Bin Laden wants to negotiate !!!

model 25

New member
Bin Ladin gives ammo to the Democrats in an effort to stop the war. He knows the demo hate Bush so he offers a truce the demos can jump on to say Bush needs to pull out. Watch and see:)

Ever notice how history repeats itself? There are alot of similarities between the tribes that used to waunder America and the tribes of the different Muslim groops. Some can be civilized and some are Apache like that live a guerilla war. There are many more similarities in the times.



New member
Agreed, 25... But we should remember there are also many things that are different.

Our own terms, for example, which he has been ignoring for so long: Turn yourself in and be tried and executed as a terrorist and murderer, to be burried in some unhonored plot of ground countless miles from your home - or be spattered into a mass of goo and thousands of unrecognizeable particles whereever you may be sitting when the missiles or shells finally find you.

Oh wait - he's chosen the later. Time already for us to fullfil the deal! ;)


Ever notice how history repeats itself? There are alot of similarities between the tribes that used to waunder America and the tribes of the different Muslim groops. Some can be civilized and some are Apache like that live a guerilla war. There are many more similarities in the times.
Well, maybe we can "civilize" this group with some more diseased blankets?

Gary Conner

New member

"Peace through compromise sounds a lot better to me than peace through superior firepower."

Compromise may sound better, but it does not win wars. Defeating your enemy is what wins a war. There will be no peace in this war without total victory because the enemy we are fighting, are religious fanatics.


New member
To him as in the past "truce" means we leave him alone long enough to rearm and re-equip so that he can attack later. Another religous duty as they take it and completely known as a tactic not a "truce" as we understand the term.

Sides the guy on the tape sounded enough (Demo talking points - polls- devided country etc) like Murtha or Howard Dean to be their twin anyway. Photo shop a photo of Dean's face onto the tape and therre ya go....


New member
Here is my guess:

BL no longer has the power (if in fact he ever did) to cause a truce to happen. I don't see all the Muslim terrorists going "aw shucks it's over" cause BL called the game off. They all have way too much invested in this now.

He also knows his enemy (us) well enough to know that we aren't going to accept terms of surrender from him. So he takes absolutely no risks by his tape.

What does he gain by this tape:

1. He lets the world know that he is still alive, somewhere.
2. He gains the ability to say to the Muslim world that he offered us peace and we refused, so the war is on us and not on the Muslim world. That will be important to many of them.
3. He loses nothing except the $3.50 the tape cost.


New member
The tape didn't cost him $3.50. he probably stole it. And besides, at the rate we are going. we will be out of Iraq soon anyways. I hear there is a party next door that needs busting. We were really just making a pitstop.



New member
It is absolutely rediculous to think negotiating with a terrorist will accomplish anything at all. He basically opened his 'offer' for truce with threats of violence against us if we didn't agree. We need to step things up a bit and go for the big bang. Show them we don't take well to threats, or negotiate with cowardly, scumbag, terrorists.

How quickly some people forget the completely innocent lives of american citizens, and rescue personnel that were ended by this man's word....and you would trust that word now?

Chris Phelps

New member
It doesn't matter how many people have been killed in the past, only that they're not doing it anymore.

Tell that to the people in Ireland, who have been fighting a religious war for more than 200 years. Religion will always draw small groups of people who take the written word way too far, resulting in war and death. Christianity is no exception.

As for the surrender... My first reaction is "its not genuine." It isnt even a truce, its an ultimatum. Truce, or else...

I say stick to the origional plans and finish the job.


Tell that to the people in Ireland, who have been fighting a religious war for more than 200 years. Religion will always draw small groups of people who take the written word way too far, resulting in war and death. Christianity is no exception.

No doubt but bible thumpers tend to have that "Nyah nyah nyah, I can't hear you!" attitude when someone suggests that their religion is no more or less peaceful than Islam.

We need to step things up a bit and go for the big bang.

Metaphorically or literally?


New member
I doubt bin laden is even alive,he keeps popping up like some ridiculous boogyman..the tapes could have been made many months or years ago.any attack wouldnt do anything but garner more resolve and support to keep minimalizing his followers, where ever they may why now?why are these tapes released now?

I doubt there will be any negotiations... more along the lines of continuing to hunt down his followers. 9/11 still burns in alot of memories.

Gary Conner

New member
Quote from Redworm: "So what happens when both sides are religious fanatics?"

Total Red Herring argument. The United States is not composed of an entire populace of religious fanatics. Al Queda is.


New member
no way

negotiate? OK you surrender and we will not kill you. NO!!we must not negotiate with terrorist. to negotiate with Bin Laden would mean we accept what he does. (Kill alot of innocent people) Some may say we have killed innocent people with our attacks. This is true but our goal is to free innocent people and provide them with a choice. There will always be civilian casualties in any war. Bin Laden and other terriost just want to kill innocent people because he racist to anyway of life that is not like theirs, and he enjoys to do it. Terrorist are not just one color or race of people, therefore anyone who is different from them can and eventually will suffer from terrorism. Their will always be terrorist of some sort, but we should not negotiate with them for peace or eventually they will be the only ones with freedom and peace.

Just thinking, if we could sucker them into negotiating in person. BOOM!!!! One less terriost leader


Quote from Redworm: "So what happens when both sides are religious fanatics?"

Total Red Herring argument. The United States is not composed of an entire populace of religious fanatics. Al Queda is.

That wasn't the argument. I'm genuinely curious as to how a conflict would be percieved if it was indeed being fought by two religious fanatics, as many conflicts have been in the past.

Though while the United States is not composed of an entire populace of religious fanatics it'd be real easy to argue that many of the people in charge of the conflict are quite close.