Do you conceal carry an Expensive Handgun.?


New member
Worry about your life. Your gun can be replaced.

If you are uncomfortable with not being in possession of a particular pistol for a period of time in the fairly remote chance that it has to be used defensively, there is no reason that you can't choose a different handgun as long as you are confident in its reliability. But price alone should not be a deciding factor.


New member
Not at all. I carry Glock 17 gen 4 which I purchased for $600 and a Glock 26 Gen 3 (as a backup gun) which costs about $500-550. These two are good enough for my daily scenarios.


New member
my father in law was involved in a self defense shooting some years ago killing one and wounding another that died at a later date. his s&w mod 36 was confiscated by police and kept for more than a year. when he received it back it had an electric pencil evidence number scratched into it, surprisingly it was not abused further. this is what i would expect, anything less would be a pleasant surprise. my wife now has this gun.


New member
If you were involved in a gunfight and you or a loved one is injured or killed because you left your expensive, more capable gun at home, then would you regret your decision?


New member
Like Microgunner, I carry what some would consider an expensive weapon (I don't). I can also afford to replace it if neccessary.


New member
I have to admit that your post topic has never even occurred to me.

Have always carried what I felt appropriate with no thoughts of value.
If I have any concerns involving a shooting situation, God forbid, it will be the cost of the attorney I would need to immediately hire.

Now 'Ghost guns'? That's something else.;)



New member
I carry one that has proven its reliability to me, and that I trust. How much it costs really doesn't affect the decision.


New member
If you were involved in a gunfight and you or a loved one is injured or killed because you left your expensive, more capable gun at home, then would you regret your decision?

More expensive doesn't always mean more capable.
Most all of the guns I carry are probably cheaper than a nice Rolex. Not too much less. I guess if someone would wear a Rolex and not worry about it, then what would I have against carrying a quality gun? Carry the best you have. You only live once.:)


New member
The 1-2K$ an "expensive" gun is likely to be actually worth (no Korth carriers I'm aware of) will pale in comparison to the legal fees and emotional distress likely to result from any shooting that would warrant confiscation.



New member
My most expensive gun cost around $1,500. It is reliable, accurate and I often carry it during the winter months. It is a .45. I also often carry a gun that cost less than $300 and consider it my summer carry piece. It too is accurate and reliable. It is a .380.

If I ever need to pull my gun and fire it, I hope that the .45 is on my side. My life is worth a lot more than $1,500. While I am comfortable carrying a .380, all things being equal, I want a round with as much mass as I can sling at the target.
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New member
I had planned on it, until the EMP proved to not be reliable with JHP, even after 800 or so rounds to "break it in". In the mean time, I noticed the number my sweat was doing to the grip screw on my j frames. Yes, I was carrying a j frame IWB. Stuff in my pockets at work. Rented a Glock 19, was shocked, shocked!, at how much I liked it, so's I bought one. Contrary to popular custom, when Springfield makes the EMP right (gotta remember to call them soon), I may carry it OWB in the colder weeks that warrant a jacket here in Texas.
I carry the least expensive handgun I can trust, a Colt M1991A1 Compact. It's the entry level version of the Mark IV Officers ACP. This choice is for exactly the reason set forth in the opening post. But ... it's a Colt, and I have tuned it so that I am confident it is 100 percent reliable. I trust it, but if it should spend a year or three in an evidence room and be returned to me in horrible condition, I won't lose a lot of sleep over it.
Would you want your very expensive gun in that situation.?

The gun defends me, not the other way around. I will gladly carry any of several quality guns, some of which are very expensive and some are not, but they are all quality.

Personally, I would feel worse about the temporary disassociation with a quality gun than the expense of a gun. You see, the money paid for the gun is already long gun.

People make some really strange value decisions and I don't understand them. They are willing to have very expensive items that are easily lost, ruined, or destroyed and not thing anything about it, but heaven forbid the police should take their gun after it saves their life...and the gun being something nice or quality
I got a kick out of a buddy of mine that has some top notch guns, but carried a Kel-Tec P32 in a shooting and the police were to take his gun. He recounted a story to me about feeling unsafe getting fuel for his Mercedes S class (can't recall the model) in a bad part of town and breaking out his spare P32 from the console in case there was trouble. We had a long chat about "values" and what he should really be concerned about. He finally got the point when I asked him how much his ties cost him and he had several that were over $300. He now carries everything from a stock 9mm Glock to a custom 1911 in .45 acp.

Most all of the guns I carry are probably cheaper than a nice Rolex. Not too much less.

The cheapest Rolexes run about $2000-3000, the Air-King models. That would be the price of my most expensive carry gun. A 'nice' Rolex runs about $30 grand or so and expensive Rolexes cost more than my house. I would suspect that your carry guns are a lot cheaper than a 'nice' Rolex or you got some super blinged carry guns, LOL.

Don P

New member
I would have to say yes. In todays world the average handgun is costing the average person a solid weeks+ take home pay, so yes I carry an expensive gun.


New member
Guess I'm so old that the first thing on my mind was to carry a non-blued gun if all else were equal. All I'd be concerned about is the likelihood that the evidence-room folks will not oil the gun, so a blued one easily could be a piece of rust when I got it back. As for "how expensive," for me that is the range from $500 - $1,200, but we all have different budgets. My 22-yr-old Rolex is still worth $5-6K, so I agree that comparing watches to carry guns probably won't work well.


New member
Expense is relative....

In general, I will carry the gun I shoot the best ...and when I carry, most of th time, I carry a Wilson Combat 1911 - a CQB 5" gun in .45acp ....that has a replacement value of about $3,000....

But the value of the weapon I choose to carry the event I do need it really irrelevent. What I choose to carry based on what platform I shoot the best, reliability, the rig I carry it in, etc...not value...

Wilson CQB .45ACP.jpg

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
The co-pays on being stiched up or having my life saved from some serious harm would more that exceed my most expensive carry gun.

Thus, having it go to the evidence locker is better than that and the medical paperwork.

Interesting debate though, in the field should you carry an expensive knife? Nothing like having the Chris Reeve bounce off your belt in the dark from the jeep. As compared to your Gerber. I have one knife that is hiding in the house somewhere.