Incident with a dog & pulling out a gun


New member
Hope this doesnt get closed quick lol

Not bashing your views, but a Collie averages around 30-35lbs (via breed standards) so youre talking a 20ish pound dog?? NO WAY would i have pulled.

agreed. if it were a pitbull, maybe, but a collie? seriously? you also shouldn't assume that any dog that growls or runs towards you will try to harm you....they're dogs. I only mention pitbulls as a breed that's more likely to rip your face-meat off than any other dog because statistically they account for most dog attack fatalities. even if a non-pit took a nip at you I don't think it's provocation enough to shoot a dog dead. my dog barks a lot but he's the friendliest canine you'll ever meet. if someone shot my dog just for barking at them i'd lose it. my advice, try not to be so paranoid


New member
I hope a pack of mini pinschers don't get loose in your neighborhood you may have to go grab a rifle.:rolleyes:

I am a dog lover but if you felt that threatened by a little dog give it the boot!


New member
I wouldn't draw my gun unless it was my only last resort. Every situation is different and every dog reacts differently. I think if it was just a single dog I would reach for my blade instead of my gun. Specially if owner was calling dog and attempting to retrieve stray dog. Weird stuff happens and always seems to and would hate for bullet to pass through dog ricochet hit owner or miss and strike home. For a single dog and it wasn't a large agressive dog and I was by self I'd probably go for knife before my gun.


I'm not sure why you're kinda gettin bashed for thinkin this through, I think you did ok. Everybody reruns scenarios to what if it a little...I think you will know when it's time to draw against a dog, this time it wasn't, thats all.

I've let big dogs run up to me and I didn't even think about my gun, another time the gun lept into my hand. It depends on the dog and how he acts.
Size has little to do with dogs being dangerous, my son has a 40 pound pit that would rip your face off, and my 180 LB English Mastiff might raise his head to look at you walk by.

Ironically enough, I've never been bitten by a big dog, but have bitten a few times by the little ones and I will shoot a little dog to keep its teeth out of me and who cares if I don't get invited to the BBQ lol !


New member
The reason I brought this up is because I want to learn from this experience, so I am better prepared if a similar situation occurs in the future.

1776 Patriat

New member
Lots of good responses here. If anything, it gives good food for thought if this were to happen again to someone here. You did right in asking what other peoples responses to this particular situation would be IMO.



New member
I had a simular incident yeasterday. I live 10 miles from town. My mail box is a mile from my house on the highway. I stopped to get my mail and was walking back to the truck and I heard a dog running up grawling and snapping.

I spun around and without knowing I had my 642 out of my pocket (so much for not being able to draw a revolver out of the pocket quickly).

Anyway the dog hesitated, I guess waiting for his buddies, (four other dogs right behind him). I got in the truck and left. I'm sure this was the same pack of dogs that ham strung my horse last winter, but I can't prove it).

Anyway I called the sheriff, asking him to talk to the owners because next time I"m not gonna back away.

Dogs are quick and sometimes quiet. It would pay to be ready.


New member
Go to a dog park on a busy day and observe how the dogs act and react. That'll give you an idea what to expect.

I will shoot a little dog to keep its teeth out of me and who cares if I don't get invited to the BBQ lol !

BBQ dog? I wouldn't go either.


New member
Yes, you'd probably be legally justified in shooting a poodle who bit you, but just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right. There's the legal way of handling it, and there's the right way. A well placed kick to most dogs will end the threat then and there should the situation arise.


New member
The message is still the same

Think of how this looks to non-gun people: Man walking down the street. Neighbor's collie charges him when he gets close to the neighbor's property, walking man shoots dog.

Neighbor now thinks walking man is paranoid gun lover who shoots anything that threatens him. Neighbor, who also has right to vote, now has a negative view of legal gun owners.

I'm not saying don't shoot someone's pet dog, just don't do it unless you absolutely have to.

roy reali

New member
Added Variable

How should the response be if you are walking your own dog on a leash as required by law? If you wait until your dog is engaged in a fight, being able to shoot becomes difficult, you moight kill your own dog. Try to break up fighting dogs by hand isn't a bright idea either.

I like going for walks on public land, which we have plenty of around here. If I see any canine heading towards me without an owner in sight, I'll shoot my gun into the hill side. The dog will usually turn around and if a human confronts me I play dumb. I was just trying to hit as rock on the side of the hill.

We do have good population of feral dogs around here.


New member
There have been a lot of posts about the size of the dog and going to dog parks to observe dog behavior. I look at it this way, most places have leash laws. If your dog isn't on a leash and it comes after me something is going to happen. My first thought is to kick it in the head as hard as I could. Now it also depends on how big the dog is. I find that the small ankle biters are the worst.

I find it funny that people really want to tell you what to do or how you should have reacted yet most have probably never been in that situation. I have, on patrol in Kosovo at night. Not a good feeling when you hear dogs barking and coming through an alley towards you. I drew down on a few with my M16. Didn't have to shoot but was ready to. I had it in my head that they would not get within 5 yards of me. Yelling at them seemed to work, but if it hadn't I was ready. Remember they close distance faster than you might think.


New member
I find it pretty sad that because you carry a gun that you think this is a situation where you might have to pull it. Having a CCW is not an end all to situations. Is it me or is this just immaturity at it's worst? Did you feel you life was in danger? Did you post this just for a little attention?

Two weeks ago I was walking my dogs with my wife and a neighbors 100lb mutt can charging us with the neighbor not far behind. I carry a gun, pepper spray & a knife and I never thought about using any of them. The situation scared my wife and I have an 80lb pit on a leash. All I had to do to end this situation was let him go, but that isn't the responsible thing to do. I really don't get posts like this, I don't see this as a TFL topic except that you were packing. I know I'll get railed but some need to be an adult especially if they are carrying a gun.


New member
After doing a bit of research I think it's a Border Collie, about 30-45 pounds.

The thing is when I saw the dog flying at me from across the street, it's rather hard to know what kind of dog it is and what his intentions are.

Thank G-D I didn't shoot it. I love animals.

However, I felt I didn't have much reaction time. If the dog kept running, didn't stop, and attacked me it would be late.

I think I did make a mistake that at a minimum I didn't have my hand on the gun.


New member
We do have good population of feral dogs around here.

Feral dogs are another story, if it's too feral to ever try to catch, it needs a bullet. All it's gonna do is make more wild dogs. Same with feral cats. Too many of them around.


New member
The message is still the same

Think of how this looks to non-gun people: Man walking down the street. Neighbor's collie charges him when he gets close to the neighbor's property, walking man shoots dog.

Neighbor now thinks walking man is paranoid gun lover who shoots anything that threatens him. Neighbor, who also has right to vote, now has a negative view of legal gun owners.

I'm not saying don't shoot someone's pet dog, just don't do it unless you absolutely have to.

I wouldn't shoot the dog until I thought my life was in danger of being attacked. The problem is knowing when that time occurs.

Also, Deer Hunter, thank you for protecting my country.


New member
I find it pretty sad that because you carry a gun that you think this is a situation where you might have to pull it. Having a CCW is not an end all to situations. Is it me or is this just immaturity at it's worst? Did you feel you life was in danger? Did you post this just for a little attention?

Two weeks ago I was walking my dogs with my wife and a neighbors 100lb mutt can charging us with the neighbor not far behind. I carry a gun, pepper spray & a knife and I never thought about using any of them. The situation scared my wife and I have an 80lb pit on a leash. All I had to do to end this situation was let him go, but that isn't the responsible thing to do. I really don't get posts like this, I don't see this as a TFL topic except that you were packing. I know I'll get railed but some need to be an adult especially if they are carrying a gun.

Yes I started this thread just to get attention.:barf: