Don't mean to shock anyone...

But I'm seriously considering purchasing a Glock. :eek:

Yes, that's right, Mr Blued Steel Older Smith & Wesson Revolvers is considering purchasing a Glock.

I'll most likely buy used, as that's what I normally do, and will probably get a 9mm, although I wouldn't turn away from either a 10mm or a .45.

You may now contemplate your Wheaties in stunned silence. :p
Mike, I am also considering a Glock for an older relative. I'm hoping to examine a Springfield XD-S beforehand and that it is better.


New member
I also much prefer revolvers to semi autos, especially when it comes to the beautiful lines of a classic smith N frame. But, I can say I have absolutely no regrets in my recent acquisition of a glock 20 10mm.


New member
I was anti-Glock for a long time, and now find myself preferring my Gen4 Glock 26 over my other choices. So much attention gets paid to the simplicity and reliability that no one ever mentions how great the trigger is or how easy it is to shoot really well with them.


New member has police trade-in Glock 22 (.40) for $329 plus shipping. I believe they have 3 mags, and have been gone over. Sometimes they have 17s for about the same price. It's the cheapest way to get into a Glock I've seen lately.


New member
I feel the same way I did when my parents got divorced...

Anyway, It won't hurt Mike. You also won't feel bad when you hit the ground with it when you practice your combat rolls.

I like my Glock. It fills a purpose. I've enjoyed learning to shoot it.

I still have all my revolvers and 1911s.


I'm eating Coco Wheats,

I have to say I'm happy with my G34 and 17L - although they're range guns.

I'm thinking about getting a revolver ! :D


New member
I have been a long time fan of HiPowers and Smith & Wesson revolvers. My Model 10 and my Model 15 will never be sold, and I love shooting them. They even see nightstand duty.
But, I just love my G26 and my G30. I like the Glock trigger a lot, and I am very accurate with both. In fact, I shoot my G26 better than my longtime favorite HiPower, which I have shot for decades.
The G30...what a pistol. I shoot it better than a semi-custom full sized 1911, which I sold not long after my first outing with the Glock.


New member
I am now contemplating my Wheaties in stunned silence. By gosh, Mike, you've gone over to the dark side....

That said, I bought a G19 after attending Front Sight's 4-day Defensive Hand Gun Course last spring...I rented a Glock 17 there rather than take one of my blued steel beauties and entrust same to the tender mercies of the airline baggage system...and too, I used the opportunity to try something new...

It took me 1/2 of the first morning's shoot to learn the trigger, but after that, the d.....d thing would put 5 under a target paster at 7 yds, by noon. It was a Gen 4, brand new, and was never cleaned in the 4 days, but didn't bobble a shot...not a one. I managed to shoot distinguished with it, and won the steel challenge as well. It was easy to shoot, fit me fairly well with medium hands and the controls were a no-brainer.

Am I a fan-boy for Glock...nope, they're still FUGLY as all get out, but I've learned to respect the reason so many LEO's like them and do well. Can't argue with their reputation for absolute reliability with the two examples with which I have experience. Neither has bobbled a round or ejection while I've been shooting them...factory or difference.

My wife shoots the G19, and I don't carry it but rarely here on the farm, preferring one of my revolvers for the most part....but that Glock is one tough SOB and more accurate than generally given credit.

Best Regards, and I'll predict you'll improve your DA skills with Smiths after learning the Glock helped mine considerably.

PS: just one more thought...Glock has a cost savings program for LEO's, active or retired military, or airline flight crew personnel...I got mine with 3 mags for $445 plus tax new in the'll have to check with your LGS for details...that's all I know.

PPS: A friend here in KY, nationally ranked in the Glock competition circuit, showed me how to improve the trigger, and slightly modify the trigger guard area for a far better grip feel against the middle strong side finger. I'll post them to you if you're interested. Rod

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New member
If you are going to go Glock, why not get the one that started it all, G17?
Although I didn't go that way for my first Glock, it's on my list for my next one. I went G20 to kill two birds as they say Glock, and 10MM. Neither of which I have previously had.
"Glock has a cost savings program for LEO's, active or retired military, or airline flight crew personnel...I got mine with 3 mags for $445 plus tax new in the'll have to check with your LGS for details...that's all I know."

Not applicable in my case.

It's been literally years since I've held or shot a Glock.

I know first and second generation ones had grip angles that simple did not work for me, even though I tended to shoot them very well.

Third generation, with the modified grip angle, is a LOT better.

Have no clue about the fourth generation.

As for which one, I'm actually thinking middle ground. Not full size, but not compact/subcompact, either.

I'm pretty sure that I don't want a .40. I really don't want to start loading for yet another cartridge.

I've got a High Power, I've got a HK P7PSP.


New member
What are you planning on using it for, Mr. Irwin? G26 conceals real well and shoots way better than most people expect. If not for concealed carry, check the fit of the G19 versus the G17 before you decide. My hands are neither exceptionally large nor exceptionally small, but the G19 grip fits me better in where the backstrap hump rides.

It was half a bagel, but I choked on it.


New member
I would just go with the Gen3 G19. Grip angle is actually better than it's larger/smaller counterparts.

I did the Glock thing a few years ago after owning all metal guns. I added them to my collection and eventually sold them while all of my full metal guns stayed right where they were at. My current poly guns consist of a P345 for HD which is a gun that shoots well and would not have me on edge if it needed to go away for some time, an LCR for 5.11 shirt carry while biking and maybe a Shield in the future for summer carry when lightweight,slimness and an anti-sweat finish is most desirable, but I need to shoot one first to see if it lives up to its hype.