Mixed-Load Magazines


New member
The idea of putting a tracer near the end of your mag has been around for a while. Unfortunately, it doesn't jive well with the Geneva Convention regarding military operations, and if you ever shot a would-be mugger/rapist with anything that contained incendiary components, well, you might as well just leave the country haha.


Use of tracer rounds by armed citizens/Robert Boatman; mags...

I highly doubt any US law enforcement or armed citizens are even using any kind of tracer or incinerary type handgun round in 2010, let alone, mixing loads.

The late author Robert Boatman; www.Boatmanbooks.com made the point about mixing rounds in a carry/duty handgun magazine saying that he chose not to for his regular Glock 36 model .45acp. He did use other rounds in spare mags saying it could help for extended ranges, barriers, etc. That to me is much more practical than mixing rounds.

It's up to the person or LEO/armed professional to decide. It's their life at risk.



BookerT, I think you are dead on about the liability involving the use of tracer ammunition. That said it is still a great tactic IMO especially in a military or perhaps riot defense setting. It also supports the arguement of those of us who will mix mags as we feel the need.

I have mixed tracer 762x39 rounds into my 75 round drum mags every 4th round back when I lived near an area prone to rioting.


Active member
There is one instance where anyone who owns an automatic pistol should consider using different rounds. If your gun doesn't feed a particular type of defensive ammo you really would prefer, then that's the round you might want to consider keeping chambered, and load the magazine with rounds that your gun feeds with no problem.

For example, I have an AMT .45 Backup. It can be a little picky about what hollow-point ammo it will feed. Ball ammo is no problem - it will eat any ball ammo like candy. For awhile I was keeping one hot hollowpoint in the chamber and then loading the rest of he magazine with jacketed ball ammo. Since I would only use the gun at a distance of less than 10 feet, it's a good chance that first shot will really count - so, why not chamber it with the best round since feeding wasn't an issue.

Note, that I have since replaced the recoil spring with a new wolf spring and it now feeds hollowpoints with no problem. I think weak recoil springs gave the AMT backup a bad reputation.


carry/duty/protection firearms...

As for me, I'd NEVER carry any semi auto pistol that did not fire, feed or cycle 100% of the time with the selected pistol round(FMJ-JHP-Glaser Safety etc).

Many years ago, I read a gun magazine article where the writer noted how a police detective he knew carried a old P-38 9mm on duty. The plainclothes detective KNEW the P-38 would jam with JHPs every 2-3 rounds but still used it on duty. Most people would not carry or use a firearm like that but others(like the detective) did not give the same type of concern towards weapons/ammunition.
I would either change the gun, change the ammunition or see exactly how or why a pistol would misfire or jam.
I can't speak for every gun owner, security officer, sworn LEO or military service member but I only use pistols that I know will work 100% all the time.
Some may think $$$ is more important than their safety but not me.


New member
Note, that I have since replaced the recoil spring with a new wolf spring and it now feeds hollowpoints with no problem. I think weak recoil springs gave the AMT backup a bad reputation.

I think that's the real solution.

BTW, I just picked one of these up about a month ago, but didn't have any hollow points to load for it. I'm going to get it out to the range with some JHP's and wring it out one of these days. Where did you get the Wolf spring? I had no idea anyone made parts for this gun. Does someone still make mags for it?


Active member
Off Topic (re: 45 AMT Backup information): WayneinFL,

Mags for the .45 Backup, while not common can be found without too much difficulty. I just picked up another factory mag at a gunshow a couple of weeks ago. Plus, you can find them on line.

Beware - there are a lot of aftermarket mags available for this gun. I took my AMT to the gunshow and tied two aftermarket mags out, just to see if they would fit. NEITHER would fit - a tad too long. Plus the follower was plastic and a different shape. Stick with factory magazines!

Wolf makes a good guide-rod/recoil spring and they have them in stock - I just purchased one and it cost about $12 with shipping. It really makes a difference - highly recomended!

One other think I will tell you about AMT 45 Backup parts. You can find parts for this gun on Gunbroker, etc. I recently purchased a complete parts set for mine. HOWEVER, unknown to me there were two versions of the AMT 45 DAO Backup manufactured. The slides and the barrels are slightly different and will not interchange without some significant modifications. Comparing the two barrels side-by-side, the ramps are significantly different - other than the ramps, the barrels are identical. Comparing the two slides side-by-side, one was made with some kind of firing pin safety plunger and one lacks the firing pin safety plunger. Either slide will easily fit to the frame and appear to operate ok when you rack the slide. The problem is that when you press the tigger, you can't pull it back far enough to release the hammer. I could probably modify the slide enough to make it work, but I don't think there is any way to get the barrel to work.

FWIW, I've been very pleased with this gun for concealed carry. It's well worth taking the time to tune it and get it running 100%. You'll read a lot of complaints about this gun which, IMHO are complete BS. It'll feed hollow points just fine, so long as you are using a good factory magazine and replace the old guide-rod spring with a wolf spring. Some light polishing might help, but I don't think that's really necessary.

All of the other parts seem to be identical - so I'm too dissapointed as I have spares of the firing pin, extractor, ejector, hammer, trigger, springs, etc., and these are the likely parts to need replacing.
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