Do you conceal carry an Expensive Handgun.?


New member
Sgt. Fathead,

I agree with you and it took many transactions to get to the Wilson. I bought a lot of firearms low and sold high. Put the profit aside and never touched it for 5 years. I came across the Wilson, brand new in the box, from a fellow that had bought 4 of them, fired one and fell in love with it. He owed me a couple of favors so I took them in a discount on the gun. I had a Kimber, Colt and Springfield at that time, and realized the differences. Please dont misunderstand, had I not been able to get the Wilson, I would have gladly carried either the Kimber, Colt or Springfield.


New member
Seems to me that the cost of your confiscated weapon would be small change compared to the cost of your defense if you are charged with murder.
I have read of cases where a person was acquited of the charges but was ruined financially. Where the cost of their defense went way over $ 200,000.

Shadi Khalil

New member
I know there are guys on here who are toting 1911's and revolvers that are well upwards of $1000 so my view of "expensive" might sound silly to some.

The two handguns I exclusively carry are a S&W 637 and a Sig P239 and considering what I paid (not resale value) I'd say they are pretty pricey.

637, $350, CT laser grips $185* = $535

P239, $700, Triji NS $90 = $790

Again, I'm factoring what I paid, including transfer, tax and accessories. Other than a Kimber I bought for carry (but never did due to reliability issues) the Sig is probably the most expensive gun I've ever carried. I'd happily carry a handgun that was 5 times as much as the Sig if it carried well and I was proficient with it. Losing the gun or having it confiscating is the least of my worries, I'm much more concerned with losing my life.

*The CT grips were a gift from my wife who didn't really bother shopping around. $185 for a pair of LG105's is a beating.


New member
My EDC cost me $950 about 8 years ago and yes it is probably the most I've spent on a pistol. But the way I look at it is Colt makes some fine carry 1911s now, not so much back then. If my Kimber is confiscated for any length of time, I'll look to Colt for my replacement. Then when my EDC again becomes available to me, I'll have both.:D


New member
The real question would be reliability. I own some guns around the $500 mark that have never failed or faulted during any training or range use. On the other hand, I have owned guns well over $1000 that were problematic and I had to invest additional funds with a competent gunsmith to make them reliable and trustworthy.

My primary carry gun cost me about $500 about 15 years ago and with routine maintenance is the most reliable gun I own. I carry the same caliber but different manufacturer well known for producing reliable products as a back up and that has never failed.

Reliability can be only be determined by use in training and in the range during various conditions. I carry those guns which have proven themselves, regardless of the price. And by the way, unless you are a competition shooter, spending very large bucks on a gun in which you pay for the name, seems really not worth it to me. Just my opinion.


New member
I carry a 642 or an LC9. Neither are expensive by today's standard. Neither has ever misfired, jammed, failed in any manner. They are both small enough to carry concealed. If Texas ever allows open carry I'd have a 686 or 1911 on my hip. Either can be had for under 1000.00.


New member
I've noticed that the prices on many of the firearms that I own and enjoy have been going up. This is particularly true with some of my favorite revolvers. - - I have 1911 pistols (Kimber, Dan Wesson, Springfield) and enjoy them, but am not willing to put out the kind of money that the very high end guns go for. More power to the guys who enjoy those guns. I have buddies who own them and its a pleasure when they let me try them out at the range. But if I'm going to put out $1500-2000 + for a firearm, its going to be for a rifle - likely a semi auto .308. I don't see that a high end pistol gives any more practical defensive capability within the relatively short effective range of a handgun, than a much more modestly priced Glock or M&P. I'll spend the difference on rifles and on handloading components.


New member
I carry a S&W M&P9. While it might not be pricey compared to some guns, for a college kid, it is up there. I am also not concerned about it being taken into evidence if, God forbid, I ever have to use it to defend myself. I will use the gun that I am most proficient with, my life is worth more than any gun.

Sent from my HTC One X


New member
A few years ago I paid a little over 300 dollars for my sig 239. This gun is a "junk yard dog". It will not jam. It is a pleasure to instinct shoot, and sight shoot.


New member
A few years ago I paid a little over 300 dollars for my sig 239. This gun is a "junk yard dog". It will not jam. It is a pleasure to instinct shoot, and sight shoot.

Wow--Even a decent condition used 239 is a steal at that price. How did you manage to score that?


New member
I bought my .40 P239 quite a few years ago. Its a fine pistol. Remarkable trigger and extremely accurate. Has never malfunctioned.


New member
Wow--Even a decent condition used 239 is a steal at that price. How did you manage to score that?

Well, all I can say is that it was before the pre obama election "craze", I think in was in 06. It was a police demo. It even had a trigger job. It was just broken in, and was in almost new condition, so I snatched it up.


New member
With new grips and an XS "Big Dot" front sight I have $600+ into my S&W Model 60. Not horribly expensive, but not cheap either.


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If I carry a high priced gun and it works, then "thank you very much". If I carry a cheap gun and it does not work then it is for someone else to worry about!


New member
Yes HK USP 9c

