Don't mean to shock anyone...


New member
I thought about buying a Glock, but I took two aspirin, went back to bed, and got over it. Haha! May do it one day myself. I did finally break down and buy a plastic pistol (not a Glock). I am told they are the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I haven't figured out why yet. Who knows, though, it may come to me.


New member

I have 3 Glocks. G21,G30,G17.

Not a thing wrong with them. My son has a G21,G30 and my daughter has a G22,G30.

We have a bunch of other stuff also but the Glocks, while ugly as all get out, run like a champ.

"I only wish I been able to handle an M&P before I got my Glock....

something to consider."

How can I consider something that doesn't exist? Tragically, Smith & Wesson went out of business on March 17, 2000.

I hear the former factory is now being used for rat storage, although the Secret Service is looking into possibly storing locally sourced prostitutes there, which is actually in keeping with the spirit of the last owners of the company.


New member

Mr. Irwin---come over to the dark side; the kool-aid is delicious!


In all seriousness, I have at lest one handgun of all the major brands out there, DA/SA, SAO, striker fired, DAO, ect... and I always go back to my Glocks. They just plain work.

Single Six

New member
Mike, I won't fault you for your decision. Glocks are undeniably reliable [Gen 4 growing pains aside]. However, after many hours of cogitation, mental waffling, and 2 separate TFL threads, I have finally decided that they're just not for me...I have a very strong preference for manual safeties and stainless finishes. I do admire Glocks for their reliability and high-cap mags for the Model 21, but the absence of the aforementioned attributes is a deal breaker for me.


New member
I got a Glock 21, carry it everyday, but it isn't my go shoot to have fun gun.

Glock 17, can't go wrong with a "classic".

So was your tupperware not tactical enough this morning at breakfast?
"This is just a range toy I presume?"

Pretty much.

I tend to carry revolvers. When I carry a semi-automatic, it's either a small .22 (Taurus or Iver Johnson) or an HK P7PSP.
Wanting a Glock is a phase every boy goes through in his younger days. It's a confusing time, I understand. You'll get past this. :)

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Well, certainly nothing wrong with a Glock. Especially if you don't and haven't owned one. It's like dating the blonde girl when everyone knows you like brunettes better. You just got to try it once.:D

You probably already have similar but when I think of potential range toys and possibly 10mm and I like shiny... I think Dan Wesson CBOB.


New member
I think Dan Wesson CBOB.

I can relate to Dan Wesson. I have one in 9mm and one in .45.

They are sweet. I am seriously thinking of getting a 10. I am trying to resist but when the cc has a zero balance...the voices start whispering in my ear



I didn't get a Glock until I was 46 and I turned 47 that year.

I really like the 17L for a range gun, but you said you didn't want anything that big.

The thing about the 17L though is that even though it's a long slide it's still pretty light over-all.


New member
Don't mean to shock anyone...
But I'm seriously considering purchasing a Glock.
Is anyone else in your household exhibiting similar symptoms?
Have you recently done any traveling; any third world countries?
Any recent blows to the head?

Just trying to narrow it down, give CDC a head start...

And this may belong on a t-shirt and/or bumper sticker:
Wanting a Glock is a phase every boy goes through in his younger days. It's a confusing time, I understand. You'll get past this.

Seriously, do what you have to do... there is help, when you are ready...

Strafer Gott

New member
Soul baring?

Which gets sore first Mike, your tongue or your cheek?
I have no recollection of owning a Glock, neither would I be inclined to discuss owning a Glock if I did recall.
"Beware the curse!' says I. "Oh I've no fear of curses!" says he.
"Then be fair warned!"

And that's all I have to say about Glocks.

Mal H

Whoa! What?!

[Re-reading the first sentence again ... and again ... yep, it says
Mike (I'm going mad) Irwin said:
I'm seriously considering purchasing a Glock.

I recall about 2 years ago I said almost the exact same thing to you, word for word. It took you several minutes to stop laughing and catch your breath. :)

Actually, I'm still considering it.