I liked but I think they are good pistols and I'm not going to jump on any supposed problems and they have had some. If somebody likes them, good, it's their money.


New member
I vote for HK.

1) HK's aren't bad guns. I like the P7.
2) but HK's are overpriced for their performance. (P7)
3) They get way too much fawning praise in the gun press, especially in light of 1 & 2.
4) I meet way too many people who don't own HK's but perceive them as the best.
5) Somehow, every SWAT team, "SpecOps" unit, assassination squad, VIP protection team, and video game or movie hero has an HK.
6) ....yet I almost never see duty cops, soldiers, MP's, security guards, or private CCW's with HKs. I know two people who love and carry the P7, and saw one armored car guard with a USP.
7) I have shot many HK rifles, SMG's and pistols. I think the ergonomics stink, more so on the longarms, espcially since this feature alone is so hyped in the media.

Second place goes to any customized 1911 over $2000. Double so if it uses $150 preban hi-cap mags. :)
Similar to reasons 2, 3, and 5 above.
1) Overpriced for performance.
2) Too much praise for a handmade or virtually unobtainable item.
3) Somehow, every gun writer, firearms instructor, Ex-SEAL operator, etc. has one and loves it.

In light of these two offenders, I welcome a Glock fan. :)

Do we want specific examples of over-hyped guns or are we content with manufacturers?


New member
Jack, you're right. Ian and I had opposite problems. He wanted to vote for it, but apparently didn't find it. I saw you wanted to vote for HK, but when I posted and hit refresh, I noticed that at the time, nobody voted for HK yet. It was a "0." Thus, I wanted to ensure your feeling that HK is overrated is properly logged on the poll.

Just want the poll to accurately reflect people's sentiment.

I used to defend HKs and Glocks to their respective non believers, (haven't owned a SIG yet) especially when the issues become gripes and the gripes become very silly. Then I realized that anyone's choice can be ripped into, even if a person has found The One for them. Aesthetics, advertizing (this is ironic), capacity, weight, originality, price, accuracy, ergonomics, reliability, durability, fit, material, etc. come into play.

If someone truly found The One, I think they would be more apt to simply appreciate it rather than post multiple times about how great it is and watch for peoples responses. In general, that is not to imply anything. Just gettin rid of the cynicism before the weekend :D.

When it comes to brand X, some people just get it and some people don't. I would like to think all have their good points and wish I could try every one (yes, even the post agreement Smiths, but I don't have a good enough eye to tell).

I absolutely think that HK and Glock (again, the only two I own at the time) deserve the high ratings they get. Obviously there are many who differ and I'm glad to hear about their opinions. It's tricky sometimes when the model I like is slammed because I want to defend it. The best part is that a trip to the range is all it takes to sort things out.



New member
Bigbore revolvers. (.454, .500, .475,etc.)
Also the Desert Eagle pistol.
Just because they're big, doesnt mean they are the best.


New member
Another vote for SIG.

I've had five and only the P239 didn't rust. The P220, P229s (2), and the P228 all rusted quickly when worn concealed for any length of time. And, it's not like they were neglected, they all got a CLP wipe once a week, more when it got hotter, and regular cleanings. And don't even get me started on the speed at which holster wear appeared....less than 24 hours for one. What is that yellowish stuff under there anyway?

Give me a Glock anyday.


New member
I would have to say that S&W autos are the most over rated. Never could get myself to buy one. Even before they held hands with BJ Bill. Now S&W revolvers before BJ Bill are a different story. But Homie don't do S&W anymore! :barf:


New member
Well you asked. 1911 this 1911 that. Glock truely does rule.
No Im not ducking for cover behind the couch. LOL! Honest question, Honest answer. :D
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