.308 is a sissy round!


New member
...maybe because those links were posted in 2006..........? I gotta start pating closer attention. Anyway, gunshop guy was probably trying to pull OP's leg.

Yankee Doodle

New member
Thay lithen.
I would be more than happy to take my sissy .308 F Class rifle and give that gunshop idiot a lesson in just what this sissy round is capable of.
As long as I can continue to shoot reasonable groups out to 800 yards, I am more than happy to be called a sissy.
Ah well, I guess you can't legislate against stupidity. However, stupid should hurt.


"You can't fix stupid!":D
Since the 7.62 x 54R, 7.5 x 55 Swiss, 8mm, .308, and 30-06 all have ballistics about the same as the .308, and, put together, are pretty much responsible for the majority of killing done in world wars, with rifles, and many machine guns, and wars, by the human race, one can only conclude that this is a Supreme, High Pubar, Fubared stupid idiot, that there is truly no hope for...
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