Carrying in the shower?

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New member
Once on my day off while my wife was in the shower and I was napping ;) we had a stranger come into our new apartment. Her screams woke me up.
Was very unpleasant for a few minutes.
Exterminator was supposed to come and spray BEFORE we moved in-didn't-and came the next week as a regular appointment, and since he had the keys just walked in as he normally did. Needless to say short talk with management got some changes made toot sweet.

Sooner or later someone invade your home or your life, and it will be when you least expect it. I did not carry until a situation involving my kids safety made me realize how unprepared I would have been in that situation.
Where and when to carry IS a legit question and concern-making fun or bashing someones question or choice ain't constructive. We have no control over when trouble finds us. Lots of victims of assaults, rapes and other violent crime thought they were safe at the time too.

All neighborhoods are pretty safe -99.999% of the time-until the worst happens. Since you are reading this you are probably prepared for that 0.001, or are you ?

If you live in town that has never had any murders, rapes or other crimes let us know! I for one would like to live there!
Got to go now-taking my son and his friends to the music store, they wanted to take the bus but since a 16yr was just murdered- fight on the bus-I'll drive them.
Can't protect my family everywhere-but I'm gunna try.


New member
You know, I'm headed to the gun shop later today, looking for another safe and another holster. I think I'll float that by the Sig boys. I'll ask them how best to handle my Sig while in the shower :rolleyes: They already know I'm just a tad...eccentric, and that will only help. These guys are good folk. They might even try to answer me without making fun of me. But I'm not taking my Sig in the shower. I'm thinking the alarm pretty much covers it. Shower to bedroom, hunker down with the rifle and phone.


Didn't anybody see the Godfather? (sic) Ya gotta have access to a gun in the bathroom to turn the tide. It could turn the initiative in a home invasion to have a pistol in the loo. This is not so far fetched in this day and age. Taking it into the shower with you may be overboard but having one in the bathroom is not.


New member
Since this one got drudged up... Duracoat will do wonders for rust/corrosion resistance, and provide some grip when wet.


New member
If you live in town that has never had any murders, rapes or other crimes

Um where I live..... last 12 years only a few break ins. Mostly kids looking for junk. We did have some wire stole last year, smelled em burning it and the sheriff took care of them. Oh and a kid set the school on fire after his gal broke up with him, got a new school, he is in the pen.

Other than that........ city folk dropping off unwanted targets ur I mean animals...


New member
A population of less than 600 does help since everyone pretty well knows everyone else in town. But every town does have its bad apple-this one must have just wandered away 'fore he turned bad.

"Two men arrested in the death of a man who was savagely beaten at a downtown Seattle ......" "and Marcus David Dennis, 20, a transient from Crescent, Iowa, are being held in the King County Jail in lieu of $1 million bail."

Don't know if he was born and raised in your town but he claimed it as home.
I grew up in a small town, didn't have a key to the door until I was 13-the year we were burgled. They broke out my bedroom window, instead of trying the door!


New member
Weird, my sis lives in Seattle and my mom who lives with me is out there for a visit.

Alist of dennis's in our county that own property shows not one in crescent tho. Who knows? Maybe he went thru there once?

But in my town and surrournding area, not much in the way of high crime. Now just a short 10 miles across the river is North Omaha, had 2 or 3 shootings this week alone. Campus locked down when one guy shot two others getting off a bus, shooter ran into our college area. Police and campus police didnt find him.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Ok, this one went down the drain and some of you should wash out your mouth with soap.

Maybe Gunsite could offer Shower Team Tactics or H20 - H2H.

Closed with a laugh.
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