Is it Time for Israel to Drive out the Palestinians?

Jeff Thomas

New member
Another suicide bomber, today.

Hamas / Hezbollah have declared total war on Israel.

Now, I know this thread will eventually dissolve into a political and history discussion / lesson, and we'll get to retrace Jewish / Palestinian history. But, for the moment, I'm simply curious as to the practicality and possibility of Israel driving every last Palestinian out of their country. Theoretically at least, the land is now under the control of Israel.

When your enemy insists upon war, only a fool ignores that reality.

And, yes, I'm now biased ... I do believe that a signifcant percentage of Palestinians are murderous savages. I guess all of those hijackings, suicide bombers and incessant murder do tend to influence one. Not to mention September 11. I don't buy the "most Muslims are our friends" pablum du jour.


1. Is it practical for the Israelis to say to the Palestinians "We're done. It is over. And, you are leaving. You can go to Saudi Arabia, where the cowardly leadership provides backhanded support. To Egypt. To Lebanon, the Sudan, Somalia ... wherever. But, in 48 hours, you are leaving, one way or the other."

2. What other practical measures can the Israeli's undertake? It certainly appears as though peace talks with savages are unlikely to bear fruit. Should Israel do more to arm and train their citizens? In spite of various discussions here at TFL, I hear of few incidents stopped by armed Israeli citizens.

Do I think this will "solve" the issue? Of course not. But, I would wager it is preferable to allowing sworn enemies to remain in your country. Sworn enemies who clearly insist upon war.

And, no ... I'm not Jewish.

Regards from AZ


New member
Something will give sooner or later. Just what I couldn't say.

I think both sides have dirty skirts. Both side ignore the other side's historical right to the land. Like most political conflicts this one will result in war. Like all religious conflicts this one will get butt ugly.

Israel has not chosen to erect a solid border between the West Bank and Israel. Don't know if its possible now.

Good news is the US is no longer ignoring Arafat's duplicity.


New member
Bigotry is UN-American

I don't buy the "most Muslims are our friends" pablum du jour.

Insert any other group in that sentence and everyone would immediately recognize it as a bigoted remark.

What the Middle East has to do with our gun rights is beyond me all I can see is alienating a voting bloc by such remarks:

Natural Conservatives

Jeff Thomas

New member
[Bigot - a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.]

Then consider it a bigoted remark, if you insist.

But, excuse me ... I've noticed that the ba$tards who attacked us on September 11 were Muslims. The Al Queda are Muslims. And, even some of the Islamic leaders who supposedly are friends of the White House have been shown to provide support to Hamas and Hezbollah ... unfortunately for them, they've been caught on videotape doing so.

So, you go ahead and believe there is no heightened threat to our country from Muslims, versus other peoples.

I'm happy to tolerate and live with Muslims, as I would hope they would tolerate me / us. I'll be having lunch with one in the next week or so, and we'll be chatting about some of these issues.

But if you think it is bigotry to notice the intolerance of too many Muslims against our country and our people ... well then, you've chosen to accept the happy talk we're currently getting about our enemies. We'll agree to disagree.

Back to the point of the thread ...

Regards from AZ


New member
No angels

There are no angels in the region. Fair is fair.
Read this and you will see why what mainstream media tells us isn't the whole story:

Toronto Sun Columnist: Eric Margolis

January 27, 2002
No lack of suspects in warlord's murder
Contributing Foreign Editor

On the evening of Sept. 16, 1982, Israeli troops surrounded the Palestinian refugee camps of Shatilla and Sabra. Sharon allowed - some allege he ordered - the Phalangist fighters to enter the undefended camps.

For the next 38 hours, the Phalangists, under the command of Hobeika, set about murdering Palestinian civilians - mostly women and children - with knives and grenades. Many women were gang raped before being killed; children's heads were smashed against walls; pregnant women were eviscerated.


New member
Well the pressure is building and its gonna blow very soon. Theres only so much a people can take before they react.

Its almost every day now that I open my papers to a new story about a bus blowing up or a gunman running rampage in a childs party...If im getting sick and tired of these attacks I dread to think what the average Israeli thinks.

Israel is reaching crisis point. Sharon isnt doing nearly enough in the eyes of his people. If he wants to stay in power then he is going to have to do something drastic.

Something has to be done and it has to be done soon. I think that if the Palestinians arent careful, expulsion from the area will be the least of their problems. If they keep going the way they are then Israel is going to smash them flat. I can quite easily imagine Israel declaring total war on Palestine.

Very worrying times.


New member
Is it Time for Israel to Drive out the Palestinians?

Where will Israel get a CHEEP labor force?

ITS all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
IMO both sides are about as bad. Granted Israel is no longer in the Terrorist business but neither side is willing to compromise for various reasons. I have to say I respect the Israelis for their refusal to bow to terrorism but at the same time I can see where the Palestinians are coming from(freedom fighters anyone?) Sorry to reference history here, but if you look back to the late 1940's before Israel was created by the UN the jewish "freedom fighters" at war with Britian would be considered terrorists today.


New member
It is time that Israel mobilize whatever is necessary, drive out the Palestinians, and be prepared to fight and defeat the rest of the Arab world if necessary.
The Arabs, in total, want to totally destroy Israel and it is time for Israel to get the Palestinians out of Israel.



New member
"And, yes, I'm now biased ... I do believe that a signifcant percentage of Palestinians are murderous savages. I guess all of those hijackings, suicide bombers and incessant murder do tend to influence one. Not to mention September 11. I don't buy the "most Muslims are our friends" pablum du jour. "
My Friend you are not alone. What THIS country should have learned by now is that every terrorist must be delt with. Its only a matter of time before they strike at us(again), so lets get them first. Next time it could be much worse...............

Jeff Thomas

New member
AmericaFirst, I will grant to you in a heartbeat there are no angels in the region, and Israel did its share of getting into this mess. But you offer us an example from more than 19 years ago.

From my perspective, the Palestinians, and now many Muslims in general, are working overtime to attack, attack, attack. Only a fool fails to respond, IMHO.

This isn't profiling. It isn't bigotry. It isn't ignorant hatred.

It is pattern recognition, my friend.

I am one American who no longer gives a rat's a$$ about the Palestinians. And, I don't think I'm alone.

I agree ... these are very worrying times.

Regards from AZ

Master Blaster

New member
It is not possible to reach a peaceful settlement with the palestinians under Arrafat.

The Palestinians have always been and will always be committed to the utter destruction of the state of Isreal. Not a single jew may live in the holy land if the palestinians are in charge. The destruction of Isreal is central to the charter of the FATAH, PLO, Hezzbollah and other palestinian groups.

The strategy was to tell the west what they want to hear so that the palestinians can take all of Isreal.

You cannot make peace with those committed to your complete destruction.

Isreal has tried to make peace, Isreal offered full citizenship to any who could work and live peacefully, if the palestinians had been peaceful and taken advantage of citizenship, they would control the country via the ballot box now.

The palestinains are incapable of living in peace in a democracy that is the problem.:(

Fred Hansen

New member
On the evening of Sept. 16, 1982, Israeli troops surrounded the Palestinian refugee camps of Shatilla and Sabra. Sharon allowed - some allege he ordered - the Phalangist fighters to enter the undefended camps.

This is interesting. Using an example of Arab on Arab violence as a reason to point the finger at Israel.:rolleyes:

I don't think that it would be fair to say that most muslims are/are not friendly toward America. If I had to guess I would probably say that most are ambivalent. We are talking about something like 1.2 billion people scattered around what is mostly refered to as the 3rd world. I would expect that the U.S. isn't much of a day to day concern in those places.

Further speculation would lead me to posit that most Palestinians sympathetic to the west, already reside somewhere outside of the occupied territories.

I think it would be safe to put me down in the rat's a$$ column vis a vis occupied territory Palestinians. Since I currently have no Israeli's trying to blow my a$$ off, and I do have various and sundry pan-Arabs crying out for my death and swearing blood-oath suicide pacts to same, my sympathies simply cannot lie there.

Using my patented 20/20 hindsight, I think I would have offered the pan-Arab masterminds a small piece of advice, it paraphrases the old testament and since we are all "people of the book' it should be relevent. Before calling Goliath out, David placed a stone in his sling. Or as we would admonish someone today,"Don't go off half cocked!" or "Look before you leap!"

With luck the collective peoples of the Middle-East will get thier stuff together before we tire of periodically pummeling them into the stone age. If not, no big whoop, that's why God gave us the Glassparkingloterator MK 666.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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New member
On the evening of Sept. 16, 1982, Israeli troops surrounded the Palestinian refugee camps of Shatilla and Sabra. Sharon allowed - some allege he ordered - the Phalangist fighters to enter the undefended camps.

For the next 38 hours, the Phalangists, under the command of Hobeika, set about murdering Palestinian civilians - mostly women and children - with knives and grenades. Many women were gang raped before being killed; children's heads were smashed against walls; pregnant women were eviscerated. <<

Sharon sued Time Magazine for libel when they printed this nonsense and he won.

It's amazing that 20 years later people are still repeating it.

Yes. Either the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza should swear loyalty to Israel or be sent back to their home countries of Jordan and Egypt.



New member
The region is heading toward war.

A war that by all accounts the Israelis will clearly win.

They should act soon, given the current realities they face.

Also, given our enormous US presence currently in the region, which should discourage the participation of the various Muslim sates which will sympathise with palestine.

Not that the Israelis couldn't handle it, even without our military and political intervention on their behalf.

I give it about two weeks, absent unforseen reform on the part of the Palestinians.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
That *some* terrorists are Moslem doesn't mean that all or even most Moslems are terrorists. That is a logical flaw.

Otherswise, by analogy with the Russians, Irish and Central American entities, we can label any branch of Christianity as such...or maybe all atheists.


Jeff White

New member
No Peaceful Settlement will ever be possible.....

Throughout history no conflict that ever degenerated into war was ever settled permanently until one side won. Sooner or later either Israel or Palestine will have to win. The UN and anyone else who wants to do "Peacekeeping" is just prolonging the end.



New member
That *some* terrorists are Moslem doesn't mean that all or even most Moslems are terrorists. That is a logical flaw.

true. Except, the ones that attack the US routinely are the muslim ones, thus we conncentrate on them instead of the "real" IRA, or the Basque Seperatists.


After seeing palestinians and foriegn muslims in general dancing and celebrating in the streets after Spet. 11, I have no sympathy or compasion for them, let them burn in the beds they made.

I have no problem with loyal citizens or allies be they blue, purple, albino, worship cats, dogs or geometry. But, if they attack me or my fellow citizens, they're not on the humans list.

If you want to call that hate or racism, thats your call, but I'd call it mental prepardness. If I have to kill someone, I'd rather not end up seeing their face for the rest of my nights...nonhumans don't have faces.


For all i care the Israelis could drive the palestinians into the dead sea, and they probably should.