Bin Laden wants to negotiate !!!


New member
The correct interpretation is all non-believers must be CONVERTED to Islam or be can take this literally or spritually...however the Koran also mentions that non-believers must have their heads removed from their bodies, so you decide.

Another theologian

Nope just took Middle Eastern Studies course in college. Even though I'm Catholic, I never read to bible from cover to cover..but I did read the Koran cover to cover...a boring read, (like the bible) but some interesting stuff. But Its just like the bible, not every christian or Jew would stone a sinner and not every Muslim would kill a non believer, but a few wacko can take stuff literally.


New member
+1 for is weird, Bin laden always had demands (example US forces must leave the Arabian peninsula) and never wanted to make compromises. If Bush calls him out, and says "If YOU Bin Laden, surrender we will talk about stopping this war" how would his foot soldiers and bodyguards react to it if he says NO WAY...Wait we had guys blow themselves up and your afraid to get arrested...Even if Bush has no intention of dealing with al Qaeda he should at least make the comment and see what happens, Remember the Taliban ran Afghanistan and did not want him to do 9/11 and now look at them. Bin Laden might be found dead somewhere, killed by his own people.


Some points to consider Redworm. I agree - so the next group of Christian fanatics who declare war on my country and our life styles, who state and plot to murder us all, and commit an attack where I have to get the DNA off my kid's toothrush so i can identify what's left of her in some smoking stinking pile of rubble, I will also support them getting brought to justice too (eternal justice I hope - preferably via some serious US hardware). They too can burn in hell.

Goodie gumdrops, I completely agree. But then those Christian fanatics don't represent the Christian faith, do they?

I doubt anyone will have in their sig. :p


New member
Beheading passages

God revealed His will to the angels, saying: "I shall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers." (Sura 8, Verse 12)

and also

"When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads." (Sura 47, Verse 4)


New member
Exactly Red!

Which is why we have to remain ever vigilant, and ever prepared in mind AND capability to strike those heathen SOBs before they strike us!...who ever "they" are.

As GW explained, we just can't take the chance to sit back and do nothing anymore...history hs shown how ineffective that is....the evidence says "go" - we go!


New member
I don't think he wants a truce in the traditional sense of the word, I think he's just saying they want to stop disrupting Iraq and Afghanistan and focus on blowing us up in the US.


New member
Sounds to me like he is finally admitting that we are hurting him -- bad -- over there. He has repeatedly claimed that he is going to hit us over here, but hasn't done so since 9-11, so why should this claim be any different. What is different is that he is offering a so-called "truce" -- obviously aimed at the "useful idiots" here, just to get their hopes up and to make them that much more shrill. Also keep in mind that the reasoning for such a truce is to allow for him to be able to replenish, regroup and recruit.

Always keep in mind that such saber rattling combined with offers of conditional truce are sure signs that the offensive is WORKING. And that the correct response is to demand unconditional surrender while pressing the attack that much harder.

More. Faster. Keep it up, guys!!!


New member
Well I guess this answers my question.

Honestly I think it's dumb....I rather put Bin Laden in a "pickle" by saying, here is our demands for a truce, and giving him a demand that would force him to surrender and Al Qaeda to disband...something that they would probably never agree to anyway, instead of saying we don't deal and letting this war drag on further. Again no compromise, just a flat out surrender invitation for al Qaeda, what harm would it do. Make the US and Bush look better when Bin Laden says "no way".


Moderator Emeritus
My thanks to those of you who have kept your comments to the political and strategic aspects of this issue and refrained from making comments regarding religion. Let's keep it up and keep this thread open. :)



New member
All Muslims are Muslims...

Sunnis are Sunnis and Shias are Shias

only 15% of muslims live in the middle east/Arabs.

you do have progressive muslims who realize that Islam must go though a reformation to get into the 21st century. They write books and have websites..

they dont make the headlines like the Jihadists do.

Not every muslim in the world is dedicated to wiping us out.

The Jihadists would have us believe this so we can go crazy and start the big one with billions of muslims.


New member
From what I understand as we got the to see the wires when they were 9 minutes old that Bin Laden has proposed a truce in exchange for our withdrawal from Iraq.

What this amounts to is a threat, you dont talk we attack you within the United States.

Al Qaeda is dedicated to the overthrow of western civilization and the establishment of a Caliphate (fundmentalist islamic superstate) as in the early days of Islam when you look at the bigger picture.

the only answer we should send him and his ilk is another guided missle to take out more of his leadership. I am sorry that other folks were killed at the site...I make it a practice not to hang where the wrong crowd does so if something goes down I see it on the news and I am not a participant.


Talking Dead Men?

UBL died from kidney failure over a year ago and is buried in Afganistan, was it that long ago when folks questioned authority?


New member
I think most of us can agree that not all Muslims fanatics
But can't we also agree that all followers of BL are.

And aren't we talking about those followers of BL that literally interpret their book as meaning that infidels should be killed.

And someone correct me if I'm wrong, because I have only heard this, but doesn't the Koran forbid making agreements with Jews and infidels or at least put no expectation of honoring those agreements on believers in the faith.

And would not those fanatical followers of BL be the type that would honor that rule of the Koran, if it does exist.

I wouldn't trust this truce any more than I would trust a Christian zealot to serve cookies and koolade at a pro abortion rally


New member
Agreed. I can't speak to a single group, be it religious, race, creed, color, or bowling league which is "always" this or that.

However, with Bin Laden, the alleged author of the crime of this young century so far, I really have my doubts. As in warning flags all over the place.
3000 Americans dead and he suddenly wants to be nice?

Fine-what's in it for us? How about the names and locations of every scumbag who ever went through your training camps, the names of everyone/group who ever supported you by word, association or deed, and the locations of all your weapons and explosives world wide.

As usual with a murdering thug, he sends his troops out but won't get his hands dirty, and thinks there is negotiable territory somewhere.

Binny-ya shouldn't play lawn darts with people who have J-DAMS and a lot of special forces in the first place. You should have never elected to receive!


Binny-ya shouldn't play lawn darts with people who have J-DAMS and a lot of special forces in the first place. You should have never elected to receive!

Yep. Too bad we didn't go after him *in earnest* will the full brunt of our might & intelligence, instead of diverting crucial resources to an unneeded war in that other place near Afghanistan. If we had (if GWB had), then we'd be peeing on OBL's grave rather than listening to him still issuing statements. The former would make me happier.


New member
Do you guys think their will be an attack on US soil, and if so what. Personally I think al Qaeda is weak, however I still think they will try something big. Perhaps multiple suicide bombing in US cities or perhaps some bio or chemical attack. I doubt if al Qaeda has nukes, but you never know. The fact that Bin laden is offering a truce concerns me, is he really trying to cut a deal or is he trying to save face with the rest of the Islamic world when he pull a horrorendous attack against the US.


New member
The cells could already be in place just waiting for the word.

They atacked the WTC once and failed and then came back and finished what they started on 9/11. Possible targets could be the White House which was a target on 9/11 or the capitol in DC.

Super Bowl- lots of TV coverage, lots of viewers, which is what they like.

would be two of the possible targets.


Yet here we are, 5 years later, and the cells are still apparently out for ice cream.

Are we being attacked on the "once a decade" plan?