Do you conceal carry an Expensive Handgun.?

Ben Towe

New member
Yes, I do, by many people's definition. Sig Platinum Elite 1911. Cost about a $1000. I like it, it's reliable, my life is worth more than a grand.


New member
guns can be replaced, your life cannot be.

Ya, ya, ya, blah, blah, blah. Doesn't take an expensive gun to be reliable and get the job done no many how many cliches someone spouts. If someone wants to own and carry a rig that cost more than mine I'm all for it. Just don't spout BS trying to justify it.

old bear

New member
Almost any quality firearm has gotten pricey in today's market, but what is my life worth in terms of the price of a firearm.

My general carry weapon is one of my M-19's, which are starting to get pricey. I don't generally carry my most expensive revolvers, M-27's as both are really to big to carry in civilian attire.


New member
My lifes worth the price of what I carry... Saving pennies or even dollars wont mean much if your dead...

Yes a 5 dollar pistol might accomplish the same as something costing much more but Im not only paying for reliability Im paying for great sights, great trigger and in everyway any possible micro advantage I can get....


New member
? define expensive ?


Anyways, I carry Glocks and a S&W 38.

If you read about "cheap" guns, like 9mm's for $300< and 357 revolvers $350< 45's $350< they are cheap made and if you read the internet you will see lots of problems with "these" guns.

For the range I wouldn't mind a cheap gun but for life? I will stick with a top brand, one's who is used by LEO for years. Wonder why these "lower brands" arn't being used by police/LEO?

Why buy a $180 380 pistol? when others almost double/triple in price. "CHEAPLY MADE" = NOT SAFE FOR LIFE. At the range yes I will use it/buy it for fun.


Pricey or less they all do the same job. Each one of us has to decide what we want to pay for or not. I don't care really about the top end precision guns (Kimber and other high priced) I like Glocks, Smiths and really old, old guns catch my interest and even black powder but that's me.


New member
If you are involved in a shooting, even a perfeclty legal "good" shooting, your legal costs will probably far outweigh any cost of the gun you used by a factor of 10 or more.

Carry what you want. Cost be damned. That being said, I sometimes carry a Bulgarian Makarov that I bought for $100. On the other hand I sometimes carry a very pristine P7M8, which is probably worth $1500 or so. Cost doesn't enter into my decision on what to carry.


New member
Well, I carry an Airweight. Expensive? More that I wanted to pay, but It's light and reliable.. Unreliable = possible loosing the fight, and quite possibly loosing my life. I would argue an expensive gun would be a cheapie if you get my drift.


New member
I used to carry my Kimber 4" 1911 (about $1000) or a Colt's Gov't .380 (about $700 used) and decided I didn't want to lose either after a shoot... so now I carry either a Kahr CW9 ($350, of which I have a backup because I like it so much,) or a Kahr P45.

I dropped my Colt .380 once on the driveway and gouged up the rear sight (could have been worse!) and that's when I decided I might need an alternative...

To be honest, it's not the cost or worth of the gun, but what it's worth to me. I can lose the Kahr tomorrow (heaven forbid...) and I'll carry on, I would NOT want to lose my Kimber.


New member
Cost doesn't really enter into it for me, but sentimental value does - the one handgun I'd most hate to lose after a shooting (or get it back with inventory markings engraved on it) is coincidently the lowest-value non-rimfire in my inventory. My EDC carry gun is about $1100, but I could replace it with a new one tomorrow and not shed a tear over its loss.


New member
I carry a Glock handgun 99.9% of the time because I know it will do its job if needed.
My carry Glocks aren't stock, I customize them to fit my needs. I have more that await their time to be customized for carry. If I couldn't customize them I would still carry a Glock. I trust them.

When I go to Barbeques I carry my Ed Brown Kobra Carry but that's just showing off. :cool:


New member
I carry guns that are easy to replace, but not necessarily inexpensive. For example, I love Colts but don't carry one often. But, I do carry a Detective Special from time to time, which I consider easy to replace if I need to. My usual carry gun is either a Glock M23 or S&W M442. Both could generally be replaced in a few days if I had the $.

This topic is similar to would you use an expensive gun as a "truck gun" when it might get stolen. Same answer as above for me.... But I would not keep a $5000 gun in my truck just for the heck of it.


New member
Expensive, inexpensive... The important thing is that the gun is reliable, and easy for you to carry. A gun that has chronic jamming issues is only good for practice, or trading.

P5 Guy

New member
Not anymore. G26, or G19. I traded my expensive gun for those two even up and came away with more fire power over the Walther P5c I used to carry. And the Glocks work better with a wider variety of bullet styles.


New member
Expensive, inexpensive... The important thing is that the gun is reliable, and easy for you to carry. A gun that has chronic jamming issues is only good for practice, or trading.

Reliability alone is not enough... not even close to being enough... poor sights, poor trigger helps cause misses... How many misses can you life afford in a life threatening situation.. One of the very reasons I wont carry a certain brand of pistols no matter what the majority may say... Idiots are cheap... You need the total package.... and dremel shouldnt be a part of what it takes to save your life...


New member
Alright man, reliability, easy to carry, stopping power, easy for user to shoot without a dremel? You should be able to shoot with front sight only at close range.


New member
A gun is simply a tool. I have used many tools in my 54 years and realized that I want the best tool I can afford, to continually get the job done to the level I require. I know folks that will buy a $5.00 claw hammer that will last for a job or two then break, buy another and another. I am of the mindset to buy one that is better quality that could last indefinately.
I have traveled between point A and point B in a Yugo and the same trip in a Mercedes. Yes both got me to my destination but I was more confident the Mercedes would get me there due to the quality and attention to detail. I carry a Wilson Combat Professional because I am more confident in its ability to get the job done, consistently. I shoot/train more than most LEO's are required to and having a tool that, due to experience, consistently functions and is incredibly accurate out of the box due to the attention to detail used when the gun was built is what I want. I have carried others but always come back to my Wilson.


Were I a moneyed gent and price no object, I may well carry what I carry now as it carries well, shoots well, is rugged, accurate and dependable. I've owned some pricey (to me) hardware, though nothing in the class of the Ed Browns and Wilson Combats. I carry a Ruger SR9C and the expense is in ammo and training.

My wife carries the same so if my carry piece were seized for evidence, one of us would carry the J frame.