Don't mean to shock anyone...


New member
Oh, just in case anyone is interested...

I've come to my sense.

Man, what a relief that is.;) I got mixed up once and bought a Glock. Worst mistake I ever made. Still kick myself and call myself bad names when I think about it. I got lucky tho and found somebody with a 1911 that thought he wanted a Glock.:D


New member
I came real close to putting some money down on a used Gen 4 G19 a week or so ago. Luckily, there was a used Springfield Mil Spec 1911 in the case with it that caught my attention.


New member
Oh, just in case anyone is interested...

I've come to my sense.

Good to hear.

I went to look at Glocks once, just to see what all the fuss was about. I went home with a XD40SC, my only polymer pistol.
I still haven't figured out what all the fuss is about.:confused:


New member
Just a thought - Glock shame is an actual gaming term used by the younger generation concerning computer games.

Apparently in most First Person shooter games the glock is considered shall we say not so respectable..

Glad you changed your mind...

They are referring to being killed with one, not using one. Because its hard to kill people with pistols. ARs, SMGs, shotguns, etc, are the standard weapons. Getting killed with a pistol is shameful, not the act of using the pistol.

It's even explained right there on the link you posted.


New member
I have a Glock 19 and I think my collection is better beause of it. Its my only glock, but I also trust my life to it. I think to have one is different than having 10 and wanting 10 more. The only other one I have an interest in getting is a 26.


New member
^^^^ lol at Scotchman

It's funny because the misunderstandings about guns created by the video game industry are well accepted and documented on gun forums. But the misunderstandings about video games created by the gun forums are completely ignored.

I, being a member of both groups, have the luxury of thinking everyone is dumb :)
"It's funny because the misunderstandings about guns created by the video game industry are well accepted and documented on gun forums. But the misunderstandings about video games created by the gun forums are completely ignored."

Generally they're ignored at TFL because video games don't really mesh well with our core reason for being here -- discussion of, and dissemination of knowledge about, real, actual, guns and things directly related to real guns.

There have been some discussions about guns in video games in the past, but only in the sense of how realistically they are portrayed.


New member
Oh I know. But when people bring video games into the discussion, and are completely misinformed, no one minds. But God forbid that same person refers to a "clip" loaded with "bullets". It's just amusing is all.