Most extraordinary shot you ever made.


New member
My Father was standing right next to me for this one,, and he still talks about it....

I once popped a flying bat near dusk with one shot from a Ruger 10/22,, while WALKING towards a light on our barn....

Total luck,, we had been missing them with shotguns before that.... It's amazing how they can duck around the pattern if they feel it comming.

The other one is knocking over a beer can at 75 yards downhill with the third shot out of the mag of a Walther P22...


New member
When I was taking a class at Gunsite I was shooting at a fresh target (1911 at close range). First shot hit where I wanted, but there was not a second hole in the target after I fired the second shot. It took me a second to figure out the second bullet actually went through the hole the first bullet made. The hole was NOT any larger; the only way I could tell is the dark ring around the hole in the paper was a little darker after the second shot. This happened to me twice the same day.

I think that’s more of a testament to the quality of instruction at Gunsite than a testament to my skill.


New member
Dad shot a doe across a valley (200+ yds) with his .30-30 and nicked one lung. Ended up tracking the deer through some tough brush, and kicked it up back and forth a few times. Got fed up and after noting th location of dad and sister took a shot at the tannish blur with my 870 youth model with the rifled barrel and winchester sabots. Knocked her down forst shot. Walked up and the back of her skull was gone.


Crow with a 22lr rifle, using a short, in a tree at about 50 yards.
Squirrel with 105mm rifle,(yes, it was attached to a tank) at Hunter Liget, in 1982, IIRC, who decided that the firing range was a good place to run around looking for food. We were using HE at the time, and, well, red mist doesn't quite do it justice.

Benching a Remmington shotgun, with 450-500 grain 45 caliber Sabots for BRI, at 50 yards, in a junk yard. Accuracy was around an inch and one half, which, considering the recoil, was pretty amazing.

Seagull, perfectly timed, overhead, with a boomerang. Only thing was, as the two came together, the seagull hit the brakes, the boomerang flew right in front of his nose, then he hit the gas, and took off. Range, maybe 20 yards...

Most memorable are the big guns, that hit what I was aiming at. Not long range, but, they bring up dreams of elephants in the jesse:

.510 Van Horn, 600 grains, 2150 fps.

458 Lott:
500 grains, 2300 fps:

Sean's 500 Nitro Express, as well.
570 grains at 2025 fps.