Bin Laden wants to negotiate !!!


New member
Redworm, who started the conflict? What is your point?
Osama said himself he was "Quite Pleased with the attack on 911" It sounds like your leaning twords the blame America crowd. Religion or not Osama and ALL of his ilk need to be eliminated! America is a wonderful country, NOT to be compromised by Islam!


New member
Well, whether we like it or not, we trained him to help get rid of the the Russians in Afghanistan (He was our buddy, remember?), and if you don't think he's using everything he learned from us to his advantage, then respectfully, think again. He turned around and bit us right in the ass.......


Redworm, who started the conflict? What is your point?

You mean the conflict with Al Queda? Our own government is equally as guilty as Osama himself.

Osama said himself he was "Quite Pleased with the attack on 911" It sounds like your leaning twords the blame America crowd. Religion or not Osama and ALL of his ilk need to be eliminated! America is a wonderful country, NOT to be compromised by Islam!
Of course he was pleased with it, just as people in this country were pleased when two Japanese cities were destroyed.

America is a wonderful country because Islam and other religions are free to exist here just as much as any other religion.


New member
Libs hate Christianity

Has anybody ever wondered why Islam is so accepted by the Left? The answer: Islam at its base is a religion committed to making the world their Muslim playground, eliminating the "infidel" (Christians and Jews primarily) and forcing the remainder into submission or acceptance. The Buddhist religion is harmless; they believe we should not step on ants, how political is that? How much of a threat to Islam? Hinduism is similar; they also believe in reincarnation, how dangerous is that? The leaders of these religions claim to have been 'enlightened' people, (not God), which is possible, but the reason Muslims are supposed to kill the "infidel" is because the leaders of their religions claim to be God, and they do not want that because since there can only be ONE God, they want it to be theirs. Back to the question I posed: the reason the Left is so accepting of Islam is because they are devoted to wiping out Christianity entirely. If you look at history, Islam and Christianity have always been at loggerheads with the other because of core belief differences. The Crusades were launched to boot the Muslims out of Jerusalem. Why were they in Jerusalem? Because that is the cornerstone city of the Christian and Jewish faiths. They knew that if they controlled Jerusalem it would be a great psychological bargaining chip in the giant poker game of religion. Now, I am not condoning how the Crusaders went about their quests by any means, but I am saying that they knew the power of controlling Jerusalem and they did not want it to be in control of Islam. Back to the Libs; the Libs hate Christianity because as the core belief man is a fallen being unable to save himself, which is why there was a Savior (Jesus). The Libs can't stand the idea that man is dependant on someone else for salvation. The core belief of Liberalism is humanism which says that man is the end all. Christianity says that there is a God and if you piss Him off, he gets mad, really mad. Now, both religions, Christianity and Islam, stress good works (for different reasons), and being nice to people. The Christian religion says to do works to glorify your father in Heaven. Islam says to do works (jihad against the 'infidel' is included) so you get free sex when you get to 'Heaven' (7 virgins). So one thing that doesn't make sense to me about Islam is, why lead a 'righteous' life on earth only to have adulterous sex in the afterlife? Sounds like a double standard to me. Christianity on the other hand is morally pure throughout: sex on earth only in marriage (like Islam) but none in Heaven as it may interfere with worshipping God. Here is another reason Libs don't like Christanity: sex out of marriage is not allowed, and that is against their agenda. Who says we are past the free love movement? It is still happening! Libs are friendly to any religion that is tolerant (their definition) of others (except Christianity), and when the 'tolerance' is reciprocal, but only when they are not forbidden to have fun. Christians are not 'tolerant' because they condemn gay activities, and preach "sex is fine, just keep inside marriage (one man and one woman, forever) and with who you are married (see previous) to". I know I did not go into exhaustive comparison, but this is basically why Islam will never be happy as long as Christianity exists. My $0.02


Christianity on the other hand is morally pure throughout:
And there are many Muslims who would say the same of Islam yet claim that Christianity is immoral, impure, and evil. Just because one religion finds something immoral or moral does not give the followers of that religion the authority to dictate their values on others.

Opinions are like armpits...


New member
Let's see, USA in 200 years goes from sticks and stones to super computers, most advanced medical system, and space travel! The middle east, thousands of years
and still cutting each others heads off, they have advanced to explosives and suicidal attacks.

Redworm your point is still unclear. Either way America and christianity have come much much farther than Islam. Maybe not to liberal idealoges, but in reality.

model 25

New member
Redworm is obviously one of the hate America people who believes that everything is Americas fault.(no offense ment here) Yet the Muslim religion predates America and the hatred of those who are fanatical in that religion has been there stiking out as they see fit. Short sited history is a failing of liberals because they don't understand the conservative principles of knowing where you came from and how you got there.

We are not the cause of fanatical hatred by some Muslims we are the target. Even the least know that if you look weak the evil will try to kill you and the liberals under Clinton made us look weak. By weak I mean of the "soul". Religous fanatics see weakness in non commital to beliefs.

I spent some time talking to a few Iraqis while I was in Iraq. Doesn't make me an expert of course but at least I ask them what they believe. One of the things that struck me was that all the technology we have and all the western culture that we have produced as consumers doesn't mean to them what it does to us. They have a different view of life and it isn't Walmart and Burger King.

Their view has been passed down for centuries and addresses their life. They have some good qualities that America has long lost and some bad qualities that threaten the whole world. We need to win the fight then figure out what to do.



New member
It is Muslim Tradition to warn your enemy of your intended impending attack...

It is also traditional to offer a negotiated truce...

Bin Laden is doing this as propaganda, to curry the favor of his "Believers" who have been told he is dishonorable because he goes against the Koran in killing unarmed women and children and old people.


New member
Let's see, USA in 200 years goes from sticks and stones to super computers, most advanced medical system, and space travel! The middle east, thousands of years
and still cutting each others heads off, they have advanced to explosives and suicidal attacks.

Redworm your point is still unclear. Either way America and christianity have come much much farther than Islam. Maybe not to liberal idealoges, but in reality.

Many if not most computers are developed in S Asia. While we have the medical technology, we also have the highest rate per capita of uninsured. Ussr beat us to space (but I'll give you the moon.)

Oh; have you been to South LA?

Not sure what Christianity has to do with all this...


Redworm is obviously one of the hate America people who believes that everything is Americas fault.

Yeah, you're wrong. :)

Short sited history is a failing of liberals because they don't understand the conservative principles of knowing where you came from and how you got there.
And short sightedness is also a failing of conservatives who care more about "where you came from and how you got there" than "where you're going and how you're going to get there".

We are not the cause of fanatical hatred by some Muslims we are the target.
I never said that everything is America's fault but it's just as blindly ridiculous to think that nothing is America's fault.

Not sure what Christianity has to do with all this...
Nothing. I don't really know where his argument was going but Christianity is not responsible for computers, medical technology, and space travel. Those are all primarily products of science.


New member
USSR...... oh, did'nt they collapse?
No I have not been to south LA, what does that have to do with??
The USA is the worlds tecnology LEADER. South Asia assembles computers that we invent.........

I'd like to mention Palistine, they just elected HAMAS the TERRORIST group to run the country. That's advancment.

IRAN has a real stable fella running the show too. It will get very interesting.
And liberals will blame it on America.


New member
USSR...... oh, did'nt they collapse?
No I have not been to south LA, what does that have to do with??
The USA is the worlds tecnology LEADER. South Asia assembles computers that we invent.........

I'd like to mention Palistine, they just elected HAMAS the TERRORIST group to run the country. That's advancment.

IRAN has a real stable fella running the show too. It will get very interesting.
And liberals will blame it on America.

Don't forget Kim from N Korea.........

What does Christianity have to do with any of this?


New member
Redworm was making short sited remarks about christians, so I responded. No offense redworm. Yep old kim joigundung Ill and Iran are competing for the AXIS of EVIL award.


I don't believe I was the first person to bring up Christianity in this thread; I think I myself was responding to comments on it as well as short sighted comments on Islam. It's an unavoidable subject because a jihad is, by definition, a holy war. But my point is that neither christians nor muslims can claim the high horse.


New member
It's an unavoidable subject because a jihad is, by definition, a holy war.

Is it holy because Muslims are in the war; or are Muslims in the war because it is holy? What percentage of Muslims are engaged in this jihad (if you'd hazzard a guess?)

This is not about religion IMO. It's about power.


New member
Either way, they attacked us. And have paid and should continue to pay a very heavy price until they call of thier stupid jihad!


Is it holy because Muslims are in the war; or are Muslims in the war because it is holy? What percentage of Muslims are engaged in this jihad (if you'd hazzard a guess?)

This is not about religion IMO. It's about power.

It's a holy war because that's what they're calling it. :confused: I've no clue how many Muslims believe in this cause but I imagine it's a very slim percentage considering there are over a billion Muslims in the world. I'm just saying that Al-Queda calls it a jihad and thus they (and by "they" I specifically mean AQ, not Muslims) obviously consider it a holy war.

It is about power but I've always seen religion as nothing more than an covert method of attaining more power.

Either way, they attacked us. And have paid and should continue to pay a very heavy price until they call of thier stupid jihad!

Do you honestly believe that the attack came out of nowhere? That it was completely unprompted by American actions?


New member
No! The attacks came from hateful, terrorists, who enjoy blowing up women and kids. Osama claims to be of the religion of peace, yet just told us he has more death and distruction planned for America. I don't see your muslum crowd trying to stop it.


:confused: "No" you don't believe that the attacks were unprompted or "No" you believe that America did absolutely nothing to cause the problem?

who enjoy blowing up women and kids.
How did you arrive at this conclusion?

I don't see your muslum crowd trying to stop it.

My muslim crowd? Stop it how? I'm sure you realize that religious leaders do not speak for all members of a religion nor are they able to control extremists.


New member
No on both. How do I know they kill women and chidren with joy? Because they have stated they love to see American's on fire, with street's ablaze and our sense of security gone. The other answer is easy, they already have killed women, little kids, and men with joy. They love to hate America. Again, Osama just promised another round of death too America. He told us he was quite pleased with 911! That says it all>