Carrying in the shower?

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New member
For most of us carrying has become so much of our lives that it is almost as natural as putting your wallet into your pocket in the morning. I usually don't carry in the house but I do keep a handgun in the night stand and a Mossberg 500 loaded in another part of the house.

I was at the shop today and I was shocked that I was the only one that didn't carry in the house, and IN THE SHOWER!

I'm not knocking it if you do carry in the house or on the john or whatever you do in your house... but in the shower?

Anyone here do that?

Excuse the bizarre question but I'm actually kind of intrigued... in the shower?... really?


New member
I carry in the house, but primarily due to the fact I have it on all day, and just never think about taking it off until bed time. Just a natural habit having it on my right side.

However, IN THE SHOWER? No, never even thought about it until this thread.:D


New member
Buy a stainless hammerless/concealed hammer revolver, put in a freezer bag big enough to "give" into a grip if grasped by a hand through the bag, put on the soap shelf. If you are really high speed/low drag, put skater/adhesive tape over the bag part that covers the grip.
FYI, I haven't tried this yet. :cool:

Big Shrek

New member
Heck, I just lay my Glock on top of the water heater...

Close enough to grab if I hear someone kicking in the front door, and Glock's don't mind a little shower spray ;)


New member
Some of my neighbors and roomates often joke that I keep a Glock in a sealed plastic bag in the water tank of my toilet, after reading this thread I'm starting to worry if that might not be such a bad idea after all. :eek:


New member
Wrap it in Saran Wrap.

It will keep the gun dry and is no problem to fire while wrapped in Saran.

Try it. I did. It works.

No, I did not fire it while in the shower.

If you want to test it you might unload the gun and dry (wet?) fire it in the shower.

Do not use a Zip-Lock, not enough give in the wrapping to get your finger on the trigger. I tried that, too.

No, I don’t carry in the shower. I did the experiment because of a question asked elsewhere.


New member
I could just picture somebody's old lady walking in and saying, "That's just great Dear... NOW SHOW ME YER WARFACE! RIGHT NOW MAGGOT!" :D

Glenn Dee

New member
I worked with a fellow.... Ed. We all teased him for carrying around his apartment. Especially for wrapping his .38 in plastic, and taking it into the shower. Yep it was real funny until the day his apartment was burglarized while he was in the shower. He heard them, came out and confroted them. There was shots fired by both sides. (turns out they knew he was a cop, and came prepared) Ed won. No question how it would have turned out if he had left his gun in the bedroom. I for one stopped laughing, then ran out and got some glad bags.



New member
taking my gun into the shower? Nope, not even when I was stationed in Lebanon. (the one in the middle east)

I carry all the time, these days even when I go riding my horse in the bush on the outskirts of Cape Town.

When I am home it is nearby if not on me. However, since my home security includes security doors and a pair of dogs in the yard, I feel just as secure if I leave the gun in the bedroom when I am in the shower.

If need be my wife can use it too, she shoots just as well (some say better) as I do.

IMO, a gun is the last resource, and one should have more than that as part of his security steps.



roy reali

New member

Do any of you carry during copulation? If so, how? How do you keep the gun from getting in the way? Would a six inch barrel be too much in that situation.:D


Active member
I'm just thankful that I've never lived anywhere where I have even had to think about carrying a gun while I'm taking a shower! If I even found myself thinking in that direction - my next thought will be "it's time to move".


New member
It's not entirely silly,,,

Ever since I watched one of those prison interview shows,,,
The ones where they interview 3-strike lifers,,,
I have kept a stash gun in the bathroom.

One guy said that he watches a house for the bathroom light to come on,,,
That's when he does his entry because people are "occupied".

So now I keep an old revolver in a baggie in the medicine cabinet.

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New member
I agree with Skans.

But at the same time, there's a sub-compact 9mm in a drawer in my bathroom that gets cleaned once a week. :D The bedroom and the bathroom are two places where you are the most vulnerable in your house. So while I don't carry in the shower, I do have a weapon in the room I'm in at all times. And I live in a very nice part of town. However, with the economy being what it is and the illegals I have living within five miles of my place, and the new construction going on two miles up the road from me, it's better to be safe than sorry.


New member
Living in an “upscale” neighborhood is not a guarantee of safety. The “upscale” neighborhood folk are the ones with something worth stealing.

Hmm, is that little shelfey thing that you over the shower head strong enough to support a S&W Highway Patrolman? Should it go on the bigger bottom shelf or should it go above the soap?

I wonder if I should sing Rootin Tootin Cowboy Joe whilst showering? Certainly not Bury Me on the Lone Prairie. Or perhaps the Marine chant This Is My Rifle, This Is My Gun?

Y’all are worrying me.
(Now what do I do with all these little slivvers of soap too little to use but too big to throw away?)
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