Is it Time for Israel to Drive out the Palestinians?


New member
After reading all the previous post there appears to bo only ONE SOLUTION

Kill or drive out ALL OF PALISTINE. Leave none unturned none left behind. All of them must go and go now. OR DIE! Enough is enough.:mad:

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
JMLV, don't hold back. Tell us what you really think. :eek:

Apparently, I didn't read closely enough before those last two posts. Jmbg29 had already fixed the problem and was no doubt puzzled as to why I was still harping on the subject. I apologize, but I'll leave that post up as a reminder to myself. :eek:

Fred Hansen

New member

"Liars," eh? Most of the 100 or so who signed the petition were combat officers, not REMFs. What does John McCain have anything to do with it?
McCain was a combat pilot. He will currently say or do anything that will keep him in the media spotlight. The adoration of the media flunkies is like a drug for him. My point was that no matter what the combat record of the officer, they are not immune to turning on their country, nor are they immune from lying. I guess that if a fighter/bomber pilot being shot down on a mission is not considered combat by you, well then you are welcome to your opinion.
I also see that you conveniently ignored the remarks by the former chief of Shin Beth. That ought to tell you something - even he stated that not enough officers are refusing illegal orders (if you know anything about our system of military justice - I think you may - you know that you are obligated to disobey an illegal order such as shooting unarmed civilians).
Yes, I am keenly aware of the prohibition against obeying unlawful orders, I'm not sure what you would like me to say about Shin Beth or it's commander. I could talk about root causes and people driven to desperate acts, but I would be afraid of being accused of plagiarizing you.
Palestinian Muslims are not Wahabis. Of course, you are correct about Saudis, but I thought we were addressing the Palestinians specifically.
The Palestinians use exactly the same rhetoric, tactics etc. to convince their children to grow up to be the kind of sociopath capable of commiting acts of murder against non-combatants, as the Wahabi's do. While fully aware that the Palestinians are not Wahabi, I just thought that I could use the most extreme death-cult version of Islam as my example without you nit-picking it to death.
If that is the case, why haven't the Palestinian Muslims attacked their own Christian population (which is solidly behind the Palestinian authority)? Because for them the struggle isn't really about religion, but of national liberation.
I would posit that it is because the Palestinians are adhering to a well known (usually attributed to Arabs I believe) adage, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." If the Palestinians who are not extremist Muslims think that the extremists will not eventually get around to massacring them, then I would have to say that they are indeed deeply and fataly confused.
I don't know about 100 years, but I already gave you the example of British Malaya where the British promise to de-colonize after the insurgency was won was critical to gaining the native popular support necessary to actually win the conflict. Also, "land-for-peace" isn't new - the last time I checked, Israelis have had a peace treaty with Egypt (for returning Sinai). Israel hasn't had trouble with Egypt since the treaty, particularly compared to the Palestinians.
Previously asked and answered. You answer it again within your own post. Treaty is the key word, the Egyptians signed the treaty! The Palestinians refuse. Here we are back on the all or nothing loop. The Palestinians have, through their dictator, demanded "All or nothing!" They aren't going to get all, and I'm not going to insult you by filling in what that leaves.
British promise to de-colonize after the insurgency was won was critical to gaining the native popular support necessary to actually win the conflict.
The promise to the Palestinians, by practically everyone in the world including the Israelis, has been to ensure the return of their own self rule over time. Since the days of Rabin they have enjoyed limited autonomy. What you propose IMO amounts to appeasement. I personally cannot abide that. Whether the Palestinians like it or not, the world dynamic has changed dramatically. Their brother Arabs using them as one of the "root causes" to justify their own unspeakable acts, have turned the tide.

It is not up to me and mine to drain the pond in which the terrorist "fish" swim. It is incumbent upon them to do so. If they leave it to me, I will advocate "nuking" the pond with rotenone. The Arab nations are among the last bastions of oppressive totalitarian theocracy regimes on Earth. If they wished to they could snap up the extremists in a blink. They unfortunately have no wish now, or in the foreseeable future to do so. I see that as a fatal mistake, your training and education lead you to believe that it is merely another opportunity to ask them to reconsider, to ask Israel for concessions that can be used as bargaining chips with the PLO.

You have said (on another thread) that my rage appears to you to be blind, while I see it more as the total ability to focus on stopping an enemy. Fire and Water. My berserkers rage has served me very well in the past, while you trust in an ability to view the situation from afar, to each his own.

It would seem that in the past while I was (in my meager capacity) advocating for pre-emptive strikes against what I saw to be the growing threat of Muslim extremism, you were consulting with people in higher places to advocate for restraint. I don't think that I can say if either one of our distinctly different approaches would have made one wit of difference. Perhaps we are all just doomed to relentless slaughter. I for one cannot imagine what could continue to fuel the 5000 year+ death-duel over an area that I see as little more than a kitty litter tray. Perhaps we are both delusional to think that either of our approaches will work.

I will for the sake of civility, hereby retract vomit, "intellect", and BarcoLounger Commando. You may if you wish, leave "armchair commando" intact, it is true that I am not as tough as I once was, but that is the way of the world. Despite my somewhat diminished capacity for savagery I would still take delight in putting a round or three through Arafat. Leaving a smoking hole where he once was would delight me even more, and since explosives were once my forte', perhaps I should stick to that.

Don Gwinn

I have to the best of my knowledge edited the offending material, prior to your post. I even annotated it as being per your instruction. Please let me know what I have missed. I am unable to remove the offending material from pasted quotes on other responses.


New member

I will let your post be the "last word" about the topic between the two of us. I apologize for the "armchair commando" remark. Your military service to our country is appreciated by me, and no doubt by many others, regardless of any opinion difference we may have.