Most extraordinary shot you ever made.


New member
I was out shooting with a buddy of mine and was tearing him up with my Ruger MKII Govt.(I was having a real good day). There was an old VW beetle that had about a bazillion holes in it but the hood emblem was still there. The hood was open and really all you could see was the sun glinting off the bottom edge. We were probably 30-40 yds away. He says since you're so good lets see you hit the emblem. I didn't really think I could but I gave it a go and the emblem goes flying straight up about 20 ft. I didn't even think about it but popped off a round while it was in the air(nothing for miles but trees).It went spinning off to who knows where. The look on his face was priceless. :D:D


Staff In Memoriam
All of my really extraordinary shots were with a pump-em-up bb gun... We would call what body part of the sparrow or pigeon we intended to hit... Them little beaks and legs are tough targets but we were tough on them vermin...
Also mice and rats running top speed in a feed bin or field and getting whacked with a bb on the first try made a 12 year old blow up the old chest pretty good!
Clays with a pistol grip mossberg 500 20 gauge makes an old half blind guy like me pretty happy too!


New member
1973 pure luck

It was 1973 and I had just bought a model 60 S&W with a 1 7/8 barrel. I went the gun club range to do some practice with my model 41 and brought the new 60 with me. When I entered the range there was a group of shooter that I barely knew. When I laid the 60 on the bench a couple of the guys (very avid 1911 shooters) commented you can hit anything with one of those. So I jokingly loaded a round and said watch this. One shot down range. At 50 feet from the target none of us could even see if I had hit the paper. They guys laughed and reported I had not even hit the target. So I walked down range with a few of them to set up some other targets and there in the X was my sole 38 Special shot from my model 60. Absolutely pure luck but I just smiled and asked if there were any questions as we walked back to the line.


New member
hit a rabbit running full speed, with the 3rd shot from a bolt action .410.The feat is so much that I hit him (cause it did take 3 shots:eek:), but that I got off 3 amed shots with a bolt action in that short mount of tme, and was finaly able to get him from a pretty good distance with a .410 (not a whole lot of shot or range with those, really makes it pretty challenging!).Not terribly impressive I know, but thats all I got, and even close to 20 years later now (I was 16 or 17at the time), I still remember it, and think it was pretty good.a scared rabbit can be pretty freakin quick, and when he's in a forest with lots of trees, bushes, underbrush, etc, they can dissapear REAL fast, so you have to be pretty darn quick, especialy with no dog to help you tell where they are going and keep them moving, and herd them around to you.


New member
Age 16, first time out with my "new" rifle, an SMLE No V Mk I. One hundred yards, three shots, couldn't see a thing on the target. Trudged down to the berm, and...three holes touching in the center of the bull.

Packed up and went home. I saved that target for thirty years or so before I lost it.

Did I mention that those were the first three rounds I'd every fired from a rifle?

SMLE No V Mk I "Mom's Gun"



Rant Casey

New member
Absolutely not intentional, but hillarious. Had a squirrel run on my target ( a gallon water jug) right as i fired at around 100 yards with an AK. Needless to say, the squirrel had a bad day and my friends and I couldn't stop saying "did that *$*%^#& just happen for real?" all day long.


I remember my first Canada Goose. I was hunting with a couple of friends on the river and the ducks had stopped flying. All of a sudden two geese come up from about 8 o'clock just over the trees. My friends take aim at the head goose and is hit with a load of tungsten and a load of steel. My gun was not even up when their goose hit the ground. My goose veered right and away and was about 35 yards away, 30 feet up when I took the shot(after shooting ducks, geese looked a lot closer than they were). The darn thing just dropped like a puppet with its strings cut.

While my friends when running after their goose(it got out of the water and started running) I fished my shell out of the water. It was one of the 3" #3 steel shot that I had been shoting at ducks with! When we retrieved my goose we could not find a single hole in it. I am fairly certain that it took a few to the head and neck considering how suddenly it died.

I would probly never take that shot with that load at that range again. The fact that it was a kill is what made it extraordinary, and I could try a hundred times and likely have a hundred wounded geese, some of which would fly away to die.


New member
when anti gun mel gibson made his lethal wepon movies> i just purchased a colt delta elite. in one of the non edited versions he shot smiley faces at the pistol range. i did the same thing at the ansonia gun club in conn. at the time there was lots of LE using the range. it was fun to show off as a greasy, skinny rat kid, lol. bobn


New member
It was the first time I had fired my neighbor's Franchi Benelli copy.

We had a clay thrower, and we were having a great time out in the desert.

Now, previously, I had extreme difficulties with airborne targets. Going trap shooting, I'd only hit maybe 3 clays out of 25.

With that Franchi, I was dusting clays left and right. Thrown rocks, golf balls, dried up cow pies, I was dusting them all.

It was absolutely amazing.

I have never fired a shotgun as well since.


New member
Happened to my friend whom I helped sight in a rifle as his eyesight isn't too good. He's a little anal about things, has to about have it rammed up his wazoo to believe something. Anyway, I'm packing things up, he's still on the bench. I look out at the target as he's asking if I really think it's sighted in good enough. A bird landed on our target. I suggested he give it a try and exploded feathers all over the place. Bird feathers everywhere and he finally believes his rifle will shoot. He shot a 5pt bull elk a month later w/ it.


New member
Dunno about"extraordinary" but my most unforgettable shot for me went like this - sometime about 1935. Grandpa King lived next door and, for reference as to what kind of man he was - he was the railroad station agent at the furthest west end of the railroad - not for the weak knee types.

He would take me (and, of course, my .22 rifle) to do maintenance on windmills for the cattle. There was a prairie dog town close and, usually, I shot them and they dropped down their holes. This one, however was running away and I shot him in mid stride. Never having been faced with this before - we did take rabbits home for the dogs - I did go look at the dead PD and decided to take it home to the dogs.

Now Grandpa King was tough but meticulously clean as was the bed of his pickup and I didn't want to get blood there so I dropped the body into a coffee can to keep the pickup bed clean.

At the next windmill, he allowed he was thirsty and asked me to get his drinking can from the pickup.:rolleyes:

I spent the next half hour - at least it seemed like it - answering his questions with the usual kid's answer, "I don't know!!"

It may not have been spectacular but it sure was unforgettable!!!:eek:



New member
Not Me but I had something to do with it.
My youngest daughter tagged along deer hunting until she turned 15, then she wanted to hunt. I bought her a Rem 788 30-30 Win, and loaded 150gr speer spritzers. She did a fair amount of practice.
I built most of her stand in the garage, and had her sit in the swivel chair with a crossarm adjustable to her comfort, then cut the sides.
I pulled her out of school to help build the rest of her stand. 4 cedar poles 20' long and she was ready for a nap in the van. I got it set covering an old winter trail(logging).
That season she was watching the trail and i, and my brother in law took a little hike through the area around that stand to get something moving.
She fired a shot, and we got to the trail and walked towards her. When we were getting close we signaled to her and she waved us back. We hadn't seen anything on the trail but hunters tracks in 1 foot of snow. I kept looking back and she kept waving. We both hadn't seen anything and wondered what she could have seen.
Then i spotted tracks of a bounding deer. There was easy 12 ft. between bounds. The tracks hit right in the center of the trail that was 10 ' wide w/ thick alders on each side.
My 1st thought was "What the Hell", why would she shoot at something like that?
So we walked into the alders, and there she was. A nice big Doe. Shot through the lungs, and just cut the diaphragm. I was in shock, How could that be possible?
I cut the heck out of my hand i was so dumbfounded, (founded was the only new part).
We paced it off, 210yards, Flat out and crossed a 10-11 ft opening. and no way she could have seen it coming(except), This was the 2nd deer, She saw the 1st one and threw up the rifle and just then the 2nd came into the scope. "Bang"
Not to shabby for a 1st Deer!
Nowdays she walks into the shack and tosses the empty on the table in front of me and say's "You have work to do". Gotta love those kids!:)
Hey Hawg you started it!


New member
I managed to shoot myself in the foot when I was a teenager. Does that count?
So did the kid in my 1st firearms safety class who scored the highest on the test, almost one year later.
I was on the way from work to teach the next year and had to pull over for the Ambulance, as I am also an EMT on that rig, I found out that it was one of the youngsters from the previous year. He was at the dump shooting rats! Shot himself in the foot! TOO! (what did you say your real name is)!
He was at the dump shooting rats! Shot himself in the foot! TOO! (what did you say your real name is)!
That wasn't me. I was on our own property and my grandmother was teaching me some quick draw techniques. I tried using her longer barrel .22 in my holster and snagged the barrel while trying to draw it. Luckily I was wearing flip flops. The doctor says since there was not shoe material in the way to get blown into the wound it was a nice clean entry and exit. :)
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Superhouse 15

New member
Luck shots X2

I was at a crowded range test firing a Ruger MK II and a lightweight Officers ACP considering a trade for one or the other. We had plenty of .22 but by mistake only had a few magazines of +P .45 ACP. When I fired the .45 for the 1st time it kicked so much the second shot went off by accident from bumping my finger as it came down from recoil. Both shots were touching in the center of the target and it looked to everyone like I had fired a perfect double tap. I was smart enough to stop shooting it after that, and I still own the Ruger.

Years later I was shooting at a friend's backyard range that was 212 yards long. He had a steel I beam about 10" tall in his berm. While everybody was digging out the rifles I pulled out that Ruger and took aim at the berm a few feet above the I beam. Everybody was looking at me like I was crazy and beginning to speak their doubts so I pulled the trigger. Bang (dramatic pause) Clank.


New member
My dad told a group of guys that wanted to go coyote hunting lets see how you shoot. He said they had to shoot as good as his son to come along. That was me! 11 years old! We all went to the boonies and he told me to sit down. I had a Rem 700 .243 with a 3-9. He said kid hit that white rock on the hill. It tuned out the white rock he was talking about was on the hill 200 yard down. The rock was about 4" round. I popped it with the first shot, in a sitting position and two of the guys went home.

My father forgot to tell them I could do a 1/2 inch group of five at 100 yards on the bench !:D

I'd be lucky to hit a pie plate at that distance sitting today!

One time I waxed a morning dove with a cross man .22 pellet pistol on the wing. Does that count?:D

Shot numerous lizards with a Diana air rifle with no front sight!:barf:


New member
I have had 2 "Wow!" shoots in my life.

1: Not that unbelievable: P14 303 Enfield. I had milled off the "ears" and mounted a cheap 3x9 and replaced the stock with a nice used "Monte Carlo" that I simply bolted on. Stone stock otherwise including barrel length. We are on a 300 meter range shooting 2 liter coke bottles at various distances so I set up a few at the backstop which is a few meters PAST the 300 meter mark. I dial up the elevation, sight in with one magazine full (5 rounds) and precede to put 4 out of 5 through the bottles! Sure it was off a bench but... did I mention that this was with military surplus ammo? Did I mention that on several of these rounds I heard the hammer fall well BEFORE the rounds went off?!?!?

2: I hit a hand thrown clay pigeon with a Model 59 Smith & Wesson about 20' out on the 3rd shot on that throw.

3: Was knocking down the Turkey at 100 meters with a Model 10 S & W, off a bench, HEAVY lead and max powder holding a full front blade high! Like the other guy said... Bang! . . . Clang! (thump) It only worked when I caught the very top of the back...

4: Not "wow" at all but a proud moment. My dad bet my brother I could hunt coons with his old Model 10 S&W.
coons.gif night... with my brother holding a shotgun... he never got to use.
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