Most extraordinary shot you ever made.


New member
I saw it didn't believe it!

I was a Lcpl in the USMC in 1967 we were patroling NE of DaNang,walking the paddy dikes.We came under fire from a single enemy combatant we couldn't spot him and had no Idea where he was.Our Plaltoon Sgt was a WW2 veteran who had fought on Tarawa,Saipan and Okinawa all at once we heard him Bellow( believe me the man could bellow)I see the little SOB he pulled his issue 45acp and fired off 2 rounds so fast they sounded like 1 at the same time the dink did a back flip and landed in the rice paddy.Big deal you say we paced it off it was 160 yds 1 round hit him in forehead the 2nd hit him just under his nose.I saw it ELMOUSMC Mgunnerysgt USMC 1965-1992


New member
One in a million

It was 1985 and I was shooting with my neighbor's son who was going to the Police Academy. He had his S&W .357 and I had my Colt Officers ACP. We were shooting at 50 feet and each of us had one round left. I playfully challenged him to see who could come closest to the center of the last paper target.

He shot first and was two inches from the center. I was definitely impressed. Then I shot. When we retrieved the target, I had shot directly into the exact center of the target. Needless to say, HE was impressed and always thought I was some Zen Master of shooting.

Couldn't make that shot again if my life depended on it!


New member
I debated whether or not I should post this:

My friends cat at a dead run (cats can run really fast).
Hit it right behind the ear from about 10 yards with a .22 rifle.
Dropped it instantly; it was flipping around and stuff but was definitely dead before it hit the ground.
Total lucky shot - I'm not that good; in fact I shouldn't have even taken the shot.
This was many years ago when I was a teen. The animal was basically a feral cat and the guy wanted us to do it (he had two cats that we dispatched that day), but I still feel bad about it.

It was a hell of a shot though.


New member
i jumped 3 deer in the swamp and took them all with my rem 700 270 with a 3x9 tasco scope on it, when i jumped them i forgot that i had the scope cranked up to 9 cuz i was hunting the field earlier:rolleyes:

Lawyer Daggit

New member
Cross valley shot on a mountain goat. Absolutely still conditions. 375 yards measured with a friends laser measure. I used a hold over of 1 yard with my 7mm Mauser Model 70 Featherweight nestling in a Harris bipod with 120 gr ballistic tip reloads.

Winchester & Mr Harris did their jobs- I did mine.

A red patch appeared just behind the shoulder of a white goat- he took about four steps and then went down front legs first.

Best shot I have ever taken.


New member
Forty years ago, almost to the day, I told my buddy that I was going to shoot down a phone line at about 500 yards. Shooting FROM THE HIP with a WWII British Enfield carbine I pulled the trigger and watched the line part and drop to the ground. I guess this was the luckiest, or unluckiest shot I have ever made. I should have quit shooting that day instead of showing mediocre skills at targets. I could have created a legend instead of a freak shot story.


New member
I have two.

Nailed a 8" steel plate at 25 yards with a fast draw hip shot from a buscadero holster. Had only two people watching that one.

Hit a ram steel target at 600 meters with open sights (standing) with a Enfield No.4 Mk1.
Got few stares for a while after that.


New member
When I shot IHMSA years ago, we used to have a shootoff to break ties. One time they put Skoal cans out at 200 meters, painted flourescant orange. Another time we were shooting silhouettes in Burlington Flats NY, the rams (at 200 meters) were across a pond. For shootoffs there we skipped bullets off the pond. Just aimed for the ram reflextion in the water and hit em. Thats when I had good eyes and a Remington XP-100, open sights.


New member
For my most extraordanary shot, it had to be hitting and splitting a 2" round black wooden target marker at 600 yrds with iron sites twice in a row during a compitition last season at Blue Trail Range in CT. I did this with my AR-15 using hand loaded 77gr. .223 rounds.

My 15 yr old daughter topped me in my opinion the following weekend at our club. She key-holed 7 empty 12 gauge shell hulls we tacked to the board at 100 yards with open sights using a .22 semi. She made me a $10.00 bet that she could hit more than I could in a quick fire drill. Well, I hit 3, she hit all 7. She still won't let me forget it either, LOL!


New member
I once shot a bee out of the air with a Savage .22. I won a bet with my cousin with that one.

250 yard shot on a 12 inch gong with a Dan Wesson .357 with a 4 inch barrel. One shot, one bonnng! I couldn't repeat it, though.


New member
"Girls can't shoot like that."

The best shooting belongs to my wife. My son, just turned 5, my wife and I were camping near Bridgeport, CA and had an impromptu shoot off with my little Browning .22 rifle. Cans on shrubs were the targets and I shot first hitting 12 out of 12. My son shot next and hit about 3 out of twelve shots. He had not grown into the stock yet but he was happy as could be when the bullets found the cans. My wife then shot and hit 12 out of 12. My son was upset and when asked what's wrong he replied in his best alpha male voice "Girls can't shoot like that." It took me a long time to explain to my wife that I had no part in placing that thought into his 5-year old mind.

By the way our son is nearly 28, has been serving in the armed forces for 9 years, and is an excellent shot (but not as good as his Mom).


New member
I hit a M1 Abram that was traveling at full speed at 550m with a Dragon. Oh that was Miles gear.

I shot my first deer in the head as I was so excited that I seen its head so I shot it. 50yds nothing real imppresive I guess.


New member
Most amazing?

Well....First shot at a gopher with my .22 single six. First shot fired after sighting in...175 yards dropped him..never even twitched...Now I refuse to even try those :D

Most I have ever SEEN? Well...How about a uncle, shooting a bolt action that sounded like full auto? (And actually hitting) I swear......thats an amazing sight.

Boris Bush

I had to think for a couple days and after some thinkin' I got it. My dad and I were on the farm and it looked as if someone chained a tree stand in a tree. It was alot of chain and it had a masterlock on it. I unholstered my SIG P226 and my dad said "what the hell you going to do with that?" I did not answer him, but instead shot the part the key goes into. the lock poped open and the chain unraveled and the stand came down. It was about a 12' shot that put the round right into the key cylinder.

Clay pigeons on the 100 yard berm are normal so my lased and witnessed 103 yard blackbird kill with the same pistol was no surprise to me........


New member
When i was a child (dad started me shooting a .22lr revolver at the ripe old age of 3) I could hit most anything i could see. I recall hitting 2 inch targets with my father's ruger mkII at 50 yards and more, and splitting firewood with my dads 38 special. I could outshoot alot of grown men when i was 8-12 years old with a handgun, and match them with a rifle.

I dont know what happend, but now I seem to have lost it. I have a hard time hitting things with a handgun or a rifle offhand.


New member
Striker55, yes, that IS in Wallingford, CT. Dunno if ya been there recently, but they redid the whole place and dang, it sort of makes me wish I still lived in Waterbury, CT instead of Oswego, NY area. We don't have anything close to that range here :(


New member
Capt Vin, no havent been that way in many years. Now in TX. How far is Camillus Gun Club, just outside of Syracuse. I used to shoot there also.