Most extraordinary shot you ever made.


A empty Freon tank at 300 meters with a Springfield .45. I know, I know-I couldn't believe it either.


Herohog, believe or not I had to hold approx. 25 ft. over the target (estimated) Understand I am not saying I could do it every time, but after awhile you start to get a feel for it. Probably a fair amount of luck involved. Elmer Keith has written many stories about this and been called a liar for many years. His most famous appeared in American Rifleman involving a Smith revolver at 600 YARDS on a wounded elk a client had wounded. He had witnesses. I believe it's possible.


New member
My best? Today, yesterday's 25 yard, offhand, three shot group with someone else's HKUSP40 compact that measured just over 2 inches would have to be mine.

(Full disclosure: I braced my support hand on a barrier I was shooting around and took approximately 10 seconds from first shot to last. But I don't normally shoot HK USP40Cs and the pressure to come through with a tight group in front of onlooking instructors was on.)


New member
Herohog, believe or not I had to hold approx. 25 ft. over the target (estimated) Understand I am not saying I could do it every time, but after awhile you start to get a feel for it. Probably a fair amount of luck involved. Elmer Keith has written many stories about this and been called a liar for many years. His most famous appeared in American Rifleman involving a Smith revolver at 600 YARDS on a wounded elk a client had wounded. He had witnesses. I believe it's possible.
I believe ya! See my post about shootin my Model 10 at the steel turkey earlier in this thread. I held a full blade high ant it completly obscured the target. Ya had to peek around the side to align it!


New member
Hello people. I'm new to this forum and really enjoy reading all the great postings. I would like to add two "great shots" to this list.

1. A bunch of us went out to the desert to do some shooting. At the end of the day, they broke out the automatic clay thrower and their shotguns. Well, I didn't bring a shotgun so I felt a bit left out. Just for fun, I took out my smallest caliber pistol, a Firstar M43 9mm. I was tracking all the clay pigeons as they came out. On the 5th toss, no one was able to hit the clay, so I took a shot with my 9mm and clipped it! If it wasn't for the 3 other witnesses, I may not have believed it myself.

2. My brother took me out quail hunting. I wasn't doing very well. I burnt though 3 boxes of 12ga and hit nothing but air. After my last barrage of "hitting nothing" I had my shotgun at my hip, turned sideways, and started to reload my shotgun. I was doing this while walking. I'm in the habit of inserting the first shell, then cycling the weapon. This way I can get an extra shell into the gun. Well, as I inserted the 2nd shell, I kicked a bush and out flies a fat quail. As a reflex, I shot from the hip (one handed) and nailed that quail good!

I believe that both shots were just pure luck, but still worth mentioning. I still get a kick out of telling these two stories.


New member
We had built a 100 ty range on a friends property it was in a ravine that you could normally drive to, but it had rained a couple of days so we had to walk in that day. I had just bought a enfield #1 mk4 303 british from a pawn shop for 65 bucks and the whole reason for buying it was I could buy suplus ammo 100 rounds for 6 bucks. I had put about 50 rounds down range trying to hit an 8" square plate steel gong hiting it about 10 times. The wind kicked up and we had about a 40 to 50 mph cross wind so we packed up and walked back to the cars, We are standing around BSing lookin down over the range, about 250 yards away is the gong, So I pull out the Enfield kneeling posistion, Seting the sights about 2 feet over the gong and to the left to adjust for the cross wind, Bang then a clang I hit it, dont know how but I did. The five of us spent the next hour sending hundred of rounds toward the plate and never even got close. I still use this rifle for deer and elk hunting and can shoot it very well I have putting alot of round thru it.


New member
First time I ever shot at clay with a rimfire, I hand-pitched a pigeon and point-shot, no sights, took it out with my first shot from my SW 22A. Haven't been able to repeat since.

Waited 'til two smallish deer, walking side by side, lined up shoulder-to-shoulder, paced it off about 220yd. 165gr bullet double-lunged the spike in front, heart shot the doe in back, no exit.

Those are the two that come to mind.


New member
One Sunday morning a couple of years ago a stray dog was on the way to steal another chicken from our yard. My wife was going out to the car and blew the horn to let me know about the dog across the field. The closest rifle I had at the time was a single shot .22 Remington TargetMaster. I grabbed it and a couple of CCI Stingers. I loaded the rifle as I stepped outside on the deck. The dog was well over 100 yds away across our cow pasture at a dead run away from me. Oh well thief.....just a shot at you to remind you not to come back. I touched the trigger and the dog disapeared. I went for a reload but couldn't see the dog. Thinking he was laying down I walked out to see. At 167 steps (went back to step it off) he was piled up that one shot had drilled him in the back of the head. Killing him with one shot.


New member
July 1957, US Army basic training, Ft. Knox Kentucky. 500 Yards bulls eye shooting a well worn out Springfield M1 Grand. :D


New member
Best shot ever was the one that missed.... right foot by about eight inches, put a nice .45 cal hole through my floor, woke my girlfriend upstairs in the loft, made my ears ring for about three hours and taught me a lesson!! (see my earlier post for details!)

RG Stewart

New member
Two days ago, a hovering bumblebee at about 14ft., with my son's 1911 airsoft pistol. Maybe not extraordinary, but I find myself talking about it a lot.


New member
clay resting on a steel post at 75 yards

Clay was sitting flat on a post at 75 yards away. Shooting with my scoped 10/22 I leaned against a post and breathed out. Scope was everywhere. My groups were roughly 3" at 50 yards because of the factory barrel. I was killing it with the AR that day though. 2" groups at 50 yards with iron sights. I waited untill the reticle calmed down, and slowly squeezed. I go black fo a second. look up and I see the clay......buckle inside and fall. #$%# YEAH! My buddy claims he could do it no problem. He told me hed pay me 10$ for every time he misses. Man....Im guna be RICH! : D
Aside from that, best shot....hmmmm we had these small clays about 2" wide and 1/8" thick made for bb guns, tossed em on the clay thrower and popped 3 off. Those things had a 2 second flight time. I drilled all 3 of em into powder. Amazing! It was awesome.

True Texan

New member
It makes me proud!

I was skeet shooting with some scouts and I walked a clay out to the hill 67 yards away. "You'll never hit that!", "Keep dreaming".... I grabbed a poorly sighted in .22LR and offered the first shot to a SWAT sniper. He took 5 shots and never hit the clay:confused:. He handed me the rifle and I camly sat down on the ground, got comfy, aimed 5 inches to the right, and squeezed at the bottom of a breath. The clay collapsed:eek: One Shot! I never would have hit it with one shot if the earlier shooter hadn't given me the approximate hold-off. I didn't have to say anything to all the nay-sayers; the shot said it all:D


New member
My groups were roughly 3" at 50 yards because of the factory barrel.

Kinda like a fishing story EaaaH?

True B.S. Story here!

One Time I had a bumble bee crawled into my 2o gauge barrel while hunting dove. I could not resist pulling the trigger. After the shot , I noticed it buzzing around the end of the barrel. I missed and it attacked me! Try That one if you can!:D


New member
? What do you mean fishing story?
Heres a group at 70 yards with my 10/22

at 70 yards, equals 3" at 50 yards....Whats BS about that? What kind of groups do YOU get with a factory 10/22 barrel with thunderbolts? These are mine.


New member
Sorry! it was the part of the commercial barrel that made me laugh! Group looks better then I could do with my 10-22 at 75 yard! OPEN SIGHTS!


Try missing a bumble bee in your bore! Not so easy! Eaah?

Moe Howard

New member
I once shot out the center of a quarter sized orange dot target at 50 yards with a Ruger p89. I was trying to do it but I am well aware I will probably never do it again.